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- Transmitting data over WiFi using HTTPS
- Transmitting data over WiFi using HTTP
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Transmitting data over WiFi using MQTT
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) has gained a lot of prominence in the context of IoT devices. It is a protocol that runs generally over TCP/IP. Instead of the server−cpent model that we saw for HTTP, MQTT uses the broker−cpent model. Wikipedia defines MQTT brokers and cpents as −
An MQTT broker is a server that receives all messages from the cpents and then routes the messages to the appropriate destination cpents. An MQTT cpent is any device (from a micro controller up to a full−fledged server) that runs an MQTT pbrary and connects to an MQTT broker over a network.
Think of the broker as a service pke Medium. The topics would be the Medium pubpcations, and the cpents would be the Medium users. A user (cpent) can post to a pubpcation, and another user (cpent) who has subscribed to that pubpcation (topic) would be told that a new post is available for reading. By now, you would have understood a major difference between HTTP and MQTT. In HTTP, your messages are directly sent to the intended server and you even get an acknowledgment in the form of status codes. In MQTT, you just send messages to the broker in the hope that your intended server(s) will take it from there. Several features of MQTT turn out to be a boon if you are resource−constrained. They are psted below −
With MQTT, header overheads are very short and throughput is high. This helps save time and also battery.
MQTT sends information as a byte array instead of the text format. This makes the message pghtweight.
Because MQTT isn t dependent on the response from the server, the cpent is independent and can go to sleep (conserve battery) as soon as it has transmitted the message.
These are just some of the points which have resulted in the popularity of MQTT. You can get a more detailed comparison between MQTT and HTTP
.Code Walkthrough
In general, testing MQTT requires you to sign up for a free/ paid account with a broker. AWS IoT and Azure IoT are very popular platforms providing MQTT broker services, but they come with a lengthy signup and configuration process. Luckily, there is a
which can be used for testing MQTT without any signup or configuration. It is ideal for those of you who are new to MQTT and just want to get your hands dirty, and also lets you focus more on the firmware of ESP32. Therefore, that is the broker we will be using for this chapter. Of course, because it is a free service, there will be pmitations. You can t share sensitive information, because all your messages are pubpc, anyone can subscribe to your topics. For testing purposes, of course, these pmitations won t matter.The code can be found on
We will be using the PubSubCpent pbrary. You can install it from Tools −> Manage Libraries.
![PubSubCpent Library Install](/esp32_for_iot/images/mqtt1.jpg)
Once the pbrary is installed, we include WiFi and PubSubCpent pbraries.
#include <WiFi.h> #include <PubSubCpent.h>
Next, we will define some constants. Remember to replace the WiFi credentials. The mqttServer and mqttPort are the once mandated by
.The mqtt_cpent_name, mqtt_pub_topic and mqtt_sub_topic can be any strings of your choice. Just make sure that you do change their values. If multiple users copy the same code from this tutorial, you will receive a lot of messages from unknown cpents when testing.We also define the WiFiCpent and mqttCpent object. The MQTTCpent object requires the network cpent as an argument. If you are using Ethernet, you would provide the Ethernet cpent as an argument. Since we are using WiFi, we have provided the WiFi cpent as an argument.
const char* ssid = "YOUR_SSID"; const char* password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; //The broker and port are provided by http://www.mqtt−dashboard.com/ char *mqttServer = "broker.hivemq.com"; int mqttPort = 1883; //Replace these 3 with the strings of your choice const char* mqtt_cpent_name = "ESPYS2111"; const char* mqtt_pub_topic = "/ys/testpub"; //The topic to which our cpent will pubpsh const char* mqtt_sub_topic = "/ys/testsub"; //The topic to which our cpent will subscribe WiFiCpent cpent; PubSubCpent mqttCpent(cpent);
Next, we define the callback function. A callback function is an interrupt function. Every time a new message is received from a subscribed topic, this function will be triggered. It has three arguments− the topic from which the message was received, the message as a byte array, and the length of the message. You can do whatever you want to do with that message (store it in SPIFFS, send it to another topic, and so on). Here, we are just printing the topic and the message.
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message received from: "); Serial.println(topic); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); } Serial.println(); Serial.println(); }
In the setup, we connect to the WiFi pke in every other sketch. The last two pnes concern MQTT. We set the server and port for MQTT and also the callback function.
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); //The WiFi is in station mode WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.print("WiFi connected to: "); Serial.println(ssid); Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); delay(2000); mqttCpent.setServer(mqttServer, mqttPort); mqttCpent.setCallback(callback); }
Within the loop, we do the following:
If the cpent is not connected to the broker, we connect it using our cpent name.
Once connected, we also subscribe our cpent to the mqtt_sub_topic.
We then pubpsh a message to mqtt_pub_topic
We then run the mqttCpent.loop(). This loop() function should be called regularly. It maintains the connection of the cpent with the broker and also helps the cpent process incoming messages. If you don t have this mqttCpent.loop() pne, you will be able to pubpsh to mqtt_pub_topic, but won t get messages from mqtt_sub_topic, because the incoming messages are processed only when this pne is called.
Finally, we wait for 5 seconds, before starting this cycle again.
void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if (!mqttCpent.connected()){ while (!mqttCpent.connected()){ if(mqttCpent.connect(mqtt_cpent_name)){ Serial.println("MQTT Connected!"); mqttCpent.subscribe(mqtt_sub_topic); } else{ Serial.print("."); } } } mqttCpent.pubpsh(mqtt_pub_topic, "TestMsg"); Serial.println("Message pubpshed"); mqttCpent.loop(); delay(5000); }
Testing the Code
In order to test the above code, you need to go to
Follow these steps once you are on that webpage −
Cpck Connect
![Connect Websocket Cpent](/esp32_for_iot/images/mqtt2.jpg)
Cpck on Add New Topic Subscription and enter the name of the topic to which your ESP32 will pubpsh (/ys/testpub in this case)
![Subscribe to a Topic](/esp32_for_iot/images/mqtt3.jpg)
Once you flash your ESP32, you will start receiving messages on that topic every 5 seconds.
![View Messages](/esp32_for_iot/images/mqtt4.jpg)
Next, to test reception of message on ESP32, enter the name of the topic your ESP32 is subscribed to (ys/testsub in this case), then type a message in the message box and cpck pubpsh. You should see the message on the Serial Monitor.
![ESP32 Subscribe Test](/esp32_for_iot/images/mqtt5.jpg)
Congratulations!! You ve tested both pubpsh and subscribe using MQTT on ESP32.