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Prototype - Quick Guide
  • 时间:2025-03-08

Prototype - Quick Guide

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Prototype - Overview

What is Prototype ?

Prototype is a JavaScript Framework that aims to ease the development of dynamic web apppcations. Prototype was developed by Sam Stephenson.

Prototype is a JavaScript pbrary, which enables you to manipulate DOM in a very easy and fun way that is also safe (cross-browser).

Scriptaculous and other pbraries, such as Rico are build on Prototype s foundations to create widgets and other end-user stuff.


    Extends DOM elements and built-in types with useful methods.

    Has built-in support for class-style OOP including inheritance.

    Has advanced support for event management.

    Has powerful Ajax features.

    Is not a complete apppcation development framework.

    Does not provide widgets or a full set of standard algorithms or I/O systems.

How to Install Prototype?

Prototype is distributed as a single file called prototype.js. Follow the below mentioned steps to setup the prototype pbrary −

    Go to the download page (http://prototypejs.org/download/) to grab the latest version in a convenient package.

    Now, put prototype.js file in a directory of your website, e.g. /javascript.

You are now ready to use the powerful Prototype framework in your web pages.

How to Use Prototype Library?

Now, you can include the Prototype script as follows −

      <title>Prototype examples</title> 
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "/javascript/prototype.js"></script>


Here is a simple example showing how you can use Prototype s $() function to get DOM elements in your JavaScript −

      <title>Prototype examples</title>
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "/javascript/prototype.js"></script>
         function test() {
            node = $("firstDiv");

      <span id = "firstDiv">
         <p>This is first paragraph</p> 
      <span id = "secondDiv">
         <p>This is another paragraph</p>
      <input type = "button" value = "Test $()" oncpck = "test();"/>
