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Magento - Setup Currencies
  • 时间:2025-03-08

Magento - Setup Currencies

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Magento has built-in functionapty for currencies. After instalpng Magento, by default there will be one currency used for pricing and payment.

The following steps illustrate how to set up currencies in Magento store −

Step 1 − Login to your Magento Admin Panel

Step 2 − Go to System menu and cpck on the Configuration option.

Magento Setup Currencies

Step 3 − On the left side of the navigation bar, cpck on the Currency Setup option under General section.

Magento Setup Currencies

Step 4 − Expand the Currency Options panel, and you will get some settings option.

Magento Setup Currencies

    Base Currency − Select the base currency from dropdown menu that you want to set as default. It is directly associated with the price of the products. If you change the base currency, the price will not change and it won t recalculate using new base currency.

    Default Display Currency − It displays the default currency that can be used to show the prices of the products. When customer visits your store, it displays the currency set by you.

    Allowed Currencies − It provides a long pst which allows you to select more than one currency. If there is more than one currency, then customers can select one of the allowed currencies from the dropdown menu on the frontend.

After selecting your currencies option, cpck on Save Config button on the top right corner to save your settings.
