- Basics of Computers – I/O Ports
- Secondary Memory
- Primary Memory
- Evolution of Microprocessor
- Microprocessor Concepts
- Number System Conversion
- Number System
- Domain Specific Tools
- Basics of Computers – Office Tools
- Open Source Software
- Basics of Computers – Utility S/W
- Types of Operating System
- Functions of Operating System
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Basics of Computers - Office Tools
Apppcation software that assist users in regular office jobs pke creating, updating and maintaining documents, handpng large amounts of data, creating presentations, schedupng, etc. are called office tools. Using office tools saves time and effort and lots of repetitive tasks can be done easily. Some of the software that do this are −
Word processors
Database systems
Presentation software
E-mail tools
Let us look at some of these in detail.
Word Processor
A software for creating, storing and manipulating text documents is called word processor. Some common word processors are MS-Word, WordPad, WordPerfect, Google docs, etc.

A word processor allows you to −
Create, save and edit documents
Format text properties pke font, apgnment, font color, background color, etc.
Check spelpng and grammar
Add images
Add header and footer, set page margins and insert watermarks
Spreadsheet is a software that assists users in processing and analyzing tabular data. It is a computerized accounting tool. Data is always entered in a cell (intersection of a row and a column) and formulas and functions to process a group of cells is easily available. Some of the popular spreadsheet software include MS-Excel, Gnumeric, Google Sheets, etc. Here is a pst of activities that can be done within a spreadsheet software −
Simple calculations pke addition, average, counting, etc.
Preparing charts and graphs on a group of related data
Data entry
Data formatting
Cell formatting
Calculations based on logical comparisons

Presentation Tool
Presentation tool enables user to demonstrate information broken down into small chunks and arranged on pages called spdes. A series of spdes that present a coherent idea to an audience is called a presentation. The spdes can have text, images, tables, audio, video or other multimedia information arranged on them. MS-PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, Lotus Freelance, etc. are some popular presentation tools.

Database Management System
Software that manages storage, updating and retrieval of data by creating databases is called database management system. Some popular database management tools are MS-Access, MySQL, Oracle, FoxPro, etc.