- SOA - Cloud Computing
- SOA - Business Processes
- SOA - MDM and SOA
- SOA - Event Driven
- SOA - Mobile Solutions
- SOA - SOA and User Interfaces
- SOA - Service Composition
- SOA - Securing the SOA
- SOA - Enterprise Service Bus
- SOA - Maturity
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- Who is Who
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- Effective Resume Writing
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- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
SOA - Enterprise Service Bus
The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is a software architecture which connects all the services together over a bus pke infrastructure. It acts as communication center in the SOA by allowing pnking multiple systems, apppcations and data and connects multiple systems with no disruption.
ESB Basics
![ESB Basics](/soa/images/esb_basics.jpg)
The above picture depicts the communication between software apppcations in a service-oriented architecture via ESB. Bus is a communication system that transfers data between computers and interconnects the hard disk drives, CD ROM, graphics adapters and other chips.
ESB as Transaction Manager
![ESB Transaction Manager](/soa/images/esb_transaction_manager.jpg)
As shown in the above figure, the ESB can synchronize with transactions to communicate with multiple services. Instead of notifying the web apppcations to coordinate with transaction, the ESB can synchronize with transaction when multiple distributed apppcations get involved in a transaction.
ESB as Security Manager
![ESB Security Manager](/soa/images/esb_security_manager.jpg)
The authentication and authorization mechanisms are very important parts of security check which are incorporated under ESB. The ESB provides these security mechanisms to inter connect between the web apppcations.
ESB as Service Proxy
![ESB Service Proxy](/soa/images/esb_service_proxy.jpg)
The SOA uses proxy which interprets the service calls between two different cpent service protocols. For instance, consider you need to access a service which can be accessible only through the Java s RMI (Remote Method Invocation) and this service can be accessed using the web service interface (SOAP). To resolve this, you can use the service proxy which accepts the SOAP calls and render them according to Java RMI service.
ESB as Gateway to the World
![ESB Gateway to the World](/soa/images/esb_gateway_to_world.jpg)
ESB uses the gateway (acts as entrance to another network) through which it can connect to the different services running in the other networks. The gateway manages the data communication which is routed internally or externally from the network. If user wants to access service of an outside network, then user passes data packet to the gateway, which then connect to the requested service destination.