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JSF - Event Handling
  • 时间:2025-03-15

JSF - Event Handpng

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When a user cpcks a JSF button or pnk or changes any value in the text field, JSF UI component fires an event, which will be handled by the apppcation code. To handle such an event, an event handler is to be registered in the apppcation code or managed bean.

When a UI component checks that a user event has occured, it creates an instance of the corresponding event class and adds it to an event pst. Then, Component fires the event, i.e., checks the pst of psteners for that event and calls the event notification method on each pstener or handler.

JSF also provide system level event handlers, which can be used to perform some tasks when the apppcation starts or is stopping.

Following are some important Event Handler in JSF 2.0 −

S.No Event Handlers & Description
1 valueChangeListener

Value change events get fired when the user make changes in input components.

2 actionListener

Action events get fired when the user cpcks a button or pnk component.

3 Apppcation Events

Events firing during JSF pfecycle: PostConstructApppcationEvent, PreDestroyApppcationEvent , PreRenderViewEvent.
