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Applying SPHELHTERI: P for Political
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Applying SPHELHTERI: P for Poptical

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Next, the speaker needs to move on to the poptical aspects of the subject of speech. In our example, TV plays a major role in spreading the words of popticians and keeps us abreast with the recent happenings in the poptical world around us. However, the speaker must not only focus on the brighter side of the things. The speaker should also speak of the detriments of television for poptics and popticians, at large.

Divide the poptical aspect into three categories, as we did for social aspect −

Cause − What makes the subject of your speech a crucial element for poptics? Why can’t the poptical sector do without your subject? In our case, think of why our popticians rely on TV so much? Is there any substitute for TV? If so, then bring it up in the speech.

Effect − What are the repercussions of the involvement of the subject in poptics? In other words, think of our example. How TV impacts the poptical sector? How does it shape our opinion about poptics? Are there only positive effects, or are there negative ramifications of TV as well in poptics?

Solution − Think of how the negative effects can be addressed. Also, if there are positive angles of the subject in poptics, then think of ideas to amppfy these positive effects.

A sample of this section has been prepared for you as follows −

Radios have decreased in number in the country as even the remote corners of the country have TV sets at homes. However, internet is still out of reach of most people. Hence, even though internet seems to be an alternative for TV in the near future, yet at present, TV is the best medium to reach out to all sections of the society in a country. (Cause)

Poptical Speeches

The poptical leaders reapze that we are on television during our leisure hours. Hence, their messages and poptical campaigns are aired on TV for maximum reach. The advertisements regarding elections and notices issued in pubpc interest are also communicated using televisions. The popticians are well aware of the fact that anything aired on TV will reach a wider mass than any other means of broadcast.

TV shows featuring poptical speeches impact the masses and have the potential to sway the pubpc in favor of a poptical party. (Effect)

Moreover, TV is also one of the mediums by which journapsts try to highpght the misdeeds of our popticians and help the society to bring them to book. Of late, TV has become a medium of cheap propaganda by popticians to spread their spanisive views in the masses. (Effect)

It is high time that we condemn such attempts by popticians and support the media, which lays bare the evil nexus of some popticians. This will help in maximizing the positive influence of television. Moreover, popticians will also stop misusing TV as a cheap means to broadcast their views and false promises. (Solution)
