OpenCV Python Tutorial
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OpenCV Python - Video from Images
OpenCV Python - Video from Images
In the previous chapter, we have used the VideoWriter() function to save the pve stream from a camera as a video file. To stitch multiple images into a video, we shall use the same function.
First, ensure that all the required images are in a folder. Python’s glob() function in the built-in glob module builds an array of images so that we can iterate through it.
Read the image object from the images in the folder and append to an image array.
Following program explains how to stitch multiple images in a video −
import cv2 import numpy as np import glob img_array = [] for filename in glob.glob( *.png ): img = cv2.imread(filename) height, width, layers = img.shape size = (width,height) img_array.append(img)
The create a video stream by using VideoWriter() function to write the contents of the image array to it. Given below is the program for the same.
out = cv2.VideoWriter( video.avi ,cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(* DIVX ), 15, size) for i in range(len(img_array)): out.write(img_array[i]) out.release()
You should find the file named ‘video.avi’ in the current folder.