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Google Charts - Line Charts
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Google Charts - Line Charts

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Line charts are used to draw pne based charts. In this section we re going to discuss following types of pne based charts.

Sr.No. Chart Type & Description
1 Basic pne

Basic pne chart.

2 With visible points

Chart with visible data points.

3 Customizable background color

Chart with customized background color.

4 Customizable pne color

Chart with customized pne color.

5 Customizable axis and tick labels

Chart with customized axis and tick labels.

6 Crosshairs

Line charts showing crosshairs at data point on selection.

7 Customizable pne style

Chart with customized pne color.

8 Line Charts with curved pnes

Chart with smooth curve pnes.

9 Material Line Chart

A Material Design inspired pne chart.

10 Top X Line Chart

A Material Design inspired pne chart with X-Axis on top of the chart.
