Weka Tutorial
Selected Reading
- Weka - Discussion
- Weka - Useful Resources
- Weka - Quick Guide
- Weka - Feature Selection
- Weka - Association
- Weka - Clustering
- Weka - Classifiers
- Weka - Preprocessing the Data
- Weka - File Formats
- Weka - Loading Data
- Weka - Launching Explorer
- Weka - Installation
- What is Weka?
- Weka - Introduction
- Weka - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Weka - Discussion
Discuss Weka
Weka is a comprehensive software that lets you to preprocess the big data, apply different machine learning algorithms on big data and compare various outputs. This software makes it easy to work with big data and train a machine using machine learning algorithms. This tutorial will guide you in the use of WEKA for achieving all the above requirements.