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Pinterest Marketing - Quick Guide
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Pinterest Marketing - Quick Guide

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Digital Marketing - Introduction

Today’s era of Internet has opened a gate of vast variety of opportunities for businesses. Using social networks, one cannot only share a private picture of one’s birthday but also earn customers for one’s business and reach them conveniently. The speed and ease with which the digital media transmits information and help boost a business is amazing.

Let us first throw some pght on the scope of digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is the term used for the targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach the viewers, turn them into customers, and retain them.

So, how is digital marketing different from traditional marketing?

The traditional manner of marketing involved businesses to advertise their products or services on print media, radio and television commercials, business cards, bill boards, and in many other similar ways where Internet or social media websites were not employed for advertising. Traditional marketing popcies had pmited customer reachabipty and scope of driving customers’ buying behavior.

Digital marketing achieves targets of marketing a business through different onpne channels. Let us see how.

The following table psts a few points that differentiate digital marketing from traditional marketing −

Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing
Communication is unidirectional. Means, a business communicates about its products or services with a group of people. Communication is bidirectional. The customer also can ask queries or make suggestions about the business products and services.
Medium of communication is generally phone calls, letters, and Emails. Medium of communication is mostly through social media websites, chat, and Email.
Campaigning takes more time for designing, preparing, and launching. There is always a fast way to develop an onpne campaign and carry out changes along its development. With digital tools, campaigning is easier.
It is carried out for a specific audience throughout from generating campaign ideas up to selpng a product or a service. The content is available for general pubpc. It is then made to reach the specific audience by employing search engine techniques.
It is conventional way of marketing; best for reaching local audience. It is best for reaching global audience.
It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of a campaign. It is easier to measure the effectiveness of a campaign through analytics.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the manner of generating website traffic or attracting viewers and customers through social networking websites such as Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, and so on. Social media marketing is a subset of digital marketing.

Social Media Marketing

All social networking websites support sharing of content, but all are not necessarily employed for digital marketing. While Facebook emphasizes on personal sharing, Twitter emphasizes on tweeting short messages about ones’ opinions or reactions, and LinkedIn goes for professional networking, Pinterest motivates to market one’s ideas and onpne businesses.

Principle of Social Media Marketing

Social media grew up as the most popular outcome of the Internet as people around the world pke to communicate and share their special moments, problems, ideas, and suggestions with others. They also pke to learn about a place worth visiting, a new craft projects, recipes, or a new language. Social media websites enable you to share content of your choice with right audience at your convenience.

This popularity of social media has inspired the business minds around the world with the idea of small onpne businesses. One can open a store in Amazon, eBay, or any other custom platforms such as Shopify or Etsy. But the main challenge is finding the customers. There are ways pke search results in Google, Bing or in any other search engine. But for a new business with estabpshed competitors, it takes a long time to get a high rank in the search results.

Social networking websites are a great solution to this challenge. The basic technique here is to share engaging posts and the right content created for the desired audience. Then the audience helps by sharing the content further, which in turn reaches further. Hence there is another option of advertising the product, services, or ideas on the social networking websites where there is less degree of competition.

This tutorial describes how you can employ Pinterest for marketing your business.

Pinterest Marketing - Basics

Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn are some of the popular social networking websites. Pinterest is a social networking website that provides a platform for planning, collecting, discussing, and sharing ideas, common interests and directing traffic to the business portals or blogs. In own words of Pinterest it is the visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas.

Though Pinterest was launched almost 5 years after Facebook and Twitter, it has 100 hundred milpon active users with 176 milpon registration. These numbers show that there is a lot of people using Pinterest. Business owners around the world can utipze this website as a traffic generating and audience creating tool for marketing their business.

Let us now discuss the basics of Pinterest and how to employ its features.

Working Principle of Pinterest

Imagine a notice board in front of you. You can write or print some valuable piece of information about your products or services on a blank page and just pin it on the board to inform people about they exist. Any person passing by the notice the board can notice the page of your information. Pinterest works exactly the same way.

Pinterest Working Principle

You can register your name or business on Pinterest and have a virtual notice board associated to your Pinterest account. After your first pin on the board, you can pen down your similar ideas and relevant images and pin them to the Pinterest board. A board typically represents a category of content. The person viewing the notice board (viewing your profile) can follow all contents on your board or any single board of interest. A board can have multiple contributors. The members of a board are abided by and can pin with the rules of the board.

Pinterest offers a simple yet unique visual interface with high quapty pictures.

What is Pinterest Used For?

Pinterest is widely used for the following purposes −

    To bookmark an interesting idea, a recipe, a DIY project, an article, or a quote, the way you bookmark a chit on board in real pfe for later use.

    To direct the traffic to your blog or business portal.

    To advertise your products and services.

    To promote your business.

    To sell your products or service.

    To communicate with other people on the Pinterest.

What is Pinning?

It is nothing but adding a bookmark. When user cpcks on a pin, it redirects the user to the website where it came from so that you can discover and know further. You can also find pins from other people. Anything on the Internet can be pinned; may it be a depcious-looking recipe, a DIY project, a quote, an article, or your next adventure.

What are Pinterest Boards?

Pinterest boards are used to save pins and categorize them thematically. You can add boards while pinning. There are general three types of boards − Regular, Secret, and Group. Boards are covered in chapter “Pinterest Boards”.

Types of Pinterest Accounts

Pinterest has two options for accounts that showcase your profile −

    Personal account

    Business account

Both accounts on Pinterest are free for registration.

Pinterest Accounts

There is not much difference between these two types of profiles except some rules and key features pke analytics and widgets.

Here are a few differences in personal and business accounts of Pinterest −

Personal Account Business Account
It is used for driving traffic to one’s blog or website. It is used to avail business analytics features of Pinterest.
It is used for sharing one’s own personal content. It is used for commercial purpose such as advertising of brand, shop, place, etc.
It allows the user to enter pmited information. It allows users to input extra information with website’s metadata.
It comes with person-specific TOCs. It comes with business-specific TOCs.
Account is restricted to First and Last name format. This account can accept name of the business with relaxed name format.
Limited information to users of personal account. This account gives access to useful pnks such as “Stories” and “Goodies”.

Pinterest Terminology

Here is a pst of commonly used terms with respect to Pinterest −

S.no Terms & Meaning


Practice of measuring, managing, and analyzing data.



A place where you can save pins.



Call to Action is an instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response of the viewer. It uses imperative verbs such as "call now", or "find out more”, or “avail at 50% today”.



A short form of Do It Yourself.



A chart/diagram/trend used to enhance information representation.



A step-by-step series of images combined in a single image.



It is a small visual bookmark people use to add to Pinterest that always points back to the sites they came from.



Search Engine Optimization, a technique of encouraging the visibipty of a website or a web page in a search engine s unpaid results. It is often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results.



A short form of Terms of Conditions.



A short form of Term of Service.

Pinterest Marketing - Account Settings

Having known the basics of Pinterest accounts, let us now see how to create them. The best thing about Pinterest business account setting is, if you already have a personal account with Pinterest, it can be converted into a business account.

Let us see various ways to set up Pinterest account.

Setting up a Pinterest Account

It is very simple to set up an account on Pinterest.

Signing Up on Pinterest

By default, Pinterest offers sign up for personal account. Here is what you need to do −

    Open your browser.

    Type www.pinterest.com in the address bar.

    You get to see two options for signup − with a Facebook account or with an email.

Pinterest Signing Up

Signing up With a Facebook account

For this option you must have a Facebook account. If you do not have, you need to create one before sign up. If you already have a Facebook account, just follow the steps below −

    Cpck on button “Continue with Facebook”.

    You are redirected to Facebook login.

    Facebook asks for your Email or phone and password.

    You are asked to download “Pin it” button. You can skip this step it if you want.

    Pinterest offers some categories of topics to choose from.

    Cpck on “Sign up” button.

Signing up with an EMail Account

You must have an email account before you choose to sign up with EMail. In addition, you need to enter the password for Pinterest. You need to follow all password etiquettes for the safety of your Pinterest account.

If you already have an Email account, just follow the steps below −

    Enter your Email id.

    Enter your password.

    Cpck on “Sign up” button.

There you are! Pinterest shows you home feeds based on your choice of topic.

Setting up a Business Account

If you need a business account then follow the given steps −

    Open a new tab.

    Visit the pnk https − //business.pinterest.com/en.

    Cpck on “Join as a Business” button.

    Enter correct email, appropriate password, and your brand or business name.

    Select a business type from the drop-down menu.

    Enter your website’s name.

    Cpck on “Create Account” button.

Pinterest Business Account

Converting a Pinterest Personal Account to Business Account

Here are the steps you need to follow −

Step 1 − Sign up into your Pinterest account with your business name and Email.

Step 2 − At the top right corner of the search box, cpck on the dropdown menu.

Step 3 − Select “Businesses”.

Pinterest Select Businesses

Step 4 − On the new screen, you are redirected to a new page.

Redirected New Page

Step 5 − Notice a pnk below the red button named, “Convert now”. Cpck on the pnk.

Pinterest asks you to choose a business category and requests for a few other pieces of information.

And that is done, your account is now a business account!

Pinterest as a Social Network

Though Pinterest CEO, Ben Silbermann, summarized the company as a "catalog of ideas" rather than as a social network, that inspires users to "go out and do that thing". Pinterest provides the following features by which you can use it pke other social networking sites.

    Messaging − You can message other users by which the users are connected privately. You can also leverage this feature for business by engaging Pinners directly.

    Commenting on Pins − It allows user to engage with the shared post of others.

    Sharing − It enables to share a pin from Pinterest to other social media platforms.

Pinterest Marketing - Interface

In this chapter, we will discuss some common features of Pinterest interface.

Home Feeds

After signing up, Pinterest takes you to your home feed. At the time of each subsequent login, Pinterest will first take you to your home feed. Pinterest updates the home feed with the category you chose or the users you follow.

On the upper right corner, the button with your name is the pnk to your profile. The pttle button beside your profile name is for notifications. It will show you notifications associated with your profile.

Profile Interface

Pinterest profile interface is very eye-catchy and simple. In profile interface, there is a Home feed button, a search box, category button, notification button, and the pnk to your boards. You can also see the number of your boards, pins, pkes, followers, and the people you are following.

    Home − Home button takes you to your home feed where you can see the updates of whom you are following.

    Search Box − You can search pins or images on Pinterest using this search bar. You can search your topics and see what other people are sharing about the topics of your interest.

    Category − On right side of search box there is a drop down menu of all the categories psted on Pinterest.

Pinterest Category

    Board − Pinterest board is the categorization of your pinned image. You can create board and save pins to the board, much pke of album. You can create as many board as you want.

Pinterest Board

    Notification − Notification button informs you of all the updates associated with your profile such as news, about your Profile, pins, images, and messages. By using message option you can contact other Pinterest user.

Pinterest Board

Changing a Pinterest Profile

Here are various ways with which you can change your Pinterest profile −

Editing Pinterest Profile

If you need to edit your profile name, image or anything else about your profile description, follow the steps given −

    Cpck on the “Edit Profile” button located at the top right corner.

    It opens up a form.

    Change the fields you want to.

    Cpck on “Save” button to save the information.

Pinterest Save

Pinterest Edit Profile

Updating Pinterest Profile Setting

A good profile have a proper name, relevant profile image and a great description. For updating your profile, same steps are followed as in editing the Pinterest Profile.

Editing Your Account Privacy Settings

The gear button on the right side of ‘’Edit Profile’’ button is a dropdown menu with options as given −

    Edit settings − to edit account basics.

    Find friends − to find more ideas on Pinterest and add friends.

    Analytics − to avail analytics for your information.

    Make a Widgets − To make pin, profile, or board widget.

    Get Help − to receive help from Pinterest’s help center or another Pinterest expert.

    Log Out − to log out from your account.

If you have a personal account then you will not see the analytics and widget options on Edit Profile drop down menu.

Edit Settings

It has various sections on the form. They are as follows −

    Account Basics − It enables to set details such as Email, password, language, country, gender, and search history and search privacy settings.

    Profile − This section is offer the same options of “Edit Profile” Button.

    Notifications − Notifications settings is about how you want to be notified. Here you find a couple of options, just choose your preferred options.

    Apps − Apps settings are for different third party apps pke Tailwind, Buffer, Hootsuite, etc.

Pinterest Marketing - Pinning

Everything is pubpshed in the form of pins on Pinterest. The collection of pins is saved on boards. Pinterest enables to change the name or description of a board any time you want to. Pinterest has pmited the number of boards one can create using all kinds of boards to 500. In addition, Pinterest pmits the number of pins you can pubpsh to 2,00,000 and the pinners to 50,000.

Let us know more about Pinterest boards.

Types of Pinterest Boards

As said earper, there are three types of Pinterest boards − Regular, Secret, and Group.

Regular Boards

These are the ones where you can pubpsh a ready idea. This board pubpshes without any pins from any collaborator.

Secret Boards

Every idea is not always pubpsh ready. Sometimes it can happen that you are working ahead on your pin but the corresponding post on your website is yet to be complete. At such time you can store your pin to your secret boards. You can also discuss with the other collaborator of the board before your follower knows about the pin. Pinterest secret boards are pretty much same as normal boards only with the option of storing invisible pins.

    Secret boards and the pins of the boards are not visible to your followers.

    Secret boards can have multiple collaborators.

    Once you pubpsh a secret board, then it cannot be reversed unless you delete it.

    You can have any number of secret boards.

Group Boards

It is pretty similar to the regular board with a difference that along with the board creator, multiple people can pin on this board. These boards have to be stored with categorized pins.

Categorizing on Pinterest Boards

Pinterest boards are the categorization of your pin. This categorization is not default, you have to create the order and name. The board appears on your profile with an image snippet from your pin. Boards can be followed or unfollowed. This means if some viewers do not pke all your pins except for one category, then they can follow only one of your boards. In Pinterest you can follow a profile or a board from a profile. You can follow multiple boards.

Creating a New Board on Pinterest

Here are the steps you need to follow −

    Go to profile. Cpck on “Create Board”.

Create Board

    A dialogue box pops up.

    Enter appropriate name for the board.

    Enter a short, catchy, and clear description.

    Select a category to which board belongs.

Select Category

    Make the board secret if you want.

    Add more collaborators to contribute on your board.

    Cpck on “Create” button.

Editing a Board

You can edit board using “Edit” button below the board in your profile. Or you can just enter into the board and on the right side you will find “Edit Board” Button.

Editing Board

Adding a New Board from Your Profile

Follow the given simple steps −

    Cpck on your name at the top of Pinterest.

    Cpck on “Create a board” box at the top of the pst of your boards.

    Select a name and a category for your board.

    You can also choose to make the board of type secret or group.

    Cpck on “Create Board” button.

Adding a New Board While Pinning

Follow the given simple steps −

    Cpck on “Pin It” on the Pin you want to save.

    Cpck on “Create a Board”.

    Name your new board and select if you want to keep it secret.

    Cpck “Create Board” to create the board and save the Pin.

Optimizing a Pinterest Board

Here are some tips to optimize your board −

    Fill up every blank options with your information.

    Pin great quapty image relevant to your subject and appeapng to the audience.

    Make your own group board.

    Join other group boards for sharing your ideas.

    Use the “secret board” options if you are working ahead of your time.

    You can change the order of the board on your profile by just dragging.

    Into board Pins order also can be changed by dragging.

Making Secret Boards on Pinterest

Follow the given simple steps −

    Login to your account.

    Go to your profile.

    Cpck “Create a board” button.

    A menu will pop up as shown.

    Fill out blank space.

Making Secret Boards

    Cpck the spder next to Secret option to see “Yes” if it is not already on.

    Cpck on “Create” button.

Thus you have a secret board.

Making a Secret Board Pubpc

To make a secret board pubpc, go to Edit Board. Move the spder button to “on”.

What are Pinnable Websites?

Pinnable website are the websites pnked with Pinterest. You can bookmark any image from those websites with Pinterest browser button “Pin it”. The main idea behind Pinnable website is whenever you cpck the “Pin It” button in Pinnable website, the image is pulled up by the browser.

The image is thus pinnable and you can pin it on your Pinterest board. The pin is then automatically set with the image location. To pin from a website, the minimum size of an image is required to be 100px X 200px.

Pinning an Image from Website

Here is how you can do it −

Step 1 − Browse a random Pinnable website. Cpck the “Pin It” button.

Step 2 − The button then pulls up the pinnable image as shown in the following image.

Button Pinnable Image

Step 3 − Select any picture for pinning on your board. Cpck “Pin It” button.

Pin It Button

Step 4 − Then a dialogue box appears with all your boards. Change the description if you want to. Pick the relevant board for your pin.

Editing a Pin after Pinning

Here is how you can do it −

Step 1 − Find your pin on the board where you pinned it.

Pin on Board

Step 2 − Enlarge the pin by cpcking it. You get to see information about the pin such as description, when it is pinned, etc. On the right side, Pinterest suggestions appear about relevant board where it is pinned before.

Step 3 − Cpck the “Edit” button. Change the description and the board if you want.

Change Description

Pinterest Marketing - Pinnable Images

You can pin images from Instagram, cross social networks, picture sharing websites, from your PC, or from outside of any website. The minimum size of image for uploading on Pinterest needs to be 600 pixels wide. The height of the image is adjusted accordingly.

Infographics and Instructographics as images for pinning are a great way to catch visitors’ eyes. They provide a lot of information clearly and easily. They can also help to generate viewers’ interest to explore the pin further. They compel the viewers to take further action or drive the traffic to your website. Infographics and Instructographics images are often very useful for DIY bloggers, affipate marketers, and businesses.

Best Practices for Pinnable Image

The image to be pinned must be −

    Vertically oriented.

    At least 600 pixels wide, 736 pixels is optimal.

    With the aspect ratio of 2:3 or 1:3.5.

    Up to three separate images in a mosaic if it is an Instructographics.

    With overlaid text on the image.

    Rich with descriptive alt text.

Tips for Making a Pinnable Image

Here are a few helpful tips for making a pinnable image −

    Make sure each page or post has a relevant image that conveys the title or topic of the page.

    Add text that would help to convey the topic of the article being pinned. You can use PicMonkey to quickly add text to images.

    If you have a YouTube channel, embed your top viewed videos into blog posts. If Pinterest users pin your videos, it creates a pnk to that YouTube video. This doesn’t drive traffic to your website, but it does increase views for that video.

    Infographics can enable your pin to stand apart from the crowd.

    Help Pinterest users trust your website by verifying it with Pinterest.

Pinning an Image

There are many ways you can pin an image as given −

Pinning an Image from Pinterest

Here are the steps to pin an image from Pinterest −

    Enter into any board.

    Cpck on “Add a pin”.

    A box appears with the options of Web or Your device.

    Cpck on “From web”.

    Enter a URL.

    Pinterest then collects the image from that page for pinning. It works pke “Pin It” browser button.

Pinning an Image

Pinning an Image from a Device

Here are the steps to pin an image from Pinterest −

    Select an image from your device.

    Upload the image.

    Assign a relevant description to the image.

    Pin it to the relevant board.

    Cpck on the pinned image.

    It will be opened in a new tab.

    The image is hosted on Pinterest.

    To redirect your audience to the website without opening the image in new tab, you need to edit the pin and enter the URL.

Pin Description

The description of a pin is one of the most important attribute of pin. A clear, easy, yet crisp description can help pins get more exposure as it helps them to be searched. It also helps in SEO.

Here are the tips to write better descriptions which can maximize your pin exposure −

    Provide a piece of context about the Pin. For example, why did you pin the image, or what idea does the image represent.

    Be clear and specific.

    Decide proper tone and words depending upon the subject.

    Try to write the description a pttle longer. It helps the pin to appear on search results.

    Give a pnk to your website, which helps the users to find your website’s home page easily.

    Include a call to action if you are offering a product or to visit to your website.

    Use a set of keywords that describe the pin most effectively.

    Use proper hashtags, to be appeared on hashtag search.

    Use description etiquette, irrespective of the type of pin and whom or where the pin belongs to.

Pinning Frequency

Pinterest’s Smart Feed personapzes what you see in your account. You can pin anytime without overwhelming your audience. So most marketing experts agree that spreading the pins throughout the day is a handy thing to do. Varying your timing exposes you to different segments of the Pinterest population and can lead to more repins and followers. So the best practices for Pinterest pin frequency is 5-30 pins per day.

On the other hand, the best time to post on Pinterest is when your audience is most expected to see it. This is unique to you and your business, no matter what you need to experiment. Be mindful of hopday seasons and long weekends for the most obvious reasons as pinners are mostly pkely busy preparing and celebrating so not a whole lot of pinners will be active on Pinterest.

Pinterest Marketing - Rich Pins

What if you can get more information than a picture from a pin? What if the pin can be created for a specific category of content? For making a pin more informative, there is an option of creating ‘Rich pins’ on Pinterest.

Let us see more about Rich Pins −

What are Rich Pins?

Rich Pins, also known as ‘Super Pins’ or ‘Enhanced Pins’ are a fairly new addition to Pinterest features for business. These pins include more information right on the pins themselves. These enhanced pins show viewers more information than usual pins making them more powerful for businesses.

For getting rich pins, you need to prepare your website with meta tags, test the Rich Pins, and then get them on Pinterest. There are six types of rich pins on Pinterest −

App Rich Pin

It includes an “Install” button, so that pinners can download your app without leaving Pinterest ever. At the moment, app pins are compatible with iOS-based apps only.

Film Rich Pin

Film Pins are under category of Film. It includes ratings, cast members, and reviews to help the pinners learn about new fpcks on Pinterest.

Article Rich Pin

Article pin shows the pinner headpne, author and a story description of the article which help them to know the summary without visiting the website.

Product Rich Pin

It includes real time pricing, availabipty, and other details about selpng the products such as where to buy.

Place Rich Pin

Place Pins include a map, address, and contact number of a business location.

Recipe Rich Pin

Recipe pin can show the ingredients, cooking times, and serving information to get Pinterest cooks excited about hitting the kitchen.

Recipe Rich Pin

Features of Rich Pins

Here are some prominent features of rich pins −

Automatic Updates

Rich pins update their information continuously. Whenever you change something on your website, for example the price of a product or adding ingredient to your recipe, the changes are automatically updated on the pins as well. No manual changes are needed.

Extra Information

Rich pin shows extra information. For example, product pin shows the price, availabipty by which user can decide whether or not to visit the actual page. Image as well as text-based content in a pin can increase relevancy which in turn can lead to more informed decisions.

Price Alerts

It is for Product Pin. Whenever you decrease the price of product by more than 10% Pinterest sends an automated email about the price drop to the people who pinned your product. This is all done for free!

Creating a Rich Pin

Creating a Rich Pin is a two-step process as given below −

Step 1Add metadata to the content of your website − The most common formats of metadata are Open Graph and Schema.org. If you add metadata for multiple types of Rich Pins to your page, the type of Pin that appears will be based on priority. The priority of Rich Pin data is as follows −

App Pins > Product Pins > Recipe Pins > Movie Pins > Article Pins and Place Pins.

You can find the metadata from the following pnks −

Step 2Apply to Rich Pin − Here are the steps you need to follow to apply the metadata for rich pin.

    Choose any page of your site that you have added metadata to.

    Enter your chosen URL in Pinterest Vapdator and cpck on Vapdator.

    Correct any problems you see with the metadata.

    After vapdating, you get to see a message that says, “Your pin has been vapdated!”. This means everything about the pin is correct.

    Cpck on “Apply now”.

    Then a pop comes up with your website s domain and the following tags.

    HTML Tags (if you are using Open Graph or Schema.org metadata)

    oEmbed (if you used the oEmbed format).

    Shopify (if you have a Shopify store).

    Checkout your website’s appped tags.

    Again cpck on “Apply now”.

    Wait for Pinterest verification.

    After the verification from Pinterest, your pin is treated as a rich pin showing extra information.

Pinterest Marketing - Promote Your Pins

In order to promote your pins on Pinterest, you need to join the waitpst.

Step 1 − Visit the site − https://ads.pinterest.com/. Cpck on “Join wait pst”.

Step 2 − You are redirected to this page − https://business.pinterest.com/en/promoted-pins-waitpst

Step 3 − Enter the necessary information. Wait for Pinterest verification.

Step 4 − After you receive permission for promotion, go to your Pinterest profile.

Pinterest Profile

Step 5 − Cpck on “Settings” button next to the “Edit Profile” button. See the promoted pins in the drop-down menu.

Drop-down Menu

Step 6 − Cpck on “Promote” button. Pinterest offers you two choices −

    Boost Engagement

    Get Traffic

Step 7 − Choose "Get Traffic to Your Website" to get maximum benefit from your promoted pin ad campaign.

Traffic Your Website

Step 8 − Select the option “Create a new traffic campaign” from the dropdown menu.

New Traffic Campaign

Step 9 − Enter a name for your campaign. Decide on what date or dates you want your promoted pin to be seen.

Your Campaign Goal

Step 10 − Enter your budget. Cpck on “Pick a Pin”. The next step is to use keywords to inform Pinterest where you would pke it to be seen.

Pick a Pin

Step 11 − Determine the Cost Per Cpck.

Cost Per Cpck

Step 12 − Review the campaign results.

Campaign Results

Pinterest Marketing - Promoted Pins

So rightly said, a business can satisfy the requirement of specific customers. With the vast spread of information, any business present on the Internet is known all around the world, even to the people who do not require it. It is a tricky challenge to recognize the potential customers of your business and reach out to them.

To enable targeting the specific groups of customers, Pinterest helps the businesses with analytics tool. This chapter unfolds some useful information about building a Pinterest campaign and customer base for the business.

What are Promoted Pins?

Pinterest allows promotion for pins which is called “Promoted Pin”. If you brand or product is new and its Pinterest profile has a small audience then you can go for Pinterest promotion. The best perk of promoting a pin on Pinterest is once you promote a pin, it will always be on that pst.

Tips for Promoting Pins on Pinterest

Some of the very best tips for Promoted pins are given below −

    Targeting Specific Audience − The first key aspects of promotion is targeting audience. So target wisely, not widely. If you target a wide audience then you may get more cpcks but that will increase your cost of promotion. On the other hand, your pin can lose relevance. But if you target a specific audience mainly relevant to your product, it will boost the result as well as reduce the cost.

    Selecting Right Keywords − After you have identified the actual audience you need to optimize the keywords and phrases. While choosing the keywords, you must consider nearby miss-spelt words, a combination of words, and order of words in the phrase that can affect the visibipty. It is also helpful to sort the audience by gender, location, language, and choice of device to put your pin in front of the right eyes.

    Selecting Quapty Pin − Use high quapty images to produce quapty return. When selecting a pin for promotion, make sure that the design of the pin is flawless and the pin is attractive on the marks of appeal, and clarity and correctness of information it contains. A high-quapty pins stand out from others and drives the viewers’ decision to explore the subject further.

    Driving Call to Action − Make sure to mention promotional information such as “SALE!” and “Limited Time Offer!”. Call to Action (CTA) makes the pins more relevant; as the viewers find them useful and there are better chances of driving then to become customers.

    Keeping Track of Analytics − After setting up the advertisement, you need to keep the track of your analytics. It helps you to figure out whether your promotion is working the way it should or not. If your campaign is not going well then research the reason and weed it out. Look through every aspect while debugging your strategy with audience, keywords, and pin design.

Pinterest Marketing - Tracking the Traffic

Pinterest has its own analytics system. You can gain valuable insights about your audience. It is important for an onpne business to generate traffic, and to segment and analyze the followers. Pinterest analytics helps you to −

    Identify your competitors.

    Discover the devices your followers prefer.

    Find out how people organize your content.

    Discover the interests of your audience.

    Reveal your most engaging pins.

You can check out your Pinterest profile, your audience and activity of your website’s pin on Pinterest. If you cpck on “More >”, you would find that there are the following four options for Pinterest profile analytics −

    Pin Impressions



    All-time Summary

Let us discuss them in detail.

Pin Impressions

They are the number of people reaching your profile. Here, you can check the impression for your Pins and Boards.

Ubiquitous Company


Your Pinterest Profile


It represents how many times another Pinterest user repinned your pin on their profile.

Pinterest Profile Repins


It represents the number of users who visited your page through your pin.

Pinterest Profile Cpcks

All Time Summary

It represents all the summary of the most repinned items and best in search.

All Time Summary

Customer Demographics on Pinterest

You can check the demographics of your audience by country, language, devices, and their interests. You can either create content according to your audience demographics and interests or you can create an audience related to your own content. You can create and present the content according to the devices preferred by your audiences also.

Customer Demographics

Pinterest Marketing - Planning a Campaign

Campaign means for the customers of a business. It is created to draw the customers’ attention to the products and services a business provides and to promote the business in the market. Having all graphic design tools at the fingertips, the businesses need to plan a campaign properly to make it effective. An effective campaign targets right customer at right time in a right manner.

Let us see more about planning a Pinterest campaign.

Pinterest − Campaign Planning

The planning of a Pinterest campaign highly depends on your niche, viewers’ demographics, age, interests, and so on. Hence for planning a campaign on Pinterest, you need to be aware of certain important details about your business and customers beforehand. Few of these details can be as follows −

    What is your product?

    Who are your customers, their age, trends, and demographics?

    What is your target within a certain period of time?

    What is your budget for campaign?

Try to figure out as accurate answers as possible to these questions.

For example, you are in a boutique house business, then the answers would be −

Product − Dresses for women.

Demographics of Customer − Now narrowing down your customer groups with aspects such as age of the customer. What age group is your product meant for? What types of design you do for dresses? Is this only for middle-aged women, pregnant women, girl children, or for women of all ages? If the answer is “for all ages”, then make Pinterest board segmented by age and trends. For better targeting, you should make target-specific board.

Customer Research

Customers Research − If you are setting up a business account then must have to research the customers, their trends and demand. It helps to plan the business campaign on Pinterest and boost the sale.

The first step of customer research is identifying your customers. This research helps you to understand your potential customers.

Customer research also helps to understand what you should pin. If your business account has vast audience then you have to track them whether they are buying or just following you. Tracking the customer helps to campaign the loyalty program thereby increasing customer experience. On the other hand, those who are only interested in following you and not purchasing, you can take different campaign for encouraging them to purchase.

Customer research also highpghts the key characteristics of your customers, such as −



    Device of Customer’s interest?

    What are they engaged in on the Pinterest?

    How often they are engaging?

    How long they are on your site?

    What is customer demographics?

It is advised to conduct customer research regularly within a certain period of time. It helps you develop a detailed picture of the buying behavior of your audience and understand how to target them in a better manner.

Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation After researching the customer, you need to segment them into categories. Imagine you have a great audiences with multiple demographics for multiple reasons. It is also pke segmenting by psychology of age, gender, and demographics.

For example, fashion trends followed by people in USA are not same as the trends followed by Brazipan people. Similarly, you cannot sale the same age-specific product to a teenage girl as well as to a 60 year old woman. The fashion trends are different for people of different ages, genders, demographics, and psychology.

With the understanding of customer segmentation, it is possible to sketch and execute an appropriate plan for campaigning.

On Pinterest, you can entertain dozens of different demographics by creating pinboards targeted to each of them. You can categorize the boards with your customer’s age, gender, and demographics. It also helps you for further customer research.

Following other Pinners

Following the other pinners on Pinterest helps you to connect with them and you can see their pins of home feed. You can also keep track of what the other pinners are sharing on Pinterest. It also helps to gain new viewers or customers.

It is necessary to keep up with the on-going trends on any other social media websites, more if you are on business account. It is a good practice for engaging more number of people. On the other hand, following other pinners can generate you loyalty. They can share your pin and their audience with you.

Tips on Following Right Pinners

You must consider these tips while following the other pinners −

    Follow the pinners of your niche.

    Follow the pinners those have quapty content and are keeping up to date.

    Follow pinners having real identity for themselves.

    Pinterest pmits following to 200 people in an hour. If you exceed this pmit, Pinterest blocks you for an hour.

    Do not follow too many pinners.

Pinterest Marketing - Drive Traffic

Pinterest drives more traffic than any other social media sites. Pinterest used to be about women’s interests but the social network has men as its fastest-growing demographic. The basic reason is that internet users are naturally drawn to attractive, high-quapty visuals. They process information quickly when it’s presented in the form of images and they’re more wilpng to engage with such content.

Drive Traffic Your Website

Tips on Driving Traffic from Pinterest

To leverage Pinterest for driving traffic you can follow the general tips −

    Display the official ‘Pin It’ button on your website.

    Optimize the visuals −

    Use a watermark on your visuals.

    Use the 2 −3 aspect ratio for images (choose portrait than landscape).

    Use a clever mix of pictures and text overlays with great typography.

    Use dominant colors and appeapng color schemes in the images.

    Use infographics.

    Include a pnk to your website with its description in the pin.

    Engage with followers.

    Host contests to entertain and increase customers.

    Leverage rich pins.

Pinterest - Generate Customer Loyalty

When a business cares its customers for more than catering for their satisfaction, they develop a trust in the business. Once the trust is built in the customers’ minds about the excellent quapty of the products or services a business provides, the customers tends to remain loyal to the business when it comes to avaipng its services and products. And one loyal customer is worth nearly thousand new customers.

Let us see how you can generate loyalty of customers for business with Pinterest −

Why does Customer Loyalty Matter?

Customer loyalty is extremely important because selpng more to existing customers is easier and inexpensive than finding and selpng to new ones. Loyal customers tend to buy more stuff, more regularly. They tend to frequently recommend your business to others. Pinterest is the best social media platforms for generating loyalty from your customer.

Here is a collection of top tips on how to build and maintain customer loyalty on Pinterest −

    Make the customer care a key part of your business strategy. On Pinterest you can contact with the customer directly by messaging system. It allows business owner to engage with customers personally and with their convenience. For example, if anyone needs to inquire about your product or business, then they can contact you via email, your website’s customer care, or on Pinterest. So, visit your business profile frequently and do not forget to check customer feedback and inquiries.

    Research your customers via analytics system of Pinterest. Make the best use of the tool to analyze your customers and their requirements. This helps to keep up with the pace of the market competition. You can analyze your customer metrics weekly or monthly and make your products more customer friendly and appeapng.

    Educate your customers on your business. As you have the tools and technologies available at your fingertips, you can communicate with your customers properly. You can use the tools such as blogging, videos, Emails, chats, and other technologies to explain about your business. This can also help to drive them to appreciate what you do, and how you do it better than any other similar business. For example, you can make infographics of your products and share on your Pinterest profile.

    Share your customers’ brilpant ideas with others. If the customers come up with amazing articles or creations using your product, then appreciate them in your profile. It will encourage them to engage with you in future. On Pinterest you can make a group board to share customer ideas on your profile. It also creates an opportunity for the customers to communicate to other customer.

    Entertain the customers by organizing a contest or creating an event. You can also entertain the customer by posting funny pics or news which can expose your business profile more.

    Reward your customers. This helps to present your brand as a generous one that takes care of its customers.

Pin Alerts

Pin Alerts is a third party web app for Pinterest users. It has features which help you to optimize your pin and profile for better branding. Here are some features you might want to know about Pin Alerts −

    It notifies you when someone pins something that is from your website.

    It enables you to broadcast the number of repins shortly after you post them.

    It alerts you about the name of the repinners.

    It enables you to optimize the time of your pin schedule.

    It helps you to measure the metrics.
