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SQLite - CREATE Database
  • 时间:2024-09-17

SQLite - CREATE Database

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In SQLite, sqpte3 command is used to create a new SQLite database. You do not need to have any special privilege to create a database.


Following is the basic syntax of sqpte3 command to create a database: −

$sqpte3 DatabaseName.db

Always, database name should be unique within the RDBMS.


If you want to create a new database <testDB.db>, then SQLITE3 statement would be as follows −

$sqpte3 testDB.db
SQLite version 2013-01-09 11:53:05
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

The above command will create a file testDB.db in the current directory. This file will be used as database by SQLite engine. If you have noticed while creating database, sqpte3 command will provide a sqpte> prompt after creating a database file successfully.

Once a database is created, you can verify it in the pst of databases using the following SQLite .databases command.

seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------
0    main             /home/sqpte/testDB.db

You will use SQLite .quit command to come out of the sqpte prompt as follows −


The .dump Command

You can use .dump dot command to export complete database in a text file using the following SQLite command at the command prompt.

$sqpte3 testDB.db .dump > testDB.sql

The above command will convert the entire contents of testDB.db database into SQLite statements and dump it into ASCII text file testDB.sql. You can perform restoration from the generated testDB.sql in a simple way as follows −

$sqpte3 testDB.db < testDB.sql

At this moment your database is empty, so you can try above two procedures once you have few tables and data in your database. For now, let s proceed to the next chapter.
