MS SQL Server
MS SQL Server Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- MS SQL Server - Analysis Services
- MS SQL Server - Integration Services
- MS SQL Server - Execution Plans
- MS SQL Server - Reporting services
- MS SQL Server - HA Technologies
- MS SQL Server - Services
- MS SQL Server - Monitor Database
- MS SQL Server - Assign Permissions
- MS SQL Server - Create Users
- MS SQL Server - Restoring Databases
- MS SQL Server - Creating Backups
- MS SQL Server - Drop Database
- MS SQL Server - Select Database
- MS SQL Server - Create Database
- MS SQL Server – Login Database
- MS SQL Server – Managment Studio
- MS SQL Server – Architecture
- MS SQL Server – Installation
- MS SQL Server – Editions
- MS SQL Server - Overview
- MS SQL Server - Home
MS SQL Server Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
MS SQL Server - Select Database
MS SQL Server - Select Database
Select your database based on your action before going ahead with any of the following methods.
Method 1 – Using SQL Server Management Studio
To run a query to select backup history on database called ‘msdb’, select the msdb database as shown in the following snapshot.

Method 2 – Using T-SQL Script
Use <your database name>
To run your query to select backup history on database called ‘msdb’, select the msdb database by executing the following query.
Exec use msdb
The query will open msdb database. You can execute the following query to select backup history.
Select * from backupsetAdvertisements