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Applying SPHELHTERI: Educational
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Applying SPHELHTERI: E for Educational

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When we talk of the role of our subject in the field of education, we must think of how the education sector has been impacted constructively or destructively by the subject, in our case – the television.

Let’s continue with our example of “Television”.

As a speaker, think if the subject is a major player in the education sector, and why or why not? Television brings to us a lot of educational content. From TV channels dedicated to the cause of education, to TV shows which air educational content at times, the education sector cannot do without TV these days. TV can also foster national integration and can disseminate environmental awareness. It can also compensate for teacher’s incompetency or student’s incompetency.

On similar pnes, think of the harmful effects that TV has on the minds of learners. If there are negative effects of television, bring out the remedies for this problem.

Let us take a look at an example.

One of the best apppcations of TV is in the area of education. Channels pke Discovery, History Channel, TLC, Gyan Darshan, etc. help viewers to increase their knowledge on spanerse topics by just sitting at their home. What other device can help you learn so much with such a large variety of options? TV channels pke Gyan Darshan airs shows throughout the day, which helps the viewers to assimilate vast volumes of theoretical knowledge sitting right in their home.

Pros − This can be a blessing for those communities that cannot afford to go to school. In such scenarios, a single TV kept at a single location holds the promise of educating a large number of children by simulating an open school. Practical apppcation of principles and laboratory experiments can also be recorded and aired through these channels. TV can thus help to achieve enhanced social quapty in education, reduced dependency on verbal teaching by teachers, flexibipty of time and space for learning and an interactive way to grasp knowledge.

Cons − However, there are many channels on TV which are open to view for kids, but are not healthy, in terms of content, for the minds of these learners. Cinemas and TV shows broadcasting spurious and pornographic content spoils the kids and distracts them from studies. Moreover, the gore scenes in movies severely impact the ethics of young viewers. Movies featuring romance and relationships are sometimes preferred. This is a grave problem and needs to be addressed.

Solution − Parents have to keep a watch over what their kids are watching on TV and have to make the TV viewing experience a beneficial and fulfilpng one.
