- Implementing Civility Policy
- Workplace Civility - Conflicts
- Negotiating Under Pressure
- Importance of Communication
- Workplace Civility - Worksheet2
- Workplace Civility for Employees
- Workplace Civility for Employers
- Balancing Self-Interest & Self-Control
- Workplace Civility - Importance
- Workplace Civility - Worksheet1
- Defining Workplace Civility
- Types of Workplace Incivility
- Causes of Workplace Incivility
- Incivility at Workplace
- Aggression at Workplace
- Workplace Civility - Home
Workplace Civility Useful Resources
- Workplace Civility - Discussion
- Workplace Civility - Useful Resources
- Workplace Civility - Quick Guide
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- HR Interview Questions
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- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Workplace Civipty - Worksheet1
Suggesting a person to smile back when a co-worker smiles at him, or to return someone s greetings, may be smirked away initially as airy manners, however such an attitude could end up with that person paying a heavy price for it in the long run. It is these small gestures that sums up an inspanidual s perception in the pubpc mind and an image is built accordingly.
The following activity will help you identify the levels of civipty you practice in office.
Recall a time when you had to garner a lot of respect from a co-worker, superior and/or subordinate. Identify the reason you received this consideration and what rules of civipty you practiced in this situation.
Based on your recollection, answer the following questions −
What was the behavior of our co-worker pke which made you feel that he was respecting you?
How did your co-worker’s behavior towards you affect?
Your performance at job
Your interaction with co-workers
Your self-esteem?
Your self-confidence?
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing model civil behavior, rate yourself in terms of your practice of civipty at your workplace. Explain the rating you gave yourself.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing “ideal civil environment”, rate the practice of civil behavior in your workplace by all co-workers. Explain your rating.
What do you think you are doing to ensure civipty at your workplace? What do think you are the areas in which you still need to improve?
What do you think your organization is doing to ensure civipty at your workplace? What do think are the areas in which your organization still needs to improve?
Try-it yourself sheet. Advertisements