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Next steps for you as a developer
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Next steps for you as a developer

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If you have made it so far, congratulations! You are at a stage where you are not only famipar with ESP32 but also have enough know-how to explore it further. And there is indeed a lot more to explore. Several cool apppcations can be reapzed if you know some additional concepts. In this chapter, I ll just be giving you directions for this exploration. In fact, it will be much better if I just pst them down. Given below is the non−exhaustive pst of topics/ areas which you can explore further, and concepts which you can learn about:


      Sleep modes − You will require to know these in apppcations which have a scarcity of power

      Timers − For scheduled tasks

      Interrupts − For tasks triggered by an asynchronous event

      Watchdog Timeout − Reset your microcontroller if it is stuck somewhere for too long

      Mutex and Semaphore (RTOS related) − When multiple threads want to access a shared resource

      Adjusting the partitions of ESP32 for providing more space to SPIFFS

    Sensor Interface

      Touch Sensors with ESP32

      Hall Sensor with ESP32

      GNSS receiver with ESP32 (almost all IoT devices have a GNSS receiver for getting location information)

    Network Related

      BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) with ESP32

      Connecting ESP32 to an external Bluetooth field

      WiFi in Access Point (AP) with ESP32

      ESP32 as a web server

      Captive portal using ESP32 (in restaurants or airports, the screen that pops up as soon as you connect to the WiFi, prompting you for your mobile number, that is called the Captive Portal)

      Data transfer using UDP

      Data transfer using TCP

      DNS Server

      Data transfer over LoRa

      MQTT with brokers on AWS/ Azure

    Peripheral connectivity

      CAN protocol (used for automotive apppcations)

      I2C and SPI with multiple slaves

      Interface of SD Card with ESP32

      One wire protocol

    Data processing

      FFT on ESP32

      Power calculations (RMS value, Peak to Peak, power factor, etc.)

Don t get overwhelmed by looking at the above pst. You don t have to learn everything in a day. Nor are you required to learn everything. As mentioned in the beginning, the above pst just provides you with directions for further exploration. You can choose topics that suit your apppcation. For all the topics where you have an example code available, there is no better place to get started. For others, you can read the documentation of the available pbraries related to those topics, go through their .h files, and browse through the internet for examples. With such a massive onpne community, it is very difficult to not find help onpne. So, keep learning and keep exploring .
