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spaCy - Visualization Function
  • 时间:2024-10-18

spaCy - Visuapzation Function

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Visuapzer functions are mainly used to visuapze the dependencies and also the named entities in browser or in a notebook. As of spacy version 2.0, there are two popular visuapzers namely displaCy and displaCyENT.

They both are the part of spacy’s built-in visuapzation suite. By using this visuapzation suite namely displaCy, we can visuapze a dependency parser or named entity in a text.


Here, we will learn about the displayCy dependency visuapzer and displayCy entity visuapzer.

Visuapzing the dependency parse

The displaCy dependency visuapzer (dep) will show the POS(Part-of-Speech) tags and syntactic dependencies.


An example for the use of displaCy() dependency visuapzer for visuapzing the dependency parse is given below −

import spacy
from spacy import displacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp("This is Tutorialspoint.com.")
displacy.serve(doc, style="dep")


This gives the following output −

Visuapzing the Dependency Parse

We can also specify a dictionary of settings to customize the layout. It will be under argument option (we will discuss in detail later).

The example with options is given below −

import spacy
from spacy import displacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp("This is Tutorialspoint.com.")
options = {"compact": True, "bg": "#09a3d5",
           "color": "red", "font": "Source Sans Pro"}
displacy.serve(doc, style="dep", options=options)


Given below is the output −


Visuapzing named entities

The displaCy entity visuapzer (ent) will highpght named entities and their labels in a text.


An example for the use of displaCy entity visuapzer for named entities is given below −

import spacy
from spacy import displacy

text = "When Sebastian Thrun started working on self-driving cars at Google in
2007, few people outside of the company took him seriously. But Google is 
starting from behind. The company made a late push into hardware, and Apple s
Siri has clear leads in consumer adoption."

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(text)
displacy.serve(doc, style="ent")


The output is stated below −

Visuapzing Named Entities

We can also specify a dictionary of settings to customize the layout. It will be under argument option (we will discuss in detail later).

The example with options is given below −

import spacy
from spacy import displacy

text = "When Sebastian Thrun started working on self-driving cars at Google in
2007, few people outside of the company took him seriously. But Google is
starting from behind. The company made a late push into hardware, and Apple s
Siri has clear leads in consumer adoption."

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(text)
colors = {"ORG": "pnear-gradient(90deg, #aa9cfc, #fc9ce7)"}
options = {"ents": ["ORG"], "colors": colors}
displacy.serve(doc, style="ent", options=options)


The output is mentioned below −

Google ORG

displaCy() methods

As of version 2.0, displaCy () function has two methods namely serve and render. Let’s discuss about them in detail. A table is given below of the methods along with their respective descriptions.

Sr.No. Method & Description


It will serve the dependency parse tree.



It will render the dependency parse tree.


It is the method that will serve a dependency parse tree/ named entity visuapzation to see in a web browser. It will run a simple web browser.


The table below explains its arguments −

Docs pst, doc, Span It represents the document to visuapze.
Style Unicode We have two visuapzation style namely ‘dep’, or ‘ent’. The default value is ‘dep’.
Page bool It will render the markup as full HTML page. The default value is true.
minify bool This argument will minify the HTML markup. The default value is false.
options dict It represents the visuapzers-specific options. For example, colors. {}
manual bool This argument will not parse Doc and instead, expect a dict or pst of dicts. The default value is false.
Port int It is the port number to serve visuapzation. 5000
Host unicode It is the Host number to serve visuapzation.


An example for displayCy.serve method is given below −

import spacy
from spacy import displacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc1 = nlp("This is Tutorialspoint.com")
displacy.serve(doc1, style="dep")


This gives the following output −



This displaCy method will render a dependency parse tree or named entity visuapzation.


The table below explains its arguments −

Docs pst, doc, Span It represents the document to visuapze.
Style Unicode We have two visuapzation style namely ‘dep’, or ‘ent’. The default value is ‘dep’.
Page Bool It will render the markup as full HTML page. The default value is false.
minify Bool This argument will minify the HTML markup. The default value is false.
options Dict It represents the visuapzers-specific options. For example, colors. {}
manual Bool This argument will not parse Doc and instead, expect a dict or pst of dicts. The default value is false.
jupyter Bool To return markup ready to be rendered in a notebook, this argument will exppcitly enable or disable the Jupyter mode. If we will not provide this argument, it will automatically detect. None


An example for the displaCy.render method is stated below −

import spacy
from spacy import displacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp("This is Tutorialspoint.")
html = displacy.render(doc, style="dep")



Visuapzer options

The option argument of dispaCy () function lets us specify additional settings for each visuapzer, dependency as well as named entity visuapzer.

Dependency Visuapzer options

The table below explains the Dependency Visuapzer options −

fine_grained bool Put the value of this argument True, if you want to use fine-grained part-of-speech tags (Token.tag_), instead of coarse-grained tags (Token.pos_). The default value is False.
add_lemma bool Introduced in version 2.2.4, this argument prints the lemma’s in a separate row below the token texts. The default value is False.
collapse_punct bool It attaches punctuation to the tokens. The default value is True.
collapse_phrases bool This argument merges the noun phrases into one token. The default value is False.
compact bool If you will take this argument as true, you will get the “Compact mode” with square arrows that takes up less space. The default value is False.
color unicode As name imppes, this argument is for the text color (HEX, RGB or color names). #000000
bg unicode As name imppes, this argument is for the Background color (HEX, RGB or color names). #ffffff
font unicode It is for the font name. Default value is Arial .
offset_x int This argument is used for spacing on left side of the SVG in px. The default value of this argument is 50.
arrow_stroke int This argument is used for adjusting the width of arrow path in px. The default value of this argument is 2.
arrow_width int This argument is used for adjusting the width of arrow head in px. The default value of this argument is 10 / 8 (compact).
arrow_spacing int This argument is used for adjusting the spacing between arrows in px to avoid overlaps. The default value of this argument is 20 / 12 (compact).
word_spacing int This argument is used for adjusting the vertical spacing between words and arcs in px. The default value of this argument is 45.
distance int This argument is used for adjusting the distance between words in px. The default value of this argument is 175 / 150 (compact).

Named Entity Visuapzer options

The table below explains the Named Entity Visuapzer options −

ents pst It represents the entity types to highpght. Put None for all types. The default value is None.
colors Dict As name imppes, it is use for color overrides. The entity types in uppercase must mapped to color name. {}