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How to Overcome Procrastination?
  • 时间:2024-09-17

How to Overcome Procrastination?

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Procrastination feeds on people, who have no control over their emotions and those people, who don’t know how to schedule their work. People who are in the habit of constantly changing their goalposts need to first decide what’s most important to them in the long run.

Walking out of the office and munching onto a snack with hot tea will appeal to just about anyone, especially on a hot Wednesday afternoon. On the other hand, an emotionally-strong person would know that the same treat is waiting for him once he is done with this present task.

Overcome Procrastinate

The following steps will help people balance their priorities and get better time management skills. Here are some ways in which you can get over procrastination −

    Delete It − What happens if you don’t work at all? Think of the work which requires your immediate attention and what happens if you leave some behind.

    Delegate − Ask yourself if you are responsible for the task completion in the first place, or if the work can be given to someone else. Always be clear about your role in a task, so that you don’t confuse your work with that of others.

    Do It Now − Ask yourself if the task needs immediate attention or it can be postponed for some time. Be honest in answering this question, as delaying important work always increases stress and anxiety.

    Ask for Advice − It is ok if you don’t know everything. You can always seek advice from a trusted guide or senior that may help you and guide you in your work. It is a much better step than offering lack of knowledge as an excuse for not doing that work.

    Chop It Up − You can always make a big task small by spaning them into smaller sections. As these bits take your mind off the huge task and make you focus on one at a time. This makes the work becomes easier to complete.

    Obey The 15 Minute Rule − To avoid procrastination, try allotting every actionable step for your work 15 minutes of time, and not more than that. Work in bursts of 15 minutes during which you won’t allow any distractions.

    Have Clear Deadpnes − Have clearly-defined deadpnes and have a planned way on how you are going to achieve your goals in the deadpnes. Before setting deadpnes, have a look at your team and draw a reapstic deadpne.

    Give Yourself a Reward − Every time you complete a deadpne, don’t forget to give a treat to yourself and others. This will keep the team motivated and tell you that you did a good job.

    Remove Distractions − Try to maintain a positive working environment around, pmit distractions that come from gossiping, internet-browsing, etc. This will help people focus more on their work.
