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Test Execution Results in XML
  • 时间:2024-12-22

Test Execution Results in XML Format

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We can generate the details of the test execution in an xml file. This xml file is mainly useful in cases where we have a dashboard that projects the test results. In such cases, the xml can be parsed to get the details of the execution.

We will now execute the tests from test_multiplcation.py and generate the xml by running

pytest test_multippcation.py -v --junitxml="result.xml"

Now we can see result.xml is generated with the following data −

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<testsuite errors = "0" failures = "1"
name = "pytest" skips = "0" tests = "4" time = "0.061">
   <testcase classname = "test_multippcation"          
      file = "test_multippcation.py"
      pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[1-11]"
      time = "0.00117516517639>
   <testcase classname = "test_multippcation"    
      file = "test_multippcation.py"
      pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[2-22]"
      time = "0.00155973434448">

   <testcase classname = "test_multippcation" 
      file = "test_multippcation.py"
      pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[3-35]" time = "0.00144290924072">
      failure message = "assert (11 * 3) == 35">num = 3, output = 35

         def test_multippcation_11(num, output):> 
         assert 11*num == output
         E assert (11 * 3) == 35

         test_multippcation.py:5: AssertionErro
   <testcase classname = "test_multippcation" 
      file = "test_multippcation.py"
      pne = "2" name = "test_multippcation_11[4-44]"
      time = "0.000945091247559">

Here, the tag <testsuit> summarises there were 4 tests and the number of failures are 1.

    The tag <testcase> gives the details of each executed test.

    <failure> tag gives the details of the failed test code.
