- Pytest - Discussion
- Pytest - Useful Resources
- Pytest - Quick Guide
- Pytest - Conclusion
- Pytest - Summary
- Test Execution Results in XML
- Pytest - Run Tests in Parallel
- Stop Test Suite after N Test Failures
- Pytest - Xfail/Skip Tests
- Pytest - Parameterizing Tests
- Pytest - Conftest.py
- Pytest - Fixtures
- Pytest - Grouping the Tests
- Substring Matching of Test Names
- Execute a Subset of Test Suite
- Pytest - File Execution
- Pytest - Starting With Basic Test
- Identifying Test files and Functions
- Pytest - Environment Setup
- Pytest - Introduction
- Pytest - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Pytest - Quick Guide
Pytest - Introduction
Pytest is a python based testing framework, which is used to write and execute test codes. In the present days of REST services, pytest is mainly used for API testing even though we can use pytest to write simple to complex tests, i.e., we can write codes to test API, database, UI, etc.
Advantages of Pytest
The advantages of Pytest are as follows −
Pytest can run multiple tests in parallel, which reduces the execution time of the test suite.
Pytest has its own way to detect the test file and test functions automatically, if not mentioned exppcitly.
Pytest allows us to skip a subset of the tests during execution.
Pytest allows us to run a subset of the entire test suite.
Pytest is free and open source.
Because of its simple syntax, pytest is very easy to start with.
In this tutorial, we will explain the pytest fundamentals with sample programs.
Pytest - Environment Setup
In this chapter, we will learn how to install pytest.
To start the installation, execute the following command −
pip install pytest == 2.9.1
We can install any version of pytest. Here, 2.9.1 is the version we are instalpng.
To install the latest version of pytest, execute the following command −
pip install pytest
Confirm the installation using the following command to display the help section of pytest.
pytest -h
Identifying Test files and Test Functions
Running pytest without mentioning a filename will run all files of format test_*.py or *_test.py in the current directory and subdirectories. Pytest automatically identifies those files as test files. We can make pytest run other filenames by exppcitly mentioning them.
Pytest requires the test function names to start with test. Function names which are not of format test* are not considered as test functions by pytest. We cannot exppcitly make pytest consider any function not starting with test as a test function.
We will understand the execution of tests in our subsequent chapters.
Pytest - Starting With Basic Test
Now, we will start with our first pytest program. We will first create a directory and thereby, create our test files in the directory.
Let us follow the steps shown below −
Create a new directory named automation and navigate into the directory in your command pne.
Create a file named test_square.py and add the below code to that file.
import math def test_sqrt(): num = 25 assert math.sqrt(num) == 5 def testsquare(): num = 7 assert 7*7 == 40 def tesequapty(): assert 10 == 11
Run the test using the following command −
The above command will generate the following output −
test_square.py .F ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== ______________________________________________ testsquare _____________________________________________ def testsquare(): num=7 > assert 7*7 == 40 E assert (7 * 7) == 40 test_square.py:9: AssertionError ================================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.06 seconds =================================
See the first pne of the result. It displays the file name and the results. F represents a test failure and dot(.) represents a test success.
Below that, we can see the details of the failed tests. It will show at which statement the test has failed. In our example, 7*7 is compared for equapty against 49, which is wrong. In the end, we can see test execution summary, 1 failed and 1 passed.
The function tescompare is not executed because pytest will not consider it as a test since its name is not of the format test*.
Now, execute the below command and see the result again −
pytest -v
-v increases the verbosity.
test_square.py::test_sqrt PASSED test_square.py::testsquare FAILED ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== _____________________________________________ testsquare _____________________________________________ def testsquare(): num = 7 > assert 7*7 == 40 E assert (7 * 7) == 40 test_square.py:9: AssertionError ================================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.04 seconds =================================
Now the result is more explanatory about the test that failed and the test that passed.
Note − pytest command will execute all the files of format test_* or *_test in the current directory and subdirectories.
Pytest - File Execution
In this chapter, we will learn how to execute single test file and multiple test files. We already have a test file test_square.py created. Create a new test file test_compare.py with the following code −
def test_greater(): num = 100 assert num > 100 def test_greater_equal(): num = 100 assert num >= 100 def test_less(): num = 100 assert num < 200
Now to run all the tests from all the files (2 files here) we need to run the following command −
pytest -v
The above command will run tests from both test_square.py and test_compare.py. The output will be generated as follows −
test_compare.py::test_greater FAILED test_compare.py::test_greater_equal PASSED test_compare.py::test_less PASSED test_square.py::test_sqrt PASSED test_square.py::testsquare FAILED ================================================ FAILURES ================================================ ______________________________________________ test_greater ______________________________________________ def test_greater(): num = 100 > assert num > 100 E assert 100 > 100 test_compare.py:3: AssertionError _______________________________________________ testsquare _______________________________________________ def testsquare(): num = 7 > assert 7*7 == 40 E assert (7 * 7) == 40 test_square.py:9: AssertionError =================================== 2 failed, 3 passed in 0.07 seconds ===================================
To execute the tests from a specific file, use the following syntax −
pytest <filename> -v
Now, run the following command −
pytest test_compare.py -v
The above command will execute the tests only from file test_compare.py. Our result will be −
test_compare.py::test_greater FAILED test_compare.py::test_greater_equal PASSED test_compare.py::test_less PASSED ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== ____________________________________________ test_greater ____________________________________________ def test_greater(): num = 100 > assert num > 100 E assert 100 > 100 test_compare.py:3: AssertionError ================================= 1 failed, 2 passed in 0.04 seconds =================================
Execute a Subset of Test Suite
In a real scenario, we will have multiple test files and each file will have a number of tests. Tests will cover various modules and functionapties. Suppose, we want to run only a specific set of tests; how do we go about it?
Pytest provides two ways to run the subset of the test suite.
Select tests to run based on substring matching of test names.
Select tests groups to run based on the markers appped.
We will explain these two with examples in subsequent chapters.
Substring Matching of Test Names
To execute the tests containing a string in its name we can use the following syntax −
pytest -k <substring> -v
-k <substring> represents the substring to search for in the test names.
Now, run the following command −
pytest -k great -v
This will execute all the test names having the word ‘great’ in its name. In this case, they are test_greater() and test_greater_equal(). See the result below.
test_compare.py::test_greater FAILED test_compare.py::test_greater_equal PASSED ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== ____________________________________________ test_greater ____________________________________________ def test_greater(): num = 100 > assert num > 100 E assert 100 > 100 test_compare.py:3: AssertionError ========================== 1 failed, 1 passed, 3 deselected in 0.07 seconds ==========================
Here in the result, we can see 3 tests deselected. This is because those test names do not contain the word great in them.
Note − The name of the test function should still start with ‘test’.
Pytest - Grouping the Tests
In this chapter, we will learn how to group the tests using markers.
Pytest allows us to use markers on test functions. Markers are used to set various features/attributes to test functions. Pytest provides many inbuilt markers such as xfail, skip and parametrize. Apart from that, users can create their own marker names. Markers are appped on the tests using the syntax given below −
To use markers, we have to import pytest module in the test file. We can define our own marker names to the tests and run the tests having those marker names.
To run the marked tests, we can use the following syntax −
pytest -m <markername> -v
-m <markername> represents the marker name of the tests to be executed.
Update our test files test_compare.py and test_square.py with the following code. We are defining 3 markers – great, square, others.
import pytest @pytest.mark.great def test_greater(): num = 100 assert num > 100 @pytest.mark.great def test_greater_equal(): num = 100 assert num >= 100 @pytest.mark.others def test_less(): num = 100 assert num < 200
import pytest import math @pytest.mark.square def test_sqrt(): num = 25 assert math.sqrt(num) == 5 @pytest.mark.square def testsquare(): num = 7 assert 7*7 == 40 @pytest.mark.others def test_equapty(): assert 10 == 11
Now to run the tests marked as others, run the following command −
pytest -m others -v
See the result below. It ran the 2 tests marked as others.
test_compare.py::test_less PASSED test_square.py::test_equapty FAILED ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== ___________________________________________ test_equapty ____________________________________________ @pytest.mark.others def test_equapty(): > assert 10 == 11 E assert 10 == 11 test_square.py:16: AssertionError ========================== 1 failed, 1 passed, 4 deselected in 0.08 seconds ==========================
Similarly, we can run tests with other markers also – great, compare
Pytest - Fixtures
Fixtures are functions, which will run before each test function to which it is appped. Fixtures are used to feed some data to the tests such as database connections, URLs to test and some sort of input data. Therefore, instead of running the same code for every test, we can attach fixture function to the tests and it will run and return the data to the test before executing each test.
A function is marked as a fixture by −
A test function can use a fixture by mentioning the fixture name as an input parameter.
Create a file test_span_by_3_6.py and add the below code to it
import pytest @pytest.fixture def input_value(): input = 39 return input def test_spanisible_by_3(input_value): assert input_value % 3 == 0 def test_spanisible_by_6(input_value): assert input_value % 6 == 0
Here, we have a fixture function named input_value, which supppes the input to the tests. To access the fixture function, the tests have to mention the fixture name as input parameter.
Pytest while the test is getting executed, will see the fixture name as input parameter. It then executes the fixture function and the returned value is stored to the input parameter, which can be used by the test.
Execute the test using the following command −
pytest -k spanisible -v
The above command will generate the following result −
test_span_by_3_6.py::test_spanisible_by_3 PASSED test_span_by_3_6.py::test_spanisible_by_6 FAILED ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== ________________________________________ test_spanisible_by_6 _________________________________________ input_value = 39 def test_spanisible_by_6(input_value): > assert input_value % 6 == 0 E assert (39 % 6) == 0 test_span_by_3_6.py:12: AssertionError ========================== 1 failed, 1 passed, 6 deselected in 0.07 seconds ==========================
However, the approach comes with its own pmitation. A fixture function defined inside atest file has a scope within the test file only. We cannot use that fixture in another test file. To make a fixture available to multiple test files, we have to define the fixture function in a file called conftest.py. conftest.py is explained in the next chapter.
Pytest - Conftest.py
We can define the fixture functions in this file to make them accessible across multiple test files.
Create a new file conftest.py and add the below code into it −
import pytest @pytest.fixture def input_value(): input = 39 return input
Edit the test_span_by_3_6.py to remove the fixture function −
import pytest def test_spanisible_by_3(input_value): assert input_value % 3 == 0 def test_spanisible_by_6(input_value): assert input_value % 6 == 0
Create a new file test_span_by_13.py −
import pytest def test_spanisible_by_13(input_value): assert input_value % 13 == 0
Now, we have the files test_span_by_3_6.py and test_span_by_13.py making use of the fixture defined in conftest.py.
Run the tests by executing the following command −
pytest -k spanisible -v
The above command will generate the following result −
test_span_by_13.py::test_spanisible_by_13 PASSED test_span_by_3_6.py::test_spanisible_by_3 PASSED test_span_by_3_6.py::test_spanisible_by_6 FAILED ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== ________________________________________ test_spanisible_by_6 _________________________________________ input_value = 39 def test_spanisible_by_6(input_value): > assert input_value % 6 == 0 E assert (39 % 6) == 0 test_span_by_3_6.py:7: AssertionError ========================== 1 failed, 2 passed, 6 deselected in 0.09 seconds ==========================
The tests will look for fixture in the same file. As the fixture is not found in the file, it will check for fixture in conftest.py file. On finding it, the fixture method is invoked and the result is returned to the input argument of the test.
Pytest - Parameterizing Tests
Parameterizing of a test is done to run the test against multiple sets of inputs. We can do this by using the following marker −
Copy the below code into a file called test_multippcation.py −
import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize("num, output",[(1,11),(2,22),(3,35),(4,44)]) def test_multippcation_11(num, output): assert 11*num == output
Here the test multippes an input with 11 and compares the result with the expected output. The test has 4 sets of inputs, each has 2 values – one is the number to be multipped with 11 and the other is the expected result.
Execute the test by running the following command −
Pytest -k multippcation -v
The above command will generate the following output −
test_multippcation.py::test_multippcation_11[1-11] PASSED test_multippcation.py::test_multippcation_11[2-22] PASSED test_multippcation.py::test_multippcation_11[3-35] FAILED test_multippcation.py::test_multippcation_11[4-44] PASSED ============================================== FAILURES ============================================== _________________ test_multippcation_11[3-35] __________________ num = 3, output = 35 @pytest.mark.parametrize("num, output",[(1,11),(2,22),(3,35),(4,44)]) def test_multippcation_11(num, output): > assert 11*num == output E assert (11 * 3) == 35 test_multippcation.py:5: AssertionError ============================== 1 failed, 3 passed, 8 deselected in 0.08 seconds ==============================
Pytest - Xfail/Skip Tests
In this chapter, we will learn about the Skip and Xfail tests in Pytest.
Now, consider the below situations −
A test is not relevant for some time due to some reasons.
A new feature is being implemented and we already added a test for that feature.
In these situations, we have the option to xfail the test or skip the tests.
Pytest will execute the xfailed test, but it will not be considered as part failed or passed tests. Details of these tests will not be printed even if the test fails (remember pytest usually prints the failed test details). We can xfail tests using the following marker −
Skipping a test means that the test will not be executed. We can skip tests using the following marker −
Later, when the test becomes relevant we can remove the markers.
Edit the test_compare.py we already have to include the xfail and skip markers −
import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail @pytest.mark.great def test_greater(): num = 100 assert num > 100 @pytest.mark.xfail @pytest.mark.great def test_greater_equal(): num = 100 assert num >= 100 @pytest.mark.skip @pytest.mark.others def test_less(): num = 100 assert num < 200
Execute the test using the following command −
pytest test_compare.py -v
Upon execution, the above command will generate the following result −
test_compare.py::test_greater xfail test_compare.py::test_greater_equal XPASS test_compare.py::test_less SKIPPED ============================ 1 skipped, 1 xfailed, 1 xpassed in 0.06 seconds ============================
Pytest - Stop Test Suite after N Test Failures
In a real scenario, once a new version of the code is ready to deploy, it is first deployed into pre-prod/ staging environment. Then a test suite runs on it.
The code is quapfied for deploying to production only if the test suite passes. If there is test failure, whether it is one or many, the code is not production ready.
Therefore, what if we want to stop the execution of test suite soon after n number of test fails. This can be done in pytest using maxfail.
The syntax to stop the execution of test suite soon after n number of test fails is as follows −
pytest --maxfail = <num>
Create a file test_failure.py with the following code.
import pytest import math def test_sqrt_failure(): num = 25 assert math.sqrt(num) == 6 def test_square_failure(): num = 7 assert 7*7 == 40 def test_equapty_failure(): assert 10 == 11
All the 3 tests will fail on executing this test file. Here, we are going to stop the execution of the test after one failure itself by −
pytest test_failure.py -v --maxfail 1
test_failure.py::test_sqrt_failure FAILED =================================== FAILURES =================================== _______________________________________ test_sqrt_failure __________________________________________ def test_sqrt_failure(): num = 25 > assert math.sqrt(num) == 6 E assert 5.0 == 6 E + where 5.0 = <built-in function sqrt>(25) E + where <built-in function sqrt>= math.sqrt test_failure.py:6: AssertionError =============================== 1 failed in 0.04 seconds ===============================
In the above result, we can see the execution is stopped on one failure.
Pytest - Run Tests in Parallel
By default, pytest runs tests in sequential order. In a real scenario, a test suite will have a number of test files and each file will have a bunch of tests. This will lead to a large execution time. To overcome this, pytest provides us with an option to run tests in parallel.
For this, we need to first install the pytest-xdist plugin.
Install pytest-xdist by running the following command −
pip install pytest-xdist
Now, we can run tests by using the syntax pytest -n <num>
pytest -n 3
-n <num> runs the tests by using multiple workers, here it is 3.
We will not be having much time difference when there is only a few tests to run. However, it matters when the test suite is large.
Test Execution Results in XML Format
We can generate the details of the test execution in an xml file. This xml file is mainly useful in cases where we have a dashboard that projects the test results. In such cases, the xml can be parsed to get the details of the execution.
We will now execute the tests from test_multiplcation.py and generate the xml by running
pytest test_multippcation.py -v --junitxml="result.xml"
Now we can see result.xml is generated with the following data −
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <testsuite errors = "0" failures = "1" name = "pytest" skips = "0" tests = "4" time = "0.061"> <testcase classname = "test_multippcation" file = "test_multippcation.py" pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[1-11]" time = "0.00117516517639> </testcase> <testcase classname = "test_multippcation" file = "test_multippcation.py" pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[2-22]" time = "0.00155973434448"> </testcase> <testcase classname = "test_multippcation" file = "test_multippcation.py" pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[3-35]" time = "0.00144290924072"> failure message = "assert (11 * 3) == 35">num = 3, output = 35 @pytest.mark.parametrize("num, output",[(1,11),(2,22),(3,35),(4,44)]) def test_multippcation_11(num, output):> assert 11*num == output E assert (11 * 3) == 35 test_multippcation.py:5: AssertionErro </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname = "test_multippcation" file = "test_multippcation.py" pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[4-44]" time = "0.000945091247559"> </testcase> </testsuite>
Here, the tag <testsuit> summarises there were 4 tests and the number of failures are 1.
The tag <testcase> gives the details of each executed test.
<failure> tag gives the details of the failed test code.
Pytest - Summary
In this pytest tutorial, we covered the following areas −
Instalpng pytest..
Identifying test files and test functions.
Executing all test files using pytest –v.
Executing specific file usimng pytest <filename> -v.
Execute tests by substring matching pytest -k <substring> -v.
Execute tests based on markers pytest -m <marker_name> -v.
Creating fixtures using @pytest.fixture.
conftest.py allows accessing fixtures from multiple files.
Parametrizing tests using @pytest.mark.parametrize.
Xfaipng tests using @pytest.mark.xfail.
Skipping tests using @pytest.mark.skip.
Stop test execution on n failures using pytest --maxfail = <num>.
Running tests in parallel using pytest -n <num>.
Generating results xml using pytest -v --junitxml = "result.xml".
Pytest - Conclusion
This tutorial introduced you to pytest framework. Now you should be able to start writing tests using pytest.
As a good practice −
Create different test files based on functionapty/module being tested.
Give meaningful names to test files and methods.
Have enough markers to group the tests based on various criteria.
Use fixtures whenever needed.