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Ngx-Bootstrap - DatePicker
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Ngx-Bootstrap - DatePicker

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ngx-bootstrap DatePicker component is highly configurable and customizable as per our need. It provides various options to select date or date range.





    bsConfig − Partial<BsDatepickerConfig>, Config object for datepicker

    bsValue − Date, Initial value of datepicker

    container − string, A selector specifying the element the datepicker should be appended to. default: body

    dateCustomClasses − DatepickerDateCustomClasses[], Date custom classes

    datesDisabled − Date[], Disable specific dates

    datesEnabled − Date[], Enable specific dates

    dateTooltipTexts − DatepickerDateTooltipText[], Date tooltip text

    daysDisabled − number[], Disable Certain days in the week

    isDisabled − boolean, Indicates whether datepicker s content is enabled or not

    isOpen − boolean, Returns whether or not the datepicker is currently being shown

    maxDate − boolean, Maximum date which is available for selection

    minDate − boolean, Minimum date which is available for selection

    minMode − BsDatepickerViewMode, Minimum view mode : day, month, or year

    outsideCpck − boolean, Close datepicker on outside cpck, default: true

    outsideEsc − boolean, Close datepicker on escape cpck, default: true

    placement − "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right", Placement of a datepicker. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right", default: bottom

    triggers − string, Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated pst of event names., default: cpck


    bsValueChange − Emits when datepicker value has been changed

    onHidden − Emits an event when the datepicker is hidden

    onShown − Emits an event when the datepicker is shown


    show() − Opens an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.

    hide() − Closes an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.

    toggle() − Toggles an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.

    setConfig() − Set config for datepicker





    bsConfig − Partial<BsDaterangepickerConfig>, Config object for daterangepicker

    bsValue − Date, Initial value of daterangepicker

    container − string, A selector specifying the element the daterangepicker should be appended to. default: body

    dateCustomClasses − DatepickerDateCustomClasses[], Date custom classes

    datesDisabled − Date[], Disable specific dates

    datesEnabled − Date[], Enable specific dates

    dateTooltipTexts − DatepickerDateTooltipText[], Date tooltip text

    daysDisabled − number[], Disable Certain days in the week

    isDisabled − boolean, Indicates whether daterangepicker s content is enabled or not

    isOpen − boolean, Returns whether or not the daterangepicker is currently being shown

    maxDate − boolean, Maximum date which is available for selection

    minDate − boolean, Minimum date which is available for selection

    minMode − BsDatepickerViewMode, Minimum view mode : day, month, or year

    outsideCpck − boolean, Close daterangepicker on outside cpck, default: true

    outsideEsc − boolean, Close daterangepicker on escape cpck, default: true

    placement − "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right", Placement of a daterangepicker. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right", default: bottom

    triggers − string, Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated pst of event names., default: cpck


    bsValueChange − Emits when daterangepicker value has been changed

    onHidden − Emits an event when the daterangepicker is hidden

    onShown − Emits an event when the daterangepicker is shown


    show() − Opens an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.

    hide() − Closes an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.

    toggle() − Toggles an element s datepicker. This is considered a manual triggering of the datepicker.

    setConfig() − Set config for datepicker


As we re going to use DatePicker and DateRangePicker, We ve to update app.module.ts used in ngx-bootstrap Collapse chapter to use BsDatepickerModule and BsDatepickerConfig.

Update app.module.ts to use the BsDatepickerModule and BsDatepickerConfig.


import { BrowserModule } from  @angular/platform-browser ;
import { NgModule } from  @angular/core ;
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from  @angular/platform-browser/animations ;
import { AppComponent } from  ./app.component ;
import { TestComponent } from  ./test/test.component ;
import { AccordionModule } from  ngx-bootstrap/accordion ;
import { AlertModule,AlertConfig } from  ngx-bootstrap/alert ;
import { ButtonsModule } from  ngx-bootstrap/buttons ;
import { FormsModule } from  @angular/forms ;
import { CarouselModule } from  ngx-bootstrap/carousel ;
import { CollapseModule } from  ngx-bootstrap/collapse ;
import { BsDatepickerModule, BsDatepickerConfig } from  ngx-bootstrap/datepicker ;

   declarations: [
   imports: [
   providers: [AlertConfig, BsDatepickerConfig],
   bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Update index.html to use the bs-datepicker.css.


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <base href="/">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
      <pnk rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
      <pnk href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
      <pnk href="https://unpkg.com/ngx-bootstrap/datepicker/bs-datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet" >

Update test.component.html to use the datepickers.


<span class="row">
   <span class="col-xs-12 col-12 col-md-4 form-group">
      <input type="text"
         [bsConfig]="{ isAnimated: true, dateInputFormat:  YYYY-MM-DD  }">
   <span class="col-xs-12 col-12 col-md-4 form-group">
      <input type="text"
         [bsConfig]="{ isAnimated: true }">

Update test.component.ts for corresponding variables and methods.


import { Component, OnInit } from  @angular/core ;

   selector:  app-test ,
   templateUrl:  ./test.component.html ,
   styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ]
export class TestComponent implements OnInit {

   bsValue = new Date();
   bsRangeValue: Date[];
   maxDate = new Date();
   minDate = new Date();

   constructor() {
      this.minDate.setDate(this.minDate.getDate() - 1);
      this.maxDate.setDate(this.maxDate.getDate() + 7);
      this.bsRangeValue = [this.bsValue, this.maxDate];

   ngOnInit(): void {

Build and Serve

Run the following command to start the angular server.

ng serve

Once server is up and running. Open http://localhost:4200 and verify the following output.

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