- Apache Tajo - Custom Functions
- Apache Tajo - JDBC Interface
- OpenStack Swift Integration
- Apache Tajo - Integration with Hive
- Integration with HBase
- Apache Tajo - Storage Plugins
- Apache Tajo - SQL Queries
- Aggregate & Window Functions
- Apache Tajo - SQL Statements
- Apache Tajo - Table Management
- Apache Tajo - Database Creation
- Apache Tajo - JSON Functions
- Apache Tajo - DateTime Functions
- Apache Tajo - String Functions
- Apache Tajo - Math Functions
- Apache Tajo - SQL Functions
- Apache Tajo - Operators
- Apache Tajo - Data Types
- Apache Tajo - Shell Commands
- Apache Tajo - Configuration Settings
- Apache Tajo - Installation
- Apache Tajo - Architecture
- Apache Tajo - Introduction
- Apache Tajo - Home
Apache Tajo Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Apache Tajo - Data Types
To execute a query in a Tajo shell, open your terminal and move to the Tajo installed directory and then type the following command −
$ bin/tsql
You will now see the response as shown in the following program −
You can now execute your queries. Otherwise you can run your queries through web console apppcation to the following URL − http://localhost:26080/
Primitive Data Types
Apache Tajo supports the following pst of primitive data types −
S.No. | Data type & Description |
1 | integer Used for storing integer value with 4 bytes storage. |
2 | tinyint Tiny integer value is 1 byte |
3 | smalpnt Used for storing small size integer 2 bytes value. |
4 | bigint Big range integer value has 8 bytes storage. |
5 | boolean Returns true/false. |
6 | real Used for storing real value. Size is 4 bytes. |
7 | float Floating point precision value which has 4 or 8 bytes storage space. |
8 | double Double point precision value stored in 8 bytes. |
9 | char[(n)] Character value. |
10 | varchar[(n)] Variable-length non-Unicode data. |
11 | number Decimal values. |
12 | binary Binary values. |
13 | date Calendar date (year, month, day). Example − DATE 2016-08-22 |
14 | time Time of day (hour, minute, second, milpsecond) without a time zone. Values of this type are parsed and rendered in the session time zone. |
15 | timezone Time of day (hour, minute, second, milpsecond) with a time zone. Values of this type are rendered using the time zone from the value. Example − TIME 01:02:03.456 Asia/kolkata |
16 | timestamp Instant in time that includes the date and time of day without a time zone. Example − TIMESTAMP 2016-08-22 03:04:05.321 |
17 | text Variable-length Unicode text. |