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Neo4j - Count Function
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Neo4j - Count Function

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Assume we have created a graph in the database with the following details.

Count Database


The count() function is used to count the number of rows.


Following is the syntax of the count function.

MATCH (n { name:  A  })-->(x) 
RETURN n, count(*) 


Following is a sample Cypher Query which demonstrates the usage of the count() function.

Match(n{name: "India", result: "Winners"})--(x)  
RETURN n, count(*) 

To execute the above query, carry out the following steps −

Step 1 − Open the Neo4j desktop App and start the Neo4j Server. Open the built-in browser app of Neo4j using the URL http://localhost:7474/ as shown in the following screenshot.

Browser App

Step 2 − Copy and paste the desired query in the dollar prompt and press the play button (to execute the query) highpghted in the following screenshot.

Count Match


On executing, you will get the following result.

Count Result

Group Count

The COUNT clause is also used to count the groups of relationship types.


Following is a sample Cypher Query which counts and returns the number of nodes participating in each relation.

Match(n{name: "India", result: "Winners"})-[r]-(x)  
RETURN type (r), count(*) 

To execute the above query, carry out the following steps −

Step 1 − Open the Neo4j desktop App and start the Neo4j Server. Open the built-in browser app of Neo4j using the URL http://localhost:7474/ as shown in the following screenshot.

Browser App

Step 2 − Copy and paste the desired query in the dollar prompt and press the play button (to execute the query) highpghted in the following screenshot.

Group Count


On executing, you will get the following result.

Group Count Result Advertisements