- TurboGears - Deployment
- TurboGears - Restful Applications
- TurboGears - Pluggable Applications
- TurboGears - Writing Extensions
- TurboGears - Hooks
- TurboGears - Scaffolding
- TurboGears - Using MongoDB
- Authorization & Authentication
- TurboGears - Admin Access
- TurboGears - Pagination
- TurboGears - DataGrid
- TurboGears - Crud Operations
- TurboGears - Creating Models
- TurboGears - Sqlalchemy
- TurboGears - Caching
- TurboGears - Cookies and Sessions
- TurboGears - Flash Messages
- TurboGears - Validation
- TurboGears - Toscawidgets Forms
- TurboGears - URL Hierarchy
- TurboGears - JSON Rendering
- TurboGears - Includes
- Genshi Template Language
- TurboGears - HTTP Methods
- TurboGears - Serving Templates
- TurboGears - Dependencies
- TurboGears - First Program
- TurboGears - Environment
- TurboGears - Overview
- TurboGears - Home
TurboGears Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
TurboGears - Environment
Python 2.6 or higher. Earper versions of TurboGears were not comppant with Python 3.X. Latest version claims to work well on Python 3.X. However, official documentation of TurboGears is still based on Python 2.7 environment.
The following command installs virtualenv −
pip install virtualenv
This command needs administrator privileges. Add sudo before pip on Linux/Mac OS. If you are on Windows, log in as Administrator. On Ubuntu virtualenv may be installed using its package manager.
Sudo apt-get install virtualenv
Once installed, the new virtual environment is created in a folder.
mkdir newproj cd newproj virtualenv venv
To activate corresponding environment, on Linux/OS X
on Windows
We are now ready to install TurboGears in this environment. A minimal installation of TurboGears is done by following command −
pip install TurboGears2
The above command can be run directly without virtual environment for system wide installation.
To install TurboGears along with development tools, use following command −
pip install tg.devtoolsAdvertisements