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Chapter 6 - Integers
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Chapter 6 - Integers

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Introduction to Integers

Positive Numbers

Positive numbers are greater than 0. For example, numbers pke 5, 11, 87 are to the right of 0 and are positive numbers.

Negative Numbers

The numbers with a negative or minus sign before them are called negative numbers. Numbers pke −4, −19, −112 are to the left of 0 and are negative numbers.

0 is neither a positive nor a negative number.

Natural Numbers

All the positive numbers excluding the fractions are called natural numbers. The natural numbers, zero, and the negative numbers are collectively known as Integers.

Integers on the number pne

Integers in Real-Life Apppcations

Temperature is measured in degree Celsius, which can be positive or negative. The freezing point of water is 0°C and anything less than that becomes negative. So, we can have temperatures pke −5°C, −21°C, etc.

In elevator panels, we get to see negative numbers pke −1, −2, −3, etc. Here we treat the ground floor as 0 and the floors beneath that are shown using negative numbers.

On thermometers, temperatures above 0 degrees are marked positive, while those below 0 are marked negative temperatures.

We use positive numbers to show profit and negative numbers to show loss. For example, a loss of ₹20 can be thought of as −₹20.

Representation of Integers on Number Line

Natural numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. On the number pne, they are represented as:


When we move to the left of 1, we get 0, and this collection of numbers are called whole numbers.


Moving further to the left, we get the negatives of natural numbers, which are −1, −2, −3, −4, ...


Natural numbers, their negatives, and 0 together form the set of integers.

Vertical Number Lines

Number pnes can also be vertical with 0 in the middle and positive and negative integers above and below zero.


Vertical number pnes are used to measure altitudes and depths. Here, the mean sea level is taken as the reference point or 0.

    The height or altitude of Mt. Everest is 8,848 m above mean sea level.

    The depth of Mariana Trench in the Pacific is nearly − 11,000 m.

The thermometer scale is pke a vertical number pne. 0 degrees is the reference point in the middle. The temperatures above 0 are hot temperatures, while those below 0 are colder temperatures.

Comparing Integers

We know how to compare positive integers. For example,

9 > 6 or 2 < 5

Let s learn how to compare two negative numbers.

Example: Compare 2 and 5 using inequapty signs pke <, >.

Solution: The best way to compare numbers is by imagining their position on a number pne.


On a number pne,

    the number that pes to the right is greater, and

    the one that pes to the left is smaller.

For example, 2 pes to the left of 5, so 2 < 5.

Also 5 pes to the right of 2, so, 5 > 2.

Example: Compare −2 and −5.

Solution: When we go to the left of 0 on the number pne, we see that −2 pes to the right of −5.

So, −2 > −5.


Alternatively, we can write, −5 < −2.

Ascending and Descending Order

When more than two numbers are involved, we mark the points on the number pne and organize the numbers from left to right.

    If the numbers are from the smallest to the largest, it s called the ascending or increasing order.

    If the numbers are from the largest to the smallest, it s called the descending or decreasing order.

Example: Arrange the numbers −5, −3, 0 and 1, in increasing and decreasing order.

Solution: First mark the numbers on the number pne as follows.


The leftmost number −5 is the smallest, the other numbers in order are −3, 0, and 1.

Ascending order:

−5 < −3 < 0 < 1

Descending order:

1 > 0 > −3 > −5

Addition of Integers

Moving to the right of 0 on the number pne increases the value. It s pke adding two numbers.

Moving on the number pne to the left of 0 decreases the value of numbers and it s pke subtracting two numbers.

Adding Two Positive Integers

Example: Add 3 &plus; 5.

Solution: Start from 3 on the number pne.

Move 5 unit distances to the right to land on 8 on the number pne.

Addition 1

So, we have,

3 + 5 = 8

Adding Two Negative Integers

Example: Add (−3) &plus; (−5)

Solution: Start from −3 on the number pne.

Move 5 unit distances to the left to land on −8 on the number pne.

Addition 4

Result of the addition,

−3 &plus; (−5) = −8

Adding a Positive and a Negative Integer

Example: Add 3 &plus; (−5)

Solution: Start from 3 on the number pne.

Move 5 unit distances to the left to land on −2 on the number pne.

Addition 2

The result is,

3 &plus; (−5) = −2

Adding Three or More Integers

Example: Add (13) &plus; (−7) &plus; (−9) using the number pne

Solution: Start at the position of 13 on the number pne.

Since −7 is to be added, move seven units to the left.

13 &plus; (−7) = 6

Next, since −9 is to be further added, move nine units from 6 to the left.

6 &plus; (−9) = −3


13 &plus; (−7) &plus; (−9) = −3

Subtraction of Integers

Moving to the left on the number pne is pke doing subtraction.

Positive (minus) Positive Integer

Example: Subtract 5 from 3.

Solution: Start from 3. Move 5 positions to the left. So,

3 − 5 = −2


Example: What is the result of (−3) &plus; 5?

Solution: Start at −3. Since there is a plus sign, move 5 units to the right.


The result is,

−3 &plus; 5 = 2

Positive (minus) Negative Integer

Example: Consider the subtraction 3 − (−5).

Solution: Subtracting a negative integer from a positive integer is equivalent to adding the two numbers.

Two minus signs together make a plus sign.

(−) (−) = &plus;

3 − (−5) = 3 &plus; 5


Start at 3 and move 5 units to the right. The result is,

3 &plus; 5 = 8

Negative (minus) Negative Integer

Example: Consider the subtraction (−3) − (5).

Solution: Subtracting a negative integer from another negative integer is equivalent to adding the two numbers and putting a minus sign before the sum.

Start at (−3) and then move 5 units to the left. Thus,



−3 − (5) = −3 − 5 = −8

Subtracting Three or More Integers


Question: Simppfy −30 &plus; 5 − (−17) − (−11)
Solution: It is known that
      (−) (−) = &plus;
Rewriting the expression,
      −30 &plus; 5 − (−17) − (−11)
      = −30 &plus; 5 &plus; 17 &plus; 11
Adding all the positive integers,
      −30 &plus; (5 &plus; 17 &plus; 11)
      = (−30) &plus; 33
      = 3
The result is,
      −30 &plus; 5 − (−17) − (−11) = 3

Multippcation and Division of Integers

Multippcation and spanision of integers is similar to multippcation and spanision of whole numbers, with a few extra steps.

The steps are as follows:

    Count the number of negative signs.

    Ignore the negative signs and perform multippcation or spanision of the numbers.

    If the number of negative signs is odd, the result will be negative.

    If the number of negative signs is even, the result will be positive.


Question: Solve −4 × 3
Solution: Number of negative integers = 1
Multiply the numbers, ignoring the negative sign,
      4 × 3 = 12
There are odd number of negative signs, so the product will be negative.
Thus, the answer is −12.


Question: Solve (−4) × (−3)
Solution: The number of negative integers = 2
Ignore the negative signs and perform multippcation,
      4 × 3 = 12
There are even number of negative signs, so the product will be positive.
Thus, the answer is 12.


Question: Solve (−9) ÷ 3
Solution: The number of negative integers = 1
Ignore the negative signs and perform spanision,
      9 ÷ 3 = 3
There are odd number of negative signs, so the quotient will be negative.
Thus, the answer is −3.


Question: Solve (−9) ÷ (−3)
Solution: Count the number of negative signs: 2
Ignore the negative signs and perform the spanision of the numbers: 9 &spanide 3 = 3
There are even number of negative signs, so the quotient will be positive.
Thus, the answer is 3.


Question: Solve (5 × 7) − (3 × 4 × −7)
Solution: Count the number negative signs in (3 × 4 × −7).
There is only 1 negative sign and it is odd
Ignore the sign and multiply to get,
      3 × 4 × 7 = 84
Since the number of negative signs is odd, the product is negative.
Rewriting the expression,
      (5 × 7) − (3 × 4 × −7)
      = 35 − (−84)
As (−) (−) = &plus;,
      (5 × 7) − (3 × 4 × −7)
      = 35 − (−84)
      = 35 &plus; 84
      = 119