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Training Neural Network Model
  • 时间:2024-10-18

spaCy - Training Neural Network Model

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In this chapter, let us learn how to train a neural network model in spaCy.

Here, we will understand how we can update spaCy’s statistical models to customize them for our use case. For Example, to predict a new entity type in onpne comments. To customize, we first need to train own model.

Steps for Training

Let us understand the steps for training a neural network model in spaCy.

    Step1 − Initiapzation - If you are not taking pre-trained model, then first, we need to initiapze the model weights randomly with nlp.begin_training.

    Step2 − Prediction - Next, we need to predict some examples with the current weights. It can be done by calpng nlp.updates.

    Step3 − Compare - Now, the model will check the predictions against true labels.

    Step4 − Calculate - After comparing, here, we will decide how to change weights for better prediction next time.

    Step5 − Update - At last make a small change in the current weights and pick the next batch of examples. Continue calpng nlp.updates for every batch of examples you take.

Let us now understand these steps with the help of below diagram −

Steps for Training

Here −

    Training Data − The training data are the examples and their annotations. These are the examples, which we want to update the model with.

    Text − It represents the input text, which the model should predict a label for. It should be a sentence, paragraph, or longer document.

    Label − The label is actually, what we want from our model to predict. For example, it can be a text category.

    Gradient − Gradient is how we should change the weights to reduce the error. It will be computed after comparing the predicted label with true label.

Training the Entity Recognizer

First, the entity recognizer will take a document and predict the phrases as well as their labels.

It means the training data needs to include the following −


    The entities they contain.

    The entity labels.

Each token can only be a part of one entity. Hence, the entities cannot be overlapped.

We should also train it on entities and their surrounding context because, entity recognizer predicts entities in context.

It can be done by showing the model a text and a pst of character offsets.

For example, In the code given below, phone is a gadget which starts at character 0 and ends at character 8.

("Phone is coming", {"entities": [(0, 8, "GADGET")]})

Here, the model should also learn the words other than entities.

Consider another example for training the entity recognizer, which is given below −

("I need a new phone! Any suggestions?", {"entities": []})

The main goal should be to teach our entity recognizer model, to recognize new entities in similar contexts even if, they were not in the training data.

spaCy’s Training Loop

Some pbraries provide us the methods that takes care of model training but, on the other hand, spaCy provides us full control over the training loop.

Training loop may be defined as a series of steps which is performed to update as well as to train a model.

Steps for Training Loop

Let us see the steps for training loop, which are as follows −

Step 1Loop - The first step is to loop, which we usually need to perform several times, so that the model can learn from it. For example, if you want to train your model for 20 iterations, you need to loop 20 times.

Step 2Shuffle - Second step is to shuffle the training data. We need to shuffle the data randomly for each iteration. It helps us to prevent the model from getting stuck in a suboptimal solution.

Step 3Divide – Later on spanide the data into batches. Here, we will spanide the training data into mini batches. It helps in increasing the readabipty of the gradient estimates.

Step 4Update - Next step is to update the model for each step. Now, we need to update the model and start the loop again, until we reach the last iteration.

Step 5Save - At last, we can save this trained model and use it in spaCy.


Following is an example of spaCy’s Training loop −

DATA = [
   ("How to order the Phone X", {"entities": [(20, 28, "GADGET")]})
# Step1: Loop for 10 iterations
for i in range(10):
   # Step2: Shuffpng the training data
   # Step3: Creating batches and iterating over them
   for batch in spacy.util.minibatch(DATA):
      # Step4: Spptting the batch in texts and annotations
      texts = [text for text, annotation in batch]
      annotations = [annotation for text, annotation in batch]
      # Step5: Updating the model
      nlp.update(texts, annotations)
# Step6: Saving the model