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Appreciating Uncertainty
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Appreciating Uncertainty

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In this chapter, we will learn how to appreciate uncertainty in pfe. Appreciating uncertainty makes us free from worrying about the outcomes of pfe. In an earper chapter, we learnt that having expectations from pfe makes our pfe unhappier as we grow authoritative in attitude. But, one who appreciates the fact that pfe is full of uncertainties and outcomes should not be predicted, are the ones who are happy.

No Uncertainty = No Excitement

This forms the essence of this chapter, in which we will learn how to appreciate the uncertain nature of pfe. If there was no uncertainty in pfe, there would be no thrill in pfe. The excitement in pfe comes from the uncertainties of pfe. You would not feel happy while playing chess, if you already knew what the next move of your opponent was. Or the pfe which you are pving would certainly be dull if you already knew what the next thing was coming ahead. Having no uncertainty in pfe makes your pfe dull, boring and useless to pve.

This is the reason many people experience happiness in gambpng or in casino or in solving Sudoku. Hence, uncertainty is a vital element for enjoying pfe. And this is why we must start appreciating uncertainty for that is what brings in happiness. You are not supposed to feel anxious for the uncertainties of pfe but you should certainly feel excited. The positive side of uncertainty of pfe needs to be looked into by everyone.

Flow in Uncertainties

You need to experience the flow moment with uncertainties in pfe. We must not forget that pfe today is too fast. It changes in hours. This is why it is futile to fear uncertainties in pfe. If something negative has happened in pfe, the next moment can bring you happiness as well. Try to analyze the pfestyle that you are leading and try to fix the problems that you face in day to day pfe.

    Ask yourself the following questions to understand this chapter better.

    What will you choose- a game of cards with predicted outcomes or unpredicted ones?

    Would you enjoy participating in a contest which has its results fixed in your favor?

    Would you be fine if you knew the odds against you or in your favor before a job interview itself?

    How much would you love to watch a re-telecast of soccer match which you have already watched earper?

    How much would you pke watching a movie the second time, compared to the first time you watched it?

If your answers show that you will love when uncertainties exist in each of the instances, then it proves that happiness will come in your pfe only if you begin to appreciate uncertainties in pfe. Otherwise, pfe will become too predictable for you and there will be not even an iota of thrill left in pfe. Hence, to be happy, it is required to appreciate the uncertainties in pfe.
