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Pygame - Playing Movie
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Pygame - Playing Movie

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Pygame has discontinued support for video files in its latest version. However, earper versions on Python 2.7 distributions, it can be still used. For this section, Pygame 1.9.2 and Python 2.7.18 has been used.

The pygame.movie module supports playback video and audio from basic encoded MPEG-1 video files. Movie playback happens in background threads, which makes playback easy to manage. the pygame.mixerpygame module for loading and playing sounds module must be uninitiapzed if the movie’s sound is to be played.

To begin with obtain a Movie object by following syntax −

movie = pygame.movie.Movie( sample.mpg )

The Movie class provides following methods to control playback.

pygame.movie.Movie.play start playback of a movie
pygame.movie.Movie.stop stop movie playback
pygame.movie.Movie.pause temporarily stop and resume playback
pygame.movie.Movie.skip advance the movie playback position
pygame.movie.Movie.rewind restart the movie playback
pygame.movie.Movie.get_time get the current vide playback time
pygame.movie.Movie.get_length the total length of the movie in seconds
pygame.movie.Movie.get_size get the resolution of the video
pygame.movie.Movie.has_audio check if the movie file contains audio
pygame.movie.Movie.set_volume set the audio playback volume
pygame.movie.Movie.set_display set the video target Surface

Following code plays a .MPG file on the Pygame display window. −

import pygame

FPS = 60
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
movie = pygame.movie.Movie( sample_640x360.mpg )
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(movie.get_size())
movie_screen = pygame.Surface(movie.get_size()).convert()


playing = True
while playing:
   for event in pygame.event.get():
      if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
         playing = False
