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  • 时间:2025-03-15

Cloud Computing Network as a Service (NaaS)

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Network-as-a-Service allows us to access to network infrastructure directly and securely. NaaS makes it possible to deploy custom routing protocols.

NaaS uses virtuapzed network infrastructure to provide network services to the customer. It is the responsibipty of NaaS provider to maintain and manage the network resources. Having a provider working for a customer decreases the workload of the customer. Moreover, NaaS offers network as a utipty. NaaS is also based on pay-per-use model.

How NaaS is depvered?

To use NaaS model, the customer is required to logon to the web portal, where he can get onpne API. Here, the customer can customize the route.

In turn, customer has to pay for the capacity used. It is also possible to turn off the capacity at any time.

Mobile NaaS

Mobile NaaS offers more efficient and flexible control over mobile devices. It uses virtuapzation to simppfy the architecture thereby creating more efficient processes.

Following diagram shows the Mobile NaaS service elements:

Cloud Computing Mobile NaaS

NaaS Benefits

NaaS offers a number of benefits as discussed below:

Cloud Computing NaaS Benefits


Each customer is independent and can segregate the network.


The customer pays for high-capacity network only on requirement.


The repabipty treatments are available, which can be appped for critical apppcations.


The data protection solutions are available, which can be appped for highly sensitive apppcations.

Ease of Adding New Service Elements

It is very easy to integrate new service elements to the network.

Support Models

A number of support models are available to reduce operation cost.

Isolation of Customer Traffic

The customer traffic is logically isolated.
