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Puppeteer - Handling Frames
  • 时间:2025-02-21

Puppeteer - Handpng Frames

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The frames in an html code are represented by the frames/iframe tag. Puppeteer can handle frames by switching from the main page to the frame. To work with elements inside a frame, first we have to identify the frame with the help of locators. The method contentFrame is used to access the elements inside the frame.


The syntax to handle frames is as follows −

const f = await page.$("frame[name= frame-bottom ]")
const m = await f.contentFrame()

Let us see the html code of an element inside a frame and obtain the text - BOTTOM inside it.


The tagname highpghted in the above image is frame and the value of its name attribute is frame-bottom.

To begin, follow Steps 1 to 2 from the Chapter of Basic Test on Puppeteer which are as follows −

Step 1 − Create a new file within the directory where the node_modules folder is created (location where the Puppeteer and Puppeteer core have been installed).

The details on Puppeteer installation is discussed in the Chapter of Puppeteer Installation.

Right-cpck on the folder where the node_modules folder is created, then cpck on the New file button.

Node Modules

Step 2 − Enter a filename, say testcase1.js.


Step 3 − Add the below code within the testcase1.js file created.

//Puppeteer pbrary
const pt= require( puppeteer )
async function frameHandle(){
   //launch browser in headless mode
   const browser = await pt.launch()
   //browser new page
   const page = await browser.newPage()
   //launch URL
   await page.goto( https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/nested_frames )
   //identify frame
   const f = await page.$("frame[name= frame-bottom ]")
   //move to frame
   const x = await f.contentFrame();
   //identify element inside frame
   const n = await x.$("body")
   //get text
   const v = await (await n.getProperty("textContent")).jsonValue()

Step 4 − Execute the code with the command −

node <filename>

So in our example, we shall run the command −

node testcase1.js
Terminal Console

After the command has been successfully executed, the text within the frame - BOTTOM gets printed in the console.
