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Python Pyramid - Overview
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Python Pyramid - Overview

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Pyramid is an open source, WSGI comppant web framework written in Python. Initially the project named as Pylons, but later released under the new name Pyramid.

    Pyramid is a minimapstic web framework. It doesn t come packaged with any templating pbrary or doesn t have support for any specific database packages.

    However, it can be integrated both with SQL databases via SQLAlchemy and with the Zope Object Database, as well as other NoSQL databases such as CouchDB.

    Pyramid can also be configured to work with templating pbraries such as Mako, Jinja2 or Chameleon.

    Pyramid has been developed by Chris McDonough. The first version of Pyramid was released in January 2011. The latest version, Pyramid 2.0 has been released in March 2021.

Comparison with Other Python Frameworks

Pyramid web apppcation framework is inspired by Zope and Django frameworks. As a result, it combines the best provisions of the two.

    Pyramid is largely based on repose.bfg framework. After it was merged with the Pylons project, the same was renamed as Pyramid in 2010.

    The abipty to extend Pyramid apppcation is borrowed from Zope pbrary. Without modifying the apppcation code, the apppcation can be reused, modified or extended. The features such as declarative security layer and traversal of routes is inherited from Zope.

    As is the case of Pylons 1.0, Pyramid doesn t enforce any popcy. It also lets the user choose any database or templating system The URL dispatch approach is also inspired by Pylons.

    The concept of views is based on similar approach of Django. Extensive documentation is also a Django features adapted by Pyramid.

    Although the definition doesn t fit exactly, Pyramid can be said to follow MVC (Model-View-Controller) approach.
