Teradata Basics
- Teradata - SubQueries
- Teradata - Joins
- Teradata - Primary Index
- Teradata - CASE & COALESCE
- Teradata - Aggregate Functions
- Teradata - Built-in Functions
- Teradata - Date/Time Functions
- Teradata - String Manipulation
- Teradata - SET Operators
- Logical & Conditional Operators
- Teradata - SELECT Statement
- Teradata - Data Manipulation
- Teradata - Tables
- Teradata - Data Types
- Teradata - Relational Concepts
- Teradata - Architecture
- Teradata - Installation
- Teradata - Introduction
Teradata Advanced
- Teradata - BTEQ
- Teradata - FastExport
- Teradata - MultiLoad
- Teradata - FastLoad
- Teradata - Performance Tuning
- Teradata - User Management
- Teradata - Data Protection
- Teradata - OLAP Functions
- Teradata - Partitioned Primary Index
- Teradata - JOIN Strategies
- Teradata - Stored Procedure
- Teradata - Macros
- Teradata - Views
- Teradata - Join Index
- Teradata - Hashing Algorithm
- Teradata - Explain
- Teradata - Compression
- Teradata - Statistics
- Teradata - Secondary Index
- Teradata - Space Concepts
- Teradata - Table Types
Teradata Useful Resources
- Teradata - Discussion
- Teradata - Useful Resources
- Teradata - Quick Guide
- Teradata - Questions & Answers
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Teradata - Statistics
Teradata optimizer comes up with an execution strategy for every SQL query. This execution strategy is based on the statistics collected on the tables used within the SQL query. Statistics on the table is collected using COLLECT STATISTICS command. Optimizer requires environment information and data demographics to come up with optimal execution strategy.
Environment Information
Number of Nodes, AMPs and CPUs
Amount of memory
Data Demographics
Number of rows
Row size
Range of values in the table
Number of rows per value
Number of Nulls
There are three approaches to collect statistics on the table.
Random AMP Samppng
Full statistics collection
Using SAMPLE option
Collecting Statistics
COLLECT STATISTICS command is used to collect statistics on a table.
Following is the basic syntax to collect statistics on a table.
COLLECT [SUMMARY] STATISTICS INDEX (indexname) COLUMN (columnname) ON <tablename>;
The following example collects statistics on EmployeeNo column of Employee table.
When the above query is executed, it produces the following output.
*** Update completed. 2 rows changed. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
Viewing Statistics
You can view the collected statistics using HELP STATISTICS command.
Following is the syntax to view the statistics collected.
HELP STATISTICS <tablename>;
Following is an example to view the statistics collected on Employee table.
When the above query is executed, it produces the following result.
Date Time Unique Values Column Names -------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------- 16/01/01 08:07:04 5 * 16/01/01 07:24:16 3 DepartmentNo 16/01/01 08:07:04 5 EmployeeNoAdvertisements