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Apache Pig - Math Functions
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Apache Pig - Math Functions

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We have the following Math functions in Apache Pig −

S.N. Functions & Description
1 ABS(expression)

To get the absolute value of an expression.

2 ACOS(expression)

To get the arc cosine of an expression.

3 ASIN(expression)

To get the arc sine of an expression.

4 ATAN(expression)

This function is used to get the arc tangent of an expression.

5 CBRT(expression)

This function is used to get the cube root of an expression.

6 CEIL(expression)

This function is used to get the value of an expression rounded up to the nearest integer.

7 COS(expression)

This function is used to get the trigonometric cosine of an expression.

8 COSH(expression)

This function is used to get the hyperbopc cosine of an expression.

9 EXP(expression)

This function is used to get the Euler’s number e raised to the power of x.

10 FLOOR(expression)

To get the value of an expression rounded down to the nearest integer.

11 LOG(expression)

To get the natural logarithm (base e) of an expression.

12 LOG10(expression)

To get the base 10 logarithm of an expression.

13 RANDOM( )

To get a pseudo random number (type double) greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.

14 ROUND(expression)

To get the value of an expression rounded to an integer (if the result type is float) or rounded to a long (if the result type is double).

15 SIN(expression)

To get the sine of an expression.

16 SINH(expression)

To get the hyperbopc sine of an expression.

17 SQRT(expression)

To get the positive square root of an expression.

18 TAN(expression)

To get the trigonometric tangent of an angle.

19 TANH(expression)

To get the hyperbopc tangent of an expression.
