- PyGTK - Drag and Drop
- PyGTK - Timeout
- PyGTK - Ruler Class
- PyGTK - Clipboard Class
- PyGTK - Calendar Class
- PyGTK - SpinButton Class
- PyGTK - DrawingArea Class
- PyGTK - Image Class
- PyGTK - Arrow Class
- PyGTK - Scrolledwindow Class
- PyGTK - Viewport Class
- PyGTK - ProgressBar Class
- PyGTK - Statusbar Class
- PyGTK - Paned Class
- PyGTK - TreeView Class
- PyGTK - AspectFrame Class
- PyGTK - Frame Class
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- PyGTK - Dialog Class
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- PyGTK - Range Class
- PyGTK - Adjustment Class
- PyGTK - Toolbar Class
- PyGTK - MenuBar, Menu & MenuItem
- PyGTK - RadioButton Class
- PyGTK - CheckButton Class
- PyGTK - ToggleButton Class
- PyGTK - ComboBox Class
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PyGTK - Toolbar Class
Toolbar class is inherited from the gtk.Container class. It holds and manages a set of buttons and other widgets. One or more horizontal strips of buttons are normally seen just below the menu bar in a top level window. The Toolbar can also be put in a detachable window called HandleBox. By default, the buttons in the gtk.Toolbar widget are laid horizontally. Vertical toolbar can be set up by setting the orientation property to gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL.
The toolbar can be configured to show buttons with icons, text, or both. The style enumerators are −
gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS | These buttons display only icons in the toolbar. |
gtk.TOOLBAR_TEXT | These buttons display only text labels in the toolbar. |
gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH | These buttons display text and icons in the toolbar. |
gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ | These buttons display icons and text alongside each other, rather than vertically stacked. |
A Toolbar widget is set up using the following constructor −
bar = gtk.Toolbar()
The constituents of Toolbar are instances of the gtk.ToolItem. The items can be ToolButton, RadioToolButton, ToggleToolButton, or SeparatorToolItem. In order to assign icon to the ToolItem object, images with predefined stock_ID can be used or a custom image can be assigned by the set_image() method.
The following examples show how to construct different ToolItems −
newbtn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.STOCK_NEW)
rb1 = gtk.RadioToolButton(None,gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_LEFT) rb2 = gtk.RadioToolButton(rb1,gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT)
Note that multiple radio buttons are put in the same group.
sep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
These items are put in the toolbar by calpng its insert method.
gtk.Toolbar.insert(item, index)
For example,
You can also assign a tooltip to the ToolButton using the set_tooltip_text() nethod. For example, New tooltip is assigned to the new ToolButton.
The following code shows a toplevel window with a tool bar set up to contain normal tool item, radio items and a separator item.
import gtk class PyApp(gtk.Window): def __init__(self): super(PyApp, self).__init__() self.set_title("Toolbar Demo") self.set_default_size(250, 200) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) toolbar = gtk.Toolbar() toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS) toolbar.set_orientation(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) newbtn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.STOCK_NEW) newbtn.set_tooltip_text("New") openbtn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.STOCK_OPEN) savebtn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.STOCK_SAVE) sep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() rb1 = gtk.RadioToolButton(None,gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_LEFT) 53 rb2 = gtk.RadioToolButton(rb1,gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT) prv = gtk.ToggleToolButton(gtk.STOCK_PRINT_PREVIEW) quitbtn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.STOCK_QUIT) toolbar.insert(newbtn, 0) toolbar.insert(openbtn, 1) toolbar.insert(savebtn, 2) toolbar.insert(sep, 3) toolbar.insert(rb1,4) toolbar.insert(rb2,5) toolbar.insert(prv,6) toolbar.insert(quitbtn, 7) quitbtn.connect("cpcked", gtk.main_quit) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 2) vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0) self.add(vbox) self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) self.show_all() def on_checked(self, widget, data = None): state = "Button1 : "+str(self.btn1.get_active())+" Button2 : "+str(self.btn2.get_active()) self.lbl.set_text(state) if __name__ == __main__ : PyApp() gtk.main()
The above code will generate the following output −
![Toolbar Demo](/pygtk/images/toolbar_demo.jpg)