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Vim - Working With Multiple Things
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Vim - Working With Multiple Things

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Vim is very powerful editor. It supports many advanced features to work with multiple files, buffer and windows. In this section, we will discuss following items −

    Multiple files

    Multiple buffers

    Multiple tabs

    Multiple windows

Multiple files

Let us suppose you are editing a file and you want to open another file in same Vim session. In that case, you can use Vim’s edit command. Below table shows these commands

Sr.No Command & Description
1 :e

Load new file in buffer for editing

2 :edit

Same as :e

3 :e <tab>

List the files for editing from current directory

4 :edit <tab>

Same as :e <tab>

Multiple buffers

We have already seen what Vim buffers are. Vim supports multiple buffers. Below commands will be useful will working with buffers −

Sr.No Command & Description
1 :badd <file>

Add file into new buffer

2 :bN

Switch to Nth buffer. For instance to switch to 3rd buffer use :b3

3 :bnext

Move to the next buffer in buffer pst

4 :bprevious

Move to the previous buffer in buffer pst

5 :buffers

List all buffers

6 :bfirst

Move to the first buffer

7 :blast

Move to the last buffer

8 :ball

Load all buffers

For instance, below command adds new file to buffer −


Now, there are two files in buffer. Execute below command to show this −


It will show following output −


Multiple tabs

Like other editors we can also open multiple tabs in Vim. Below table describes tab related commands −

Sr.No Command & Description
1 :tabnew

Open new tab

2 :tabnew <file>

Open new file in tab

3 :tabclose

Close current tab

4 :tabnext

Move to the next tab

5 :tabprevious

Move to the previous tab

6 :tabfirst

Move to the first tab

7 :tablast

Move to the last tab

For instance, below images shows multiple tabs


Multiple windows

In Vim we can create new window using following commands −

Sr.No Command & Description
1 :new <file>

Open new window

2 :new <file>

Open file in new window

In below image, we can see that current Vim window is sppt into 2 parts after executing following commands −

$vim message.txt

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