OpenCV Python Tutorial
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OpenCV Python - Add Trackbar
OpenCV Python - Add Trackbar
Trackbar in OpenCV is a spder control which helps in picking a value for the variable from a continuous range by manually spding the tab over the bar. Position of the tab is synchronised with a value.
The createTrackbar() function creates a Trackbar object with the following command −
cv2.createTrackbar(trackbarname, winname, value, count, TrackbarCallback)
In the following example, three trackbars are provided for the user to set values of R, G and B from the grayscale range 0 to 255.
Using the track bar position values, a rectangle is drawn with the fill colour corresponding to RGB colour value.
Following program is for adding a trackbar −
import numpy as np import cv2 as cv img = np.zeros((300,400,3), np.uint8) cv.namedWindow( image ) def nothing(x): pass # create trackbars for color change cv.createTrackbar( R , image ,0,255,nothing) cv.createTrackbar( G , image ,0,255,nothing) cv.createTrackbar( B , image ,0,255,nothing) while(1): cv.imshow( image ,img) k = cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if k == 27: break # get current positions of four trackbars r = cv.getTrackbarPos( R , image ) g = cv.getTrackbarPos( G , image ) b = cv.getTrackbarPos( B , image ) #s = cv.getTrackbarPos(switch, image ) #img[:] = [b,g,r] cv.rectangle(img, (100,100),(200,200), (b,g,r),-1) cv.destroyAllWindows()