- PyGTK - Drag and Drop
- PyGTK - Timeout
- PyGTK - Ruler Class
- PyGTK - Clipboard Class
- PyGTK - Calendar Class
- PyGTK - SpinButton Class
- PyGTK - DrawingArea Class
- PyGTK - Image Class
- PyGTK - Arrow Class
- PyGTK - Scrolledwindow Class
- PyGTK - Viewport Class
- PyGTK - ProgressBar Class
- PyGTK - Statusbar Class
- PyGTK - Paned Class
- PyGTK - TreeView Class
- PyGTK - AspectFrame Class
- PyGTK - Frame Class
- PyGTK - Notebook Class
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- PyGTK - Color Selection Dialog
- PyGTK - Font Selection Dialog
- PyGTK - AboutDialog Class
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- PyGTK - Adjustment Class
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- PyGTK - RadioButton Class
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PyGTK - Ruler Class
This is a base class for horizontal (gtk.Hruler) and vertical (gtk.Vruler) rulers that are useful to show mouse pointer s position in window. A small triangle in the ruler indicates the location of pointer.
Ruler objects are created with their respective constructors −
hrule = gtk.Hruler() vrule = gtk.Vruler()
The following gtk.Ruler class methods are available for both the derived classes −
Ruler.set_metric() − This sets the measurement unit. The predefined metric constants are: gtk.PIXELS (default), gtk.INCHES and gtk.CENTIMETERS
Ruler.set_range() − This sets the lower and upper bounds, position and maximum size of ruler.
In the example given below, the horizontal and vertical rulers are placed above and to the left of a gtk.TextView widget.
The measurement of horizontal ruler is in pixels. Its minimum and maximum values are 0 and 400 respectively. It is placed in the upper row of a gtk.VBox.
hrule = gtk.HRuler() hrule.set_metric(gtk.PIXELS) hrule.set_range(0, 4,0,0.5) vbox.pack_start(hrule)
The lower row of Vbox contains an HBox. A vertical ruler and a TextView widget, in which a multi-pne text can be entered, is packed.
vrule=gtk.VRuler() vrule.set_metric(gtk.PIXELS) vrule.set_range(0, 4, 10, 0.5) hbox.pack_start(vrule)
Observe the following code −
import gtk class PyApp(gtk.Window): def __init__(self): super(PyApp, self).__init__() self.set_title("Ruler demo") self.set_size_request(400,400) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) vbox = gtk.VBox() tv = gtk.TextView() tv.set_size_request(350,350) hrule = gtk.HRuler() hrule.set_metric(gtk.PIXELS) hrule.set_range(0, 4,0,0.5) vbox.pack_start(hrule) hbox = gtk.HBox() vrule = gtk.VRuler() vrule.set_metric(gtk.PIXELS) vrule.set_range(0, 4, 10, 0.5) hbox.pack_start(vrule) hapgn = gtk.Apgnment(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0) hapgn.add(tv) hbox.pack_start(hapgn, False, True, 10) vbox.add(hbox) self.add(vbox) self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) self.show_all() PyApp() gtk.main()
The output generated by the above program resembles an MS Word document −
![Ruler Demo](/pygtk/images/ruler_demo.jpg)