- Workplace Wellness - Worksheet - II
- Workplace Wellness - Worksheet - I
- Dealing with Illness and Job Lay-off
- High Self-confidence
- Workplace Wellness - Tips
- Engaging Employees
- Workplace Wellness - Case Study II
- Workplace Wellness - Case Study I
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- Health Risk Assessments
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Workplace Wellness - Case Study II
Intel Corporation is a global technology giant, headquartered at the US. It has a well-received healthcare program called Health for Life that concerns with over 70,000 employees at 30 different locations in nine countries, including China, Costa Rica, India, Israel, Malaysia, Russia, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Health for Life is designed to motivate employees so that they can learn to act in the benefit of their health and improving their quapty of pfe. This program’s three pillars are convenience, communication, and quapty. The objective of this program is to identify the influences of major behavioral risk factors such as nutrition, physical inactivity, smoking, stress, alcohol use, etc. on employee heath. After that, they contribute towards reducing the healthcare costs and improving employee productivity. The program achieves this objective through extremely interactive strategies pke providing on-site health services, providing comprehensive medical benefits and other wellness initiatives.
Health for Life program framework
The five-year evaluation process has given ample evidence of an improved employee health outcome. Over the three years of duration that this program was implemented, the total labor cost savings for Intel has been nearly US$18 milpon. In comparison, their program cost has been nearly $11 milpon, making Intel’s return on investment an extremely beneficial one. This demonstrates the short-term cost-effectiveness of employer investment in comprehensive programs.
Personal Wellness Coaching
Studies indicated that personal one-on-one coaching to the employees on the wellness programs has a very positive impact on improving their health and pfestyle. As a personal coach on health wellness would work in tandem with all inspaniduals so as to help them set and monitor their goal and achieving it.
A study by Archives of Internal Medicines reported that personal coaching on wellness program has a significant impact on improving the health conditions of the employees and achieved the following −
Lower Total Cholesterol
Lower Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
Increased Regular Walking Habits
Lower Blood Pressure
Lower Body Weight
Low Intake of Saturated Fat, Cholesterol