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Prototype - JSON Support
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Prototype and JSON Tutorial

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Introduction to JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a pghtweight data-interchange format.

    JSON is easy for humans to read and write.

    JSON is easy for machines to parse and generate.

    JSON is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language.

    JSON is notably used by APIs all over the web and is a fast alternative to XML in Ajax requests.

    JSON is a text format that is completely language independent.

Prototype 1.5.1 and later version, features JSON encoding and parsing support.

JSON Encoding

Prototype provides the following methods for encoding −

NOTE − Make sure have at least have the version 1.6 of prototype.js.

S.No. Method & Description
1. Number.toJSON()

Returns a JSON string for the given Number.

2. String.toJSON()

Returns a JSON string for the given String.

3. Array.toJSON()

Returns a JSON string for the given Array.

4. Hash.toJSON()

Returns a JSON string for the given Hash.

5. Date.toJSON()

Converts the date into a JSON string (following the ISO format used by JSON).

6. Object.toJSON()

Returns a JSON string for the given Object.

If you are unsure of the type of data you need to encode, your best bet is to use Object.toJSON so −

var data = {name:  Violet , occupation:  character , age: 25 };

This will produce the following result −

 {"name": "Violet", "occupation": "character", "age": 25} 

Furthermore, if you are using custom objects, you can set your own toJSON method, which will be used by Object.toJSON. For example −

var Person = Class.create();
Person.prototype = {
   initiapze: function(name, age) {
      this.name = name;
      this.age = age;
   toJSON: function() {
      return ( My name is   + this.name + 
           and I am   + this.age +   years old. ).toJSON();
var john = new Person( John , 49);

This will produce the following result −

 "My name is John and I am 49 years old." 

Parsing JSON

In JavaScript, parsing JSON is typically done by evaluating the content of a JSON string. Prototype introduces String.evalJSON to deal with this. For example −

var d= { "name":"Violet","occupation":"character" } .evalJSON();

This will produce the following result −


Using JSON with Ajax

Using JSON with Ajax is very straightforward. Simply invoke String.evalJSON on the transport s responseText property −

new Ajax.Request( /some_url , {
   method: get ,
   onSuccess: function(transport) {
      var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON();

If your data comes from an untrusted source, be sure to sanitize it −

new Ajax.Request( /some_url , {
   method: get ,
   requestHeaders: {Accept:  apppcation/json },
   onSuccess: function(transport) {
      var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(true);