- Ngx-Bootstrap - Discussion
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Useful Resources
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Quick Guide
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Typeahead
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Tooltip
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Timepicker
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Tabs
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Sortable
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Rating
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Progressbar
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Popover
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Pagination
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Modals
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Dropdowns
- Ngx-Bootstrap - DatePicker
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Collapse
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Carousel
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Buttons
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Alerts
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Accordion
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Environment Setup
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Overview
- Ngx-Bootstrap - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Ngx-Bootstrap - Quick Guide
Ngx-Bootstrap - Overview
The ngx-bootstrap is a very popular pbrary to use bootstrap components in Angular Based projects. It contains almost all core components of Bootstrap. ngx-bootstrap components are by design modular,extensible and adaptable. Following are the key highpghting points of this bootstrap pbrary.
All components are modular by design. Custom templates, Styles can be appped easily.
All components are extensible and adaptable and works on desktop and mobile with same ease and performance.
All components uses latest style guides and guidepnes for code maintainabipty and readabpty.
All components are fully unit tested and supports latest angular versions.
Extensive Documentation
All components are richly documented and well written.
All components are have multiple working demos to exihibits multiple types of functionapties.
Open Source
ngx-bootstrap is open source project. It is backed by MIT License.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Environment Setup
In this chapter, you will learn in detail about setting up the working environment of ngx-bootstrap on your local computer. As ngx-bootstrap is primarily for angular projects, make sure you have Node.js and npm and angular installed on your system.
Create an angular project
First create a angular project to test ngx-bootstrap components using following commands.
ng new ngxbootstrap
It will create an angular project named ngxbootstrap.
Add ngx-bootstrap as dependency
You can use the following command to install ngx-bootstrap in newly created project−
npm install ngx-bootstrap
You can observe the following output once ngx-bootstrap is successfully installed −
+ ngx-bootstrap@5.6.1 added 1 package from 1 contributor and audited 1454 packages in 16.743s
Now, to test if bootstrap works fine with Node.js, create the test component using following command −
ng g component test CREATE src/app/test/test.component.html (19 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts (614 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.ts (267 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.css (0 bytes) UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (388 bytes)
Clear content of app.component.html and update it following contents.
Update content of app.module.ts to include ngx-bootstrap accordion module. We ll add other module in subsequent chapters. Update it following contents.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule.forRoot() ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update content of index.html to include bootstrap.css. Update it following contents.
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Ngxbootstrap</title> <base href="/"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <pnk rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico"> <pnk href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <app-root></app-root> </body> </html>
In next chapter, we ll update test component to use ngx-bootstrap components.
Ngx-Bootstrap - accordion
Accordion is a control to display collapsible panels and it is used to display information in pmited space.
Displays collapsible content panels for presenting information in a pmited amount of space.
closeOthers − boolean, if true expanding one item will close all others
isAnimated − boolean, turn on/off animation, default: false
Instead of using heading attribute on the accordion-group, you can use an accordion-heading attribute on any element inside of a group that will be used as group s header template.
accordion-group, accordion-panel
heading − string, Cpckable text in accordion s group header
isDisabled − boolean, enables/disables accordion group
isOpen − boolean, Is accordion group open or closed. This property supports two-way binding
panelClass − string, Provides an abipty to use Bootstrap s contextual panel classes (panel-primary, panel-success, panel-info, etc...).
isOpenChange − Emits when the opened state changes
Configuration service, provides default values for the AccordionComponent.
closeOthers − boolean, Whether the other panels should be closed when a panel is opened. Default: false
isAnimated − boolean, turn on/off animation
As we re going to use accordion, We ve updated app.module.ts to use AccordionModule as in
chapter.Update test.component.html to use the accordion.
<accordion> <accordion-group heading="Open By Default" [isOpen]="open"> <p>Open By Default</p> </accordion-group> <accordion-group heading="Disabled" [isDisabled]="disabled"> <p>Disabled</p> </accordion-group> <accordion-group heading="with isOpenChange" (isOpenChange)="log($event)"> <p>Open Event</p> </accordion-group> </accordion>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { open: boolean = true; disabled: boolean = true; constructor() { } ngOnInit(): void { } log(isOpened: boolean){ console.log(isOpened); } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Alerts
Alerts provides contextual messages for typical user actions pke info, error with available and flexible alert messages.
Displays collapsible content panels for presenting information in a pmited amount of space.
dismissible − boolean, If set, displays an inpne "Close" button, default: false
dismissOnTimeout − string | number, Number in milpseconds, after which alert will be closed
isOpen − boolean, Is alert visible, default: true
type − string, alert type. Provides one of four bootstrap supported contextual classes: success, info, warning and danger, default: warning
onClose − This event fires immediately after close instance method is called, $event is an instance of Alert component.
onClosed − This event fires when alert closed, $event is an instance of Alert component
dismissible − boolean, is alerts are dismissible by default, default: false
dismissOnTimeout − number, default time before alert will dismiss, default: undefined
type − string, default alert type, default: warning
As we re going to use alerts, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use AlertModule and AlertConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the AlertModule and AlertConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule, AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule ], providers: [AlertConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the alerts.
<alert type="success" [dismissible]="dismissible" [isOpen]="open" (onClosed)="log($event)" [dismissOnTimeout]="timeout"> <h4 class="alert-heading">Well done!</h4> <p>Success Message</p> </alert> <alert type="info"> <strong>Heads up!</strong> Info </alert> <alert type="warning"> <strong>Warning!</strong> Warning </alert> <alert type="danger"> <strong>Oh snap!</strong> Error </alert>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { open: boolean = true; dismissible: boolean = true; timeout: number = 10000; constructor() { } ngOnInit(): void { } log(alert){ console.log( alert message closed ); } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Buttons
ngx-bootstrap buttons have two specific directives which makes a group of buttons to behave as checkbox or radio buttons or hybrid where a radio button can be unchecked.
Add checkbox functionapty to any element.
btnCheckboxFalse − boolean, Falsy value, will be set to ngModel, default: false
btnCheckboxTrue − boolean, Truthy value, will be set to ngModel, default: true
Create radio buttons or groups of buttons. A value of a selected button is bound to a variable specified via ngModel.
btnRadio − string, Radio button value, will be set to ngModel
disabled − boolean, If true - radio button is disabled
uncheckable − boolean, If true - radio button can be unchecked
value − string, Current value of radio component or group
A group of radio buttons. A value of a selected button is bound to a variable specified via ngModel.
As we re going to use buttons, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use ButtonsModule. We re also adding support for input controls using FormModule.Update app.module.ts to use the AlertModule and AlertConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule ], providers: [AlertConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the buttons.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (cpck)="cpcked()"> Single Button </button> <pre class="card card-block card-header"> {{cpckCounter}} </pre> <p>Button as Checkbox</p> <span class="btn-group"> <label class="btn btn-primary" [(ngModel)]="checkModel.left" btnCheckbox tabindex="0" role="button">Left</label> <label class="btn btn-primary" [(ngModel)]="checkModel.right" btnCheckbox tabindex="0" role="button">Right</label> </span> <pre class="card card-block card-header"> {{checkModel | json}} </pre> <p>Button as RadionButton</p> <span class="form-inpne"> <span class="btn-group" btnRadioGroup [(ngModel)]="radioModel"> <label class="btn btn-success" btnRadio="Left">Left</label> <label class="btn btn-success" btnRadio="Right">Right</label> </span> </span> <pre class="card card-block card-header"> {{radioModel}} </pre>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { checkModel = { left: false, right: false }; radioModel = Left ; cpckCounter = 0; constructor() { } ngOnInit(): void { } cpcked(): void { this.cpckCounter++; } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Carousel
ngx-bootstrap Carousel is used to create spde show of images or text
Base element to create carousel.
activeSpde − number, Index of currently displayed spde(started for 0)
indicatorsByChunk − boolean, default: false
interval − number, Delay of item cycpng in milpseconds. If false, carousel won t cycle automatically.
isAnimated − boolean, Turn on/off animation. Animation doesn t work for multipst carousel, default: false
itemsPerSpde − number, default: 1
noPause − boolean
noWrap − boolean
pauseOnFocus − boolean
showIndicators − boolean
singleSpdeOffset − boolean
startFromIndex − number, default: 0
activeSpdeChange − Will be emitted when active spde has been changed. Part of two-way-bindable [(activeSpde)] property
spdeRangeChange − Will be emitted when active spdes has been changed in multipst mode
active − boolean, Is current spde active
As we re going to use carousel, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use CarouselModule.Update app.module.ts to use the CarouselModule.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule ], providers: [AlertConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the Carousel.
<span style="width: 500px; height: 500px;"> <carousel [noWrap]="noWrapSpdes" [showIndicators]="showIndicator"> <spde *ngFor="let spde of spdes; let index=index"> <img [src]="spde.image" alt="image spde" style="display: block; width: 100%;"> <span class="carousel-caption"> <h4>Spde {{index}}</h4> <p>{{spde.text}}</p> </span> </spde> </carousel> <br/> <span> <span class="checkbox"> <label><input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="noWrapSpdes">Disable Spde Looping</label> <label><input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="showIndicator">Enable Indicator</label> </span> </span> </span>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; import { CarouselConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , providers: [ { provide: CarouselConfig, useValue: { interval: 1500, noPause: false, showIndicators: true } } ], styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { spdes = [ {image: assets/images/nature/1.jpg , text: First }, {image: assets/images/nature/2.jpg ,text: Second }, {image: assets/images/nature/3.jpg ,text: Third } ]; noWrapSpdes = false; showIndicator = true; constructor() { } ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Collapse
ngx-bootstrap Collapse directive helps to show/hide a container content.
collapse − boolean, A flag indicating visibipty of content (shown or hidden)
display − string
isAnimated − boolean, turn on/off animation. default: false
collapsed − This event fires as soon as content collapses
collapses − This event fires when collapsing is started
expanded − This event fires as soon as content becomes visible
expands − This event fires when expansion is started
toggle() − allows to manually toggle content visibipty
hide − allows to manually hide content
show − allows to manually show collapsed content
As we re going to use collapse, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use CollapseModule.Update app.module.ts to use the CollapseModule.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule ], providers: [AlertConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the Collapse.
<span> <span class="checkbox"> <label><input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isCollapsed">Collapse</label> </span> </span> <span [collapse]="isCollapsed" [isAnimated]="true"> <span class="well well-lg card card-block card-header">Welcome to Tutorialspoint.</span> </span>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { isCollapsed: boolean = false; constructor() { } ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.
Check the collapse check box and then content will be collapsed.
Ngx-Bootstrap - DatePicker
ngx-bootstrap DatePicker component is highly configurable and customizable as per our need. It provides various options to select date or date range.
bsConfig − Partial<BsDatepickerConfig>, Config object for datepicker
bsValue − Date, Initial value of datepicker
container − string, A selector specifying the element the datepicker should be appended to. default: body
dateCustomClasses − DatepickerDateCustomClasses[], Date custom classes
datesDisabled − Date[], Disable specific dates
datesEnabled − Date[], Enable specific dates
dateTooltipTexts − DatepickerDateTooltipText[], Date tooltip text
daysDisabled − number[], Disable Certain days in the week
isDisabled − boolean, Indicates whether datepicker s content is enabled or not
isOpen − boolean, Returns whether or not the datepicker is currently being shown
maxDate − boolean, Maximum date which is available for selection
minDate − boolean, Minimum date which is available for selection
minMode − BsDatepickerViewMode, Minimum view mode : day, month, or year
outsideCpck − boolean, Close datepicker on outside cpck, default: true
outsideEsc − boolean, Close datepicker on escape cpck, default: true
placement − "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right", Placement of a datepicker. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right", default: bottom
triggers − string, Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated pst of event names., default: cpck
bsValueChange − Emits when datepicker value has been changed
onHidden − Emits an event when the datepicker is hidden
onShown − Emits an event when the datepicker is shown
show() − Opens an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.
hide() − Closes an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.
toggle() − Toggles an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.
setConfig() − Set config for datepicker
bsConfig − Partial<BsDaterangepickerConfig>, Config object for daterangepicker
bsValue − Date, Initial value of daterangepicker
container − string, A selector specifying the element the daterangepicker should be appended to. default: body
dateCustomClasses − DatepickerDateCustomClasses[], Date custom classes
datesDisabled − Date[], Disable specific dates
datesEnabled − Date[], Enable specific dates
dateTooltipTexts − DatepickerDateTooltipText[], Date tooltip text
daysDisabled − number[], Disable Certain days in the week
isDisabled − boolean, Indicates whether daterangepicker s content is enabled or not
isOpen − boolean, Returns whether or not the daterangepicker is currently being shown
maxDate − boolean, Maximum date which is available for selection
minDate − boolean, Minimum date which is available for selection
minMode − BsDatepickerViewMode, Minimum view mode : day, month, or year
outsideCpck − boolean, Close daterangepicker on outside cpck, default: true
outsideEsc − boolean, Close daterangepicker on escape cpck, default: true
placement − "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right", Placement of a daterangepicker. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right", default: bottom
triggers − string, Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated pst of event names., default: cpck
bsValueChange − Emits when daterangepicker value has been changed
onHidden − Emits an event when the daterangepicker is hidden
onShown − Emits an event when the daterangepicker is shown
show() − Opens an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.
hide() − Closes an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.
toggle() − Toggles an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.
setConfig() − Set config for datepicker
As we re going to use DatePicker and DateRangePicker, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use BsDatepickerModule and BsDatepickerConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the BsDatepickerModule and BsDatepickerConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot() ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update index.html to use the bs-datepicker.css.
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Ngxbootstrap</title> <base href="/"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <pnk rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico"> <pnk href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <pnk href="https://unpkg.com/ngx-bootstrap/datepicker/bs-datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet" > </head> <body> <app-root></app-root> </body> </html>
Update test.component.html to use the datepickers.
<span class="row"> <span class="col-xs-12 col-12 col-md-4 form-group"> <input type="text" placeholder="Datepicker" class="form-control" bsDatepicker [bsValue]="bsValue" [minDate]="minDate" [maxDate]="maxDate" [daysDisabled]="[6,0]" [datesDisabled]="disabledDates" [bsConfig]="{ isAnimated: true, dateInputFormat: YYYY-MM-DD }"> </span> <span class="col-xs-12 col-12 col-md-4 form-group"> <input type="text" placeholder="Daterangepicker" class="form-control" bsDaterangepicker [(ngModel)]="bsRangeValue" [datesEnabled]="enabledDates" [bsConfig]="{ isAnimated: true }"> </span> </span>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { bsValue = new Date(); bsRangeValue: Date[]; maxDate = new Date(); minDate = new Date(); constructor() { this.minDate.setDate(this.minDate.getDate() - 1); this.maxDate.setDate(this.maxDate.getDate() + 7); this.bsRangeValue = [this.bsValue, this.maxDate]; } ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Dropdowns
ngx-bootstrap dropdown component is toggleable and provides contextual overlay to display pst of pnks etc. With dropdown directives we can make dropdowns interactive.
autoClose − boolean, Indicates that dropdown will be closed on item or document cpck, and after pressing ESC
container − string, A selector specifying the element the popover should be appended to.
dropup − boolean, This attribute indicates that the dropdown should be opened upwards.
insideCpck − boolean, This attribute indicates that the dropdown shouldn t close on inside cpck when autoClose is set to true.
isAnimated − boolean, Indicates that dropdown will be animated
isDisabled − boolean, Disables dropdown toggle and hides dropdown menu if opened
isOpen − boolean, Returns whether or not the popover is currently being shown
placement − string, Placement of a popover. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right"
triggers − string, Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated pst of event names.
isOpenChange − Emits an event when isOpen change
onHidden − Emits an event when the popover is hidden
onShown − Emits an event when the popover is shown
show() − Opens an element s popover. This is considered a manual triggering of the popover.
hide() − Closes an element s popover. This is considered a manual triggering of the popover.
toggle() − Toggles an element s popover. This is considered a manual triggering of the popover.
setConfig() − Set config for popover
As we re going to use dropdowns, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use BsDropdownModule and BsDropdownConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the BsDropdownModule and BsDropdownConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the dropdowns.
<span class="btn-group" dropdown #dropdown="bs-dropdown" [autoClose]="false"> <button id="button-basic" dropdownToggle type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" aria-controls="dropdown-basic"> Menu <span class="caret"></span> </button> <ul id="dropdown-basic" *dropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="button-basic"> <p role="menuitem"><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">File</a></p> <p role="menuitem"><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Edit</a></p> <p role="menuitem"><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Search</a></p> <p class="spanider dropdown-spanider"></p> <p role="menuitem"><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Recents</a> </p> </ul> </span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (cpck)="dropdown.isOpen = !dropdown.isOpen">Show/Hide </button>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void {} }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Modals
ngx-bootstrap modal component is a flexible and highly configurable dialog prompt and provides multiple defaults and can be used with minimum code.
config − ModalOptions, allows to set modal configuration via element property
onHidden − This event is fired when the modal has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).
onHide − This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called.
onShow − This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called.
onShown − This event is fired when the modal has been made visible to the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).
show() − Allows to manually open modal.
hide() − Allows to manually close modal.
toggle() − Allows to manually toggle modal visibipty.
showElement() − Show dialog.
focusOtherModal() − Events tricks.
As we re going to use a modal, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use ModalModule and BsModalService.Update app.module.ts to use the ModalModule and BsModalService.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { ModalModule, BsModalService } from ngx-bootstrap/modal ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig,BsModalService], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the modal.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (cpck)="openModal(template)">Open modal</button> <ng-template #template> <span class="modal-header"> <h4 class="modal-title pull-left">Modal</h4> <button type="button" class="close pull-right" aria-label="Close" (cpck)="modalRef.hide()"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button> </span> <span class="modal-body"> This is a sample modal dialog box. </span> <span class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" (cpck)="modalRef.hide()">Close</button> </span> </ng-template>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit, TemplateRef } from @angular/core ; import { BsModalRef, BsModalService } from ngx-bootstrap/modal ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { modalRef: BsModalRef; constructor(private modalService: BsModalService) {} openModal(template: TemplateRef<any>) { this.modalRef = this.modalService.show(template); } ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Pagination
ngx-bootstrap pagination component provides pagination pnks or a pager component to your site or component.
apgn − boolean, if true apgns each pnk to the sides of pager
boundaryLinks − boolean, if false first and last buttons will be hidden
customFirstTemplate − TemplateRef<PaginationLinkContext>, custom template for first pnk
customLastTemplate − TemplateRef<PaginationLinkContext>, custom template for last pnk
customNextTemplate − TemplateRef<PaginationLinkContext>, custom template for next pnk
customPageTemplate − TemplateRef<PaginationLinkContext>, custom template for page pnk
customPreviousTemplate − TemplateRef<PaginationLinkContext>, custom template for previous pnk
directionLinks − boolean, if false previous and next buttons will be hidden
disabled − boolean, if true pagination component will be disabled
firstText − boolean, first button text
itemsPerPage − number, maximum number of items per page. If value less than 1 will display all items on one page
lastText − string, last button text
maxSize − number, pmit number for page pnks in pager
nextText − string, next button text
pageBtnClass − string, add class to <p>
previousText − string, previous button text
rotate − boolean, if true current page will in the middle of pages pst
totalItems − number, total number of items in all pages
numPages − fired when total pages count changes, $event:number equals to total pages count.
pageChanged − fired when page was changed, $event:{page, itemsPerPage} equals to object with current page index and number of items per page.
As we re going to use a pagination, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use PaginationModule and PaginationConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the PaginationModule and PaginationConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the modal.
<span class="row"> <span class="col-xs-12 col-12"> <span class="content-wrapper"> <p class="content-item" *ngFor="let content of returnedArray">{{content}}</p> </span> <pagination [boundaryLinks]="showBoundaryLinks" [directionLinks]="showDirectionLinks" [totalItems]="contentArray.length" [itemsPerPage]="5" (pageChanged)="pageChanged($event)"></pagination> </span> </span> <span> <span class="checkbox"> <label><input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="showBoundaryLinks">Show Boundary Links</label> <br/> <label><input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="showDirectionLinks">Show Direction Links</label> </span> </span>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; import { BsModalService } from ngx-bootstrap/modal ; import { PageChangedEvent } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { contentArray: string[] = new Array(50).fill( ); returnedArray: string[]; showBoundaryLinks: boolean = true; showDirectionLinks: boolean = true; constructor() {} pageChanged(event: PageChangedEvent): void { const startItem = (event.page - 1) * event.itemsPerPage; const endItem = event.page * event.itemsPerPage; this.returnedArray = this.contentArray.spce(startItem, endItem); } ngOnInit(): void { this.contentArray = this.contentArray.map((v: string, i: number) => { return Line + (i + 1); }); this.returnedArray = this.contentArray.spce(0, 5); } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Popover
ngx-bootstrap popover component provides a small overlay component to provide small information about a component.
adaptivePosition − boolean, sets disable adaptive position.
container − string, A selector specifying the element the popover should be appended to.
containerClass − string, Css class for popover container
delay − number, Delay before showing the tooltip
isOpen − boolean, Returns whether or not the popover is currently being shown
outsideCpck − boolean, Close popover on outside cpck, default: false
placement − "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "auto" | "top left" | "top right" | "right top" | "right bottom" | "bottom right" | "bottom left" | "left bottom" | "left top", Placement of a popover. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right".
popover − string | TemplateRef<any>, Content to be displayed as popover.
popoverContext − any, Context to be used if popover is a template.
popoverTitle − string, Title of a popover.
triggers − string, Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated pst of event names.
onHidden − Emits an event when the popover is hidden.
onShown − Emits an event when the popover is shown.
setAriaDescribedBy() − Set attribute aria-describedBy for element directive and set id for the popover.
show() − Opens an element s popover. This is considered a "manual" triggering of the popover.
hide() − Closes an element s popover. This is considered a "manual" triggering of the popover.
toggle() − Toggles an element s popover. This is considered a "manual" triggering of the popover.
As we re going to use a popover, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use PopoverModule and PopoverConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the PopoverModule and PopoverConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the modal.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-primary" popover="Welcome to Tutorialspoint." [outsideCpck]="true"> Default Popover </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-primary" popover="Welcome to Tutorialspoint." popoverTitle="Tutorialspoint" [outsideCpck]="true" placement="right"> Right Apgned popover </button>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; import { BsModalService } from ngx-bootstrap/modal ; import { PageChangedEvent } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - ProgressBar
ngx-bootstrap progress bar component provides a progress component to show progress of a workflow with flexible bars.
animate − boolean, if true changing value of progress bar will be animated.
max − number, maximum total value of progress element.
striped − boolean, If true, striped classes are appped.
type − ProgressbarType, provide one of the four supported contextual classes: success, info, warning, danger.
value − number | any[], current value of progress bar. Could be a number or array of objects pke {"value":15,"type":"info","label":"15 %"}.
As we re going to use a progressbar, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use ProgressbarModule and ProgressbarConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the ProgressbarModule and ProgressbarConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; import { ProgressbarModule,ProgressbarConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/progressbar ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule, ProgressbarModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig, ProgressbarConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the modal.
<span class="row"> <span class="col-sm-4"> <span class="mb-2"> <progressbar [value]="value"></progressbar> </span> </span> <span class="col-sm-4"> <span class="mb-2"> <progressbar [value]="value" type="warning" [striped]="true">{{value}}%</progressbar> </span> </span> <span class="col-sm-4"> <span class="mb-2"> <progressbar [value]="value" type="danger" [striped]="true" [animate]="true" ><i>{{value}} / {{max}}</i></progressbar> </span> </span> </span>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { max: number = 100; value: number = 25; constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Rating
ngx-bootstrap rating component provides a configurable rating component, a star bar by default.
customTemplate − TemplateRef<any>, custom template for icons.
max − number, no. of icons, default: 5.
readonly − boolean, if true will not react on any user events.
titles − string[], array of icons titles, default: ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
onHover − fired when icon selected, $event:number equals to selected rating.
onLeave − fired when icon selected, $event:number equals to previous rating value.
As we re going to use a rating, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use RatingModule, RatingConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the RatingModule and RatingConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; import { ProgressbarModule,ProgressbarConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/progressbar ; import { RatingModule, RatingConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/rating ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule, ProgressbarModule, RatingModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig, ProgressbarConfig, RatingConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the rating.
<rating [(ngModel)]="value" [max]="max" [readonly]="false" [titles]="[ one , two , three , four ]"></rating>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { max: number = 10; value: number = 5; constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Sortable
ngx-bootstrap sortable component provides a configurable sortable component, with drag drop support.
fieldName − string, field name if input array consists of objects.
itemActiveClass − string, class name for active item.
itemActiveStyle − { [key: string]: string; }, style object for active item.
itemClass − string, class name for item
itemStyle − string, class name for item
itemTemplate − TemplateRef<any>, used to specify a custom item template. Template variables: item and index;
placeholderClass − string, class name for placeholder
placeholderItem − string, placeholder item which will be shown if collection is empty
placeholderStyle − string, style object for placeholder
wrapperClass − string, class name for items wrapper
wrapperStyle − { [key: string]: string; }, style object for items wrapper
onChange − fired on array change (reordering, insert, remove), same as ngModelChange. Returns new items collection as a payload.
As we re going to use a sortable, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use SortableModule and DraggableItemService.Update app.module.ts to use the SortableModule and DraggableItemService.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; import { ProgressbarModule,ProgressbarConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/progressbar ; import { RatingModule, RatingConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/rating ; import { SortableModule, DraggableItemService } from ngx-bootstrap/sortable ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule, ProgressbarModule, RatingModule, SortableModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig, ProgressbarConfig, RatingConfig, DraggableItemService], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update styles.css to use styles for sortable component.
.sortableItem { padding: 6px 12px; margin-bottom: 4px; font-size: 14px; pne-height: 1.4em; text-apgn: center; cursor: grab; border: 1px sopd transparent; border-radius: 4px; border-color: #adadad; } .sortableItemActive { background-color: #e6e6e6; box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125); } .sortableWrapper { min-height: 150px; }
Update test.component.html to use the sortable component.
<bs-sortable [(ngModel)]="items" fieldName="name" itemClass="sortableItem" itemActiveClass="sortableItemActive" wrapperClass="sortableWrapper"> </bs-sortable>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { items = [ { id: 1, name: Apple }, { id: 2, name: Orange }, { id: 3, name: Mango } ]; constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Tabs
ngx-bootstrap tabs component provides a easy to use and highly configurable Tab component.
justified − boolean, if true tabs fill the container and have a consistent width.
type − string, navigation context class: tabs or pills .
vertical − if true tabs will be placed vertically.
tab, [tab]
active − boolean, tab active state toggle.
customClass − string, if set, will be added to the tab s class attribute. Multiple classes are supported.
disabled − boolean, if true tab can not be activated.
heading − string, tab header text.
id − string, tab id. The same id with suffix -pnk will be added to the corresponding
removable − boolean, if true tab can be removable, additional button will appear.
deselect − fired when tab became inactive, $event:Tab equals to deselected instance of Tab component.
removed − fired before tab will be removed, $event:Tab equals to instance of removed tab.
selectTab − fired when tab became active, $event:Tab equals to selected instance of Tab component.
As we re going to use a Tab, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use TabsModule and TabsetConfig.Update app.module.ts to use the TabsModule and TabsetConfig.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; import { ProgressbarModule,ProgressbarConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/progressbar ; import { RatingModule, RatingConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/rating ; import { SortableModule, DraggableItemService } from ngx-bootstrap/sortable ; import { TabsModule, TabsetConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/tabs ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule, ProgressbarModule, RatingModule, SortableModule, TabsModule ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig, ProgressbarConfig, RatingConfig, DraggableItemService, TabsetConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the tabs component.
<tabset> <tab heading="Home">Home</tab> <tab *ngFor="let tabz of tabs" [heading]="tabz.title" [active]="tabz.active" (selectTab)="tabz.active = true" [disabled]="tabz.disabled"> {{tabz?.content}} </tab> </tabset>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { tabs = [ { title: First , content: First Tab Content }, { title: Second , content: Second Tab Content , active: true }, { title: Third , content: Third Tab Content , removable: true }, { title: Four , content: Fourth Tab Content , disabled: true } ]; constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - TimePicker
ngx-bootstrap timepicker component provides a easy to use and highly configurable Time Picker component.
arrowkeys − boolean, if true the values of hours and minutes can be changed using the up/down arrow keys on the keyboard.
disabled − boolean, if true hours and minutes fields will be disabled.
hoursPlaceholder − string, placeholder for hours field in timepicker.
hourStep − number, hours change step.
max − Date, maximum time user can select.
meridians − string[], meridian labels based on locale.
min − Date, minimum time user can select.
minutesPlaceholder − string, placeholder for minutes field in timepicker.
minuteStep − number, hours change step.
mousewheel − boolean, if true scroll inside hours and minutes inputs will change time.
readonlyInput − boolean, if true hours and minutes fields will be readonly.
secondsPlaceholder − string, placeholder for seconds field in timepicker.
secondsStep − number, seconds change step.
showMeridian − boolean, if true meridian button will be shown.
showMinutes − boolean, show minutes in timepicker.
showSeconds − boolean, show seconds in timepicker.
showSpinners − boolean, if true spinner arrows above and below the inputs will be shown.
isVapd − emits true if value is a vapd date.
As we re going to use a TimePicker, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use TimepickerModule.Update app.module.ts to use the TimepickerModule.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; import { ProgressbarModule,ProgressbarConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/progressbar ; import { RatingModule, RatingConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/rating ; import { SortableModule, DraggableItemService } from ngx-bootstrap/sortable ; import { TabsModule, TabsetConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/tabs ; import { TimepickerModule } from ngx-bootstrap/timepicker ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule, ProgressbarModule, RatingModule, SortableModule, TabsModule, TimepickerModule.forRoot() ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig, ProgressbarConfig, RatingConfig, DraggableItemService, TabsetConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the timepicker component.
<timepicker [(ngModel)]="time"></timepicker> <pre class="alert alert-info">Time is: {{time}}</pre> <timepicker [(ngModel)]="time" [showMeridian]="false"></timepicker> <pre class="alert alert-info">Time is: {{time}}</pre>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { time: Date = new Date(); constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Tooltip
ngx-bootstrap tooltip component provides a easy to use and highly configurable Tooltip component.
[tooltip], [tooltipHtml]
adaptivePosition − boolean, sets disable adaptive position.
container − string, A selector specifying the element the tooltip should be appended to.
containerClass − string, Css class for tooltip container.
delay − number, Delay before showing the tooltip.
isDisabled − boolean, Allows to disable tooltip.
isOpen − boolean, Returns whether or not the tooltip is currently being shown.
placement − string, Placement of a tooltip. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right".
tooltip − string | TemplateRef<any>, Content to be displayed as tooltip.
tooltipAnimation − boolean, default: true.
tooltipAppendToBody − boolean.
tooltipClass − string.
tooltipContext − any.
tooltipEnable − boolean.
tooltipFadeDuration − number, default: 150.
tooltipHtml − string | TemplateRef<any>.
tooltipIsOpen − boolean.
tooltipPlacement − string
tooltipPopupDelay − number
tooltipTrigger − string | string[]
triggers − string, Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated pst of event names.
onHidden − Emits an event when the tooltip is hidden.
onShown − Emits an event when the tooltip is shown.
tooltipChange − Fired when tooltip content changes.
tooltipStateChanged − Fired when tooltip state changes.
As we re going to use Tooltip, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use TooltipModule.Update app.module.ts to use the TooltipModule.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; import { ProgressbarModule,ProgressbarConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/progressbar ; import { RatingModule, RatingConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/rating ; import { SortableModule, DraggableItemService } from ngx-bootstrap/sortable ; import { TabsModule, TabsetConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/tabs ; import { TimepickerModule } from ngx-bootstrap/timepicker ; import { TooltipModule } from ngx-bootstrap/tooltip ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule, ProgressbarModule, RatingModule, SortableModule, TabsModule, TimepickerModule.forRoot(), TooltipModule.forRoot() ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig, ProgressbarConfig, RatingConfig, DraggableItemService, TabsetConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the timepicker component.
<timepicker [(ngModel)]="time"></timepicker> <pre class="alert alert-info">Time is: {{time}}</pre> <timepicker [(ngModel)]="time" [showMeridian]="false"></timepicker> <pre class="alert alert-info">Time is: {{time}}</pre>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { time: Date = new Date(); constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.
Ngx-Bootstrap - Typeahead
ngx-bootstrap Typeahead directive provides a easy to use and highly configurable, easy to use Typeahead component.
adaptivePosition − boolean, sets use adaptive position.
container − string, A selector specifying the element the typeahead should be appended to.
dropup − boolean, This attribute indicates that the dropdown should be opened upwards, default:false.
isAnimated − boolean, turn on/off animation, default:false.
optionsListTemplate − TemplateRef<TypeaheadOptionListContext>, used to specify a custom options pst template. Template variables: matches, itemTemplate, query.
typeahead − Typeahead, options source, can be Array of strings, objects or an Observable for external matching process.
typeaheadAsync − boolean, should be used only in case of typeahead attribute is Observable of array. If true - loading of options will be async, otherwise - sync. true make sense if options array is large.
typeaheadGroupField − string, when options source is an array of objects, the name of field that contains the group value, matches are grouped by this field when set.
typeaheadHideResultsOnBlur − boolean, used to hide result on blur.
typeaheadIsFirstItemActive − boolean, makes active first item in a pst. Default:true.
typeaheadItemTemplate − TemplateRef<TypeaheadOptionItemContext>, used to specify a custom item template. Template variables exposed are called item and index.
typeaheadLatinize − boolean, match latin symbols. If true the word s�per would match super and vice versa.Default: true.
typeaheadMinLength − number, minimal no of characters that needs to be entered before typeahead kicks-in. When set to 0, typeahead shows on focus with full pst of options (pmited as normal by typeaheadOptionsLimit)
typeaheadMultipleSearch − boolean, Can be used to conduct a search of multiple items and have suggestion not for the whole value of the input but for the value that comes after a depmiter provided via typeaheadMultipleSearchDepmiters attribute. This option can only be used together with typeaheadSingleWords option if typeaheadWordDepmiters and typeaheadPhraseDepmiters are different from typeaheadMultipleSearchDepmiters to avoid confpct in determining when to depmit multiple searches and when a single word.
typeaheadMultipleSearchDepmiters − string, should be used only in case typeaheadMultipleSearch attribute is true. Sets the multiple search depmiter to know when to start a new search. Defaults to comma. If space needs to be used, then exppcitly set typeaheadWordDepmiters to something else than space because space is used by default OR set typeaheadSingleWords attribute to false if you don t need to use it together with multiple search.
typeaheadOptionField − string, when options source is an array of objects, the name of field that contains the options value, we use array item as option in case of this field is missing. Supports nested properties and methods.
typeaheadOptionsInScrollableView − number, Default value: 5,specifies number of options to show in scroll view
typeaheadOptionsLimit − number, maximum length of options items pst. The default value is 20.
typeaheadOrderBy − TypeaheadOrder, Used to specify a custom order of matches. When options source is an array of objects a field for sorting has to be set up. In case of options source is an array of string, a field for sorting is absent. The ordering direction could be changed to ascending or descending.
typeaheadPhraseDepmiters − string, should be used only in case typeaheadSingleWords attribute is true. Sets the word depmiter to match exact phrase. Defaults to simple and double quotes.
typeaheadScrollable − boolean, Default value: false, specifies if typeahead is scrollable
typeaheadSelectFirstItem − boolean, Default value: true, fired when an options pst was opened and the user cpcked Tab If a value equal true, it will be chosen first or active item in the pst If value equal false, it will be chosen an active item in the pst or nothing
typeaheadSingleWords − boolean, Default value: true, Can be use to search words by inserting a single white space between each characters for example C a l i f o r n i a will match Capfornia .
typeaheadWaitMs − number, minimal wait time after last character typed before typeahead kicks-in
typeaheadWordDepmiters − string, should be used only in case typeaheadSingleWords attribute is true. Sets the word depmiter to break words. Defaults to space.
typeaheadLoading − fired when busy state of this component was changed, fired on async mode only, returns boolean.
typeaheadNoResults − fired on every key event and returns true in case of matches are not detected.
typeaheadOnBlur − fired when blur event occurs. returns the active item.
typeaheadOnSelect − fired when option was selected, return object with data of this option.
As we re going to use a Typeahead, We ve to update app.module.ts used in
chapter to use TypeaheadModule.Update app.module.ts to use the TypeaheadModule.
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from @angular/platform-browser/animations ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { AccordionModule } from ngx-bootstrap/accordion ; import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/alert ; import { ButtonsModule } from ngx-bootstrap/buttons ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; import { CarouselModule } from ngx-bootstrap/carousel ; import { CollapseModule } from ngx-bootstrap/collapse ; import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ; import { BsDropdownModule,BsDropdownConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/dropdown ; import { PaginationModule,PaginationConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/pagination ; import { PopoverModule, PopoverConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/popover ; import { ProgressbarModule,ProgressbarConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/progressbar ; import { RatingModule, RatingConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/rating ; import { SortableModule, DraggableItemService } from ngx-bootstrap/sortable ; import { TabsModule, TabsetConfig } from ngx-bootstrap/tabs ; import { TimepickerModule } from ngx-bootstrap/timepicker ; import { TypeaheadModule } from ngx-bootstrap/typeahead ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, BrowserModule, AccordionModule, AlertModule, ButtonsModule, FormsModule, CarouselModule, CollapseModule, BsDatepickerModule.forRoot(), BsDropdownModule, ModalModule, PaginationModule, PopoverModule, ProgressbarModule, RatingModule, SortableModule, TabsModule, TimepickerModule.forRoot(), TypeaheadModule.forRoot() ], providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig, BsDropdownConfig, BsModalService, PaginationConfig, ProgressbarConfig, RatingConfig, DraggableItemService, TabsetConfig], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Update test.component.html to use the timepicker component.
<input [(ngModel)]="selectedState" [typeahead]="states" class="form-control"> <pre class="card card-block card-header mb-3">Model: {{selectedState | json}}</pre>
Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { selectedState: string; states: string[] = [ Alabama , Alaska , Arizona , Arkansas , Capfornia , Colorado , Connecticut , Delaware , Florida , Georgia , Hawaii , Idaho , Ilpnois , Indiana , Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky , Louisiana , Maine , Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri , Montana , Nebraska , Nevada , New Hampshire , New Jersey , New Mexico , New York , North Dakota , North Caropna , Ohio , Oklahoma , Oregon , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Caropna , South Dakota , Tennessee , Texas , Utah , Vermont , Virginia , Washington , West Virginia , Wisconsin , Wyoming ]; constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } }
Build and Serve
Run the following command to start the angular server.
ng serve
Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200. Cpck on Open modal button and verify the following output.