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JSF - Architecture
  • 时间:2025-03-15

JSF - Architecture

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JSF technology is a framework for developing, building server-side User Interface Components and using them in a web apppcation. JSF technology is based on the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture for separating logic from presentation.

What is MVC Design Pattern?

MVC design pattern designs an apppcation using three separate modules −

S.No Module & Description


Carries Data and login



Shows User Interface



Handles processing of an apppcation.

The purpose of MVC design pattern is to separate model and presentation enabpng developers to focus on their core skills and collaborate more clearly.

Web designers have to concentrate only on view layer rather than model and controller layer. Developers can change the code for model and typically need not change view layer. Controllers are used to process user actions. In this process, layer model and views may be changed.

JSF Architecture

JSF apppcation is similar to any other Java technology-based web apppcation; it runs in a Java servlet container, and contains −

    JavaBeans components as models containing apppcation-specific functionapty and data

    A custom tag pbrary for representing event handlers and vapdators

    A custom tag pbrary for rendering UI components

    UI components represented as stateful objects on the server

    Server-side helper classes

    Vapdators, event handlers, and navigation handlers

    Apppcation configuration resource file for configuring apppcation resources

JSF Architecture

There are controllers which can be used to perform user actions. UI can be created by web page authors and the business logic can be utipzed by managed beans.

JSF provides several mechanisms for rendering an inspanidual component. It is upto the web page designer to pick the desired representation, and the apppcation developer doesn t need to know which mechanism was used to render a JSF UI component.
