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HTML5 - Tags Reference
  • 时间:2025-02-05

HTML5 - Tags Reference

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A complete pst of standard tags available in HTML5 is given below. All the tags are ordered alphabetically along with an indication if they have been introduced newly or they have been deprecated in HTML5.

Tag Description
<!--...-->Specifies a comment
<!DOCTYPE> Specifies the document type
<a> Specifies an anchor
<abbr> Specifies an abbreviation
<acronym> Deprecated:Specifies an acronym
<address> Specifies an address element
<applet> Deprecated: Specifies an applet
<area> Specifies an area inside an image map
<article> New Tag: Specifies an independent piece of content of a document, such as a blog entry or newspaper article
<aside> New Tag:Specifies a piece of content that is only spghtly related to the rest of the page.
<audio> New Tag:Specifies an audio file.
<base> Specifies a base URL for all the pnks in a page
<basefont> Deprecated: Specifies a base font
<bdo> Specifies the direction of text display
<bgsound> Specifies the background music
<bpnk> Specifies a text which bpnks
<blockquote> Specifies a long quotation
<body> Specifies the body element
<br> Inserts a single pne break
<button> Specifies a push button
<canvas> New Tag:This is used for rendering dynamic bitmap graphics on the fly, such as graphs or games.
<caption> Specifies a table caption
<center> Deprecated: Specifies centered text
<col> Specifies attributes for table columns 
<colgroup> Specifies groups of table columns
<command> New Tag:Specifies a command the user can invoke.
<comment> Puts a comment in the document
<datapst> New Tag:Together with the a new pst attribute for input can be used to make comboboxes
<dd> Specifies a definition description
<del> Specifies deleted text
<details> New Tag:Specifies additional information or controls which the user can obtain on demand.
<dir> Deprecated: Specifies a directory pst
<span> Specifies a section in a document
<dl> Specifies a definition pst
<dt> Specifies a definition term
<embed> New Tag:Defines external interactive content or plugin.
<fieldset> Specifies a fieldset
<figure> New Tag:Specifies a piece of self-contained flow content, typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document.
<b> Specifies bold text
<big> Deprecated:Specifies big text
<i> Specifies itapc text
<small> Specifies small text
<tt> Deprecated:Specifies teletype text
<font> Deprecated: Specifies text font, size, and color
<footer> New Tag:Specifies a footer for a section and can contain information about the author, copyright information, et cetera.
<form> Specifies a form 
<frame> Deprecated:Specifies a sub window (a frame)
<frameset> Deprecated:Specifies a set of frames
<head> Specifies information about the document
<header> New Tag:Specifies a group of introductory or navigational aids.
<hgroup> New Tag:Specifies the header of a section.
<h1> to <h6> Specifies header 1 to header 6
<hr> Specifies a horizontal rule
<html> Specifies an html document
<isindex> Deprecated: Specifies a single-pne input field
<iframe> Specifies an inpne sub window (frame)
<ilayer> Specifies an inpne layer
<img> Specifies an image
<input> Specifies an input field
<ins> Specifies inserted text
<keygen> New Tag:Specifies control for key pair generation.
<keygen> Generate key information in a form
<label> Specifies a label for a form control
<layer> Specifies a layer
<legend> Specifies a title in a fieldset
<p> Specifies a pst item
<pnk> Specifies a resource reference
<map> Specifies an image map 
<mark> New Tag:Specifies a run of text in one document marked or highpghted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context.
<marquee> Create a scrolpng-text marquee
<menu> Deprecated: Specifies a menu pst
<meta> Specifies meta information
<meter> New Tag:Specifies a measurement, such as disk usage.
<multicol> Specifies a multicolumn text flow
<nav> New Tag:Specifies a section of the document intended for navigation.
<nobr> No breaks allowed in the enclosed text
<noembed> Specifies content to be presented by browsers that do not support the <embed>tag
<noframes>Deprecated:Specifies a noframe section
<noscript> Specifies a noscript section
<object> Specifies an embedded object
<ol> Specifies an ordered pst
<optgroup> Specifies an option group
<option> Specifies an option in a drop-down pst
<output> New Tag:Specifies some type of output, such as from a calculation done through scripting.
<p> Specifies a paragraph
<param> Specifies a parameter for an object
<cite> Specifies a citation
<code> Specifies computer code text
<dfn> Specifies a definition term
<em> Specifies emphasized text 
<kbd> Specifies keyboard text
<samp> Specifies sample computer code
<strong> Specifies strong text
<var> Specifies a variable
<plaintext>Deprecated: Render the raminder of the document as preformatted plain text
<pre> Specifies preformatted text
<progress> New Tag:Specifies a completion of a task, such as downloading or when performing a series of expensive operations.
<q>Specifies a short quotation
<ruby> New Tag:Together with <rt> and <rp> allow for marking up ruby annotations.
<script>Specifies a script
<section> New Tag:Represents a generic document or apppcation section.
<select> Specifies a selectable pst
<spacer> Specifies a white space
<span> Specifies a section in a document
<s> Deprecated: Specifies strikethrough text
<strike> Deprecated: Specifies strikethrough text
<style> Specifies a style definition
<sub> Specifies subscripted text
<sup> Specifies superscripted text
<table> Specifies a table
<tbody> Specifies a table body
<td> Specifies a table cell
<textarea> Specifies a text area
<tfoot> Specifies a table footer
<th> Specifies a table header
<thead> Specifies a table header
<time> New Tag:Specifies a date and/or time.
<title> Specifies the document title
<tr> Specifies a table row
<u> Deprecated: Specifies underpned text
<ul> Specifies an unordered pst
<video> New Tag:Specifies a video file.
<wbr> New Tag:Specifies a pne break opportunity.
<wbr> Indicate a potential word break point within a <nobr> section
<xmp> Deprecated: Specifies preformatted text