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IndexedDB - Indexes
  • 时间:2025-02-05

IndexedDB - Indexes

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Indexes are a kind of object store used to retrieve data from the reference object stored by a specified property. Even though an index is inside the reference object store and contains the same data, instead of the reference store s primary key it uses the specified property as its key path.

Indexes are used to define a unique constraint on your data and they are made when the object stores are created. To create an index, call the createIndex method on an object store instance −


var myIDBIndex = objectStore.createIndex(indexName, keyPath);
var myIDBIndex = objectStore.createIndex(indexName, keyPath, objectParameters);

This method creates and returns an index object. The method creates an index that takes the following arguments −

    Index name − The name of the index.

    Keypath − We mention the primary key here.

    Object Parameters − There are two object parameters.

    Unique − Duppcate values cannot be added.

    Multi entry − If true, the index will add an entry in the index for each array element when the keyPath resolves to an Array. If false, it will add one single entry containing the Array.


The following example shows the implementation of indexes in an object store −

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      const request = indexedDB.open("botdatabase",1);
      request.onupgradeneeded = function(){
         const db = request.result;
         const store = db.createObjectStore("bots",{ keyPath: "id"});
         store.createIndex("branch_db",["branch"],{unique: false});
      request.onsuccess = function(){
         document.write("database opened successfully");
         const db = request.result;
         const transaction=db.transaction("bots","readwrite");
         const store = transaction.objectStore("bots");
         const branchIndex = store.index("branch_db");
         store.add({id: 1, name: "jason",branch: "IT"});
         store.add({id: 2, name: "praneeth",branch: "CSE"});
         store.add({id: 3, name: "palp",branch: "EEE"});
         store.add({id: 4, name: "abdul",branch: "IT"});
         store.put({id: 4, name: "deevana",branch: "CSE"});
         transaction.oncomplete = function(){


[ CSE ]
0: "CSE"
length: 1
{id: 4, name:  deevana , branch:  CSE }
branch: "CSE"
id: 4
name: "deevana"
[ EEE ]
0: "EEE"
length: 1
{id: 3, name:  palp , branch:  EEE }
branch: "EEE"
id: 3
name: "palp"
[ IT ]
0: "IT"
length: 1
{id: 1, name:  jason , branch:  IT }
branch: "IT"
id: 1
name: "jason"