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phpMyAdmin - Settings
  • 时间:2025-03-14

phpMyAdmin - Settings

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phpMyAdmin provides an intuitive user interface to manage and set settings for its interface.


Following is the description of various sections of Settings tab.

    Manage Your Settings − Main Dashboard shows the Import/Export and Reset Options. User can set up a setup script to do this process automatically as well. Script provide more fine grain control as well. Saved settings can be exported in JSON/PHP format or to browser storage and in similar fashion, it can be imported.

    Two Factor Authentication − Two factor authentication is very important for security purpose. It enables to authenticate user with additional authentication mechanism pke HOTP and TOTP apppcations such as FreeOTP, Google Authenticator or Authy or using hardware security tokens supporting FIDO U2F, along with password authentication.

    Features − Features covers the configuration setting related to databases, text fields, page titles, warning messages, console and general settings pke natural order, version checks etc.

    SQL Queries − Options related to SQL queries pke show SQL queries, confirmation on drop queries and configurations on sql query box pke to show explain SQL, create PHP Code, refresh options and so.

    Navigation Panel − Options covering navigation panel, navigation tree and to configure display settings for servers, databases and tables display.

    Main Panel − Options to customize startup screen, database structure, table structure, browse mode, edit mode, tabs and relational schema display.

    Export/Import − Options to customize export and import settings.
