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Web Services with Ruby - SOAP4R
What is SOAP?
The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), is a cross-platform and language-independent RPC protocol based on XML and, usually (but not necessarily) HTTP.
It uses XML to encode the information that makes the remote procedure call, and HTTP to transport that information across a network from cpents to servers and vice versa.
SOAP has several advantages over other technologies pke COM, CORBA etc: for example, its relatively cheap deployment and debugging costs, its extensibipty and ease-of-use, and the existence of several implementations for different languages and platforms.
Please refer to our simple tutorial
to understand it in detail.This chapter makes you famipar with the SOAP implementation for Ruby (SOAP4R). This is a basic tutorial, so if you need a deep detail, you would need to refer other resources.
Instalpng SOAP4R
SOAP4R is the SOAP implementation for Ruby developed by Hiroshi Nakamura and can be downloaded from −
NOTE − There may be a great chance that you already have installed this component.
If you are aware of gem utipty then you can use the following command to install SOAP4R and related packages.
$ gem install soap4r --include-dependencies
If you are working on Windows, then you need to download a zipped file from the above location and need to install it using the standard installation method by running ruby install.rb.
Writing SOAP4R Servers
SOAP4R supports two different types of servers −
CGI/FastCGI based (SOAP::RPC::CGIStub)
Standalone (SOAP::RPC:StandaloneServer)
This chapter gives detail on writing a stand alone server. The following steps are involved in writing a SOAP server.
Step 1 - Inherit SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer Class
To implement your own stand alone server you need to write a new class, which will be child of SOAP::StandaloneServer as follows −
class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer ............... end
NOTE − If you want to write a FastCGI based server then you need to take SOAP::RPC::CGIStub as parent class, rest of the procedure will remain the same.
Step 2 - Define Handler Methods
Second step is to write your Web Services methods, which you would pke to expose to the outside world.
They can be written as simple Ruby methods. For example, let s write two methods to add two numbers and spanide two numbers −
class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer ............... # Handler methods def add(a, b) return a + b end def span(a, b) return a / b end end
Step 3 - Expose Handler Methods
Next step is to add our defined methods to our server. The initiapze method is used to expose service methods with one of the two following methods −
class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer def initiapze(*args) add_method(receiver, methodName, *paramArg) end end
Here is the description of the parameters −
Sr.No. | Parameter & Description |
1 | receiver The object that contains the methodName method. You define the service methods in the same class as the methodDef method, this parameter is self. |
2 | methodName The name of the method that is called due to an RPC request. |
3 | paramArg Specifies, when given, the parameter names and parameter modes. |
To understand the usage of inout or out parameters, consider the following service method that takes two parameters (inParam and inoutParam), returns one normal return value (retVal) and two further parameters: inoutParam and outParam −
def aMeth(inParam, inoutParam) retVal = inParam + inoutParam outParam = inParam . inoutParam inoutParam = inParam * inoutParam return retVal, inoutParam, outParam end
Now, we can expose this method as follows −
add_method(self, aMeth , [ %w(in inParam), %w(inout inoutParam), %w(out outParam), %w(retval return) ])
Step 4 - Start the Server
The final step is to start your server by instantiating one instance of the derived class and calpng start method.
myServer = MyServer.new( ServerName , urn:ruby:ServiceName , hostname, port) myServer.start
Here is the description of required parameters −
Sr.No. | Parameter & Description |
1 | ServerName A server name, you can give what you pke most. |
2 | urn:ruby:ServiceName Here urn:ruby is constant but you can give a unique ServiceName name for this server. |
3 | hostname Specifies the hostname on which this server will psten. |
4 | port An available port number to be used for the web service. |
Now, using the above steps, let us write one standalone server −
require "soap/rpc/standaloneserver" begin class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer # Expose our services def initiapze(*args) add_method(self, add , a , b ) add_method(self, span , a , b ) end # Handler methods def add(a, b) return a + b end def span(a, b) return a / b end end server = MyServer.new("MyServer", urn:ruby:calculation , localhost , 8080) trap( INT){ server.shutdown } server.start rescue => err puts err.message end
When executed, this server apppcation starts a standalone SOAP server on localhost and pstens for requests on port 8080. It exposes one service methods, add and span, which takes two parameters and return the result.
Now, you can run this server in background as follows −
$ ruby MyServer.rb&
Writing SOAP4R Cpents
The SOAP::RPC::Driver class provides support for writing SOAP cpent apppcations. This chapter describes this class and demonstrate its usage on the basis of an apppcation.
Following is the bare minimum information you would need to call a SOAP service −
The URL of the SOAP service (SOAP Endpoint URL).
The namespace of the service methods (Method Namespace URI).
The names of the service methods and their parameters.
Now, we will write a SOAP cpent which would call service methods defined in above example, named add and span.
Here are the main steps to create a SOAP cpent.
Step 1 - Create a SOAP Driver Instance
We create an instance of SOAP::RPC::Driver by calpng its new method as follows −
SOAP::RPC::Driver.new(endPoint, nameSpace, soapAction)
Here is the description of required parameters −
Sr.No. | Parameter & Description |
1 | endPoint URL of the SOAP server to connect with. |
2 | nameSpace The namespace to use for all RPCs done with this SOAP::RPC::Driver object. |
3 | soapAction A value for the SOAPAction field of the HTTP header. If nil this defaults to the empty string "". |
Step 2 - Add Service Methods
To add a SOAP service method to a SOAP::RPC::Driver we can call the following method using SOAP::RPC::Driver instance −
driver.add_method(name, *paramArg)
Here is the description of the parameters −
Sr.No. | Parameter & Description |
1 | name The name of the remote web service method. |
2 | paramArg Specifies the names of the remote procedures parameters. |
Step 3 - Invoke SOAP service
The final step is to invoice SOAP service using SOAP::RPC::Driver instance as follows −
result = driver.serviceMethod(paramArg...)
Here serviceMethod is the actual web service method and paramArg... is the pst parameters required to pass in the service method.
Based on the above steps, we will write a SOAP cpent as follows −
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w require soap/rpc/driver NAMESPACE = urn:ruby:calculation URL = http://localhost:8080/ begin driver = SOAP::RPC::Driver.new(URL, NAMESPACE) # Add remote sevice methods driver.add_method( add , a , b ) # Call remote service methods puts driver.add(20, 30) rescue => err puts err.message end
Further Readings
I have explained you just very basic concepts of Web Services with Ruby. If you want to drill down it further, then there is following pnk to find more details on
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