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Software Testing - QA, QC & Testing
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Software Testing - QA, QC & Testing

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Testing, Quapty Assurance,and Quapty Control

大多数人在缩小质量保证、质量控制和测试之间的差别时感到困惑。 虽然它们相互关联,在某种程度上,它们可被视为相同活动,但存在区分点。 下表列出了区别QA、QC和测试的点。

Quapty Assurance Quapty Control Testing
QA includes activities that ensure the implementation of processes, procedures and standards in context to verification of developed software and intended requirements. It includes activities that ensure the verification of a developed software with respect to documented (or not in some cases) requirements. It includes activities that ensure the identification of bugs/error/defects in a software.
Focuses on processes and procedures rather than conducting actual testing on the system. Focuses on actual testing by executing the software with an aim to identify bug/defect through implementation of procedures and process. Focuses on actual testing.
Process-oriented activities. Product-oriented activities. Product-oriented activities.
Preventive activities. It is a corrective process. It is a preventive process.
It is a subset of Software Test Life Cycle (STLC). QC can be considered as the subset of Quapty Assurance. Testing is the subset of Quapty Control.

Audit and Inspection

这是一个系统的过程,用以确定在一个组织或小组内如何进行实际检测。 一般来说,它是对软件测试过程中涉及的程序的独立审查。 按照能源机构的要求,它是对各组织实施和遵循的有文件记录的程序的审查。 审计类型包括法律合规性审计、内部审计和系统审计。

这是一种正式的技术,通过查明任何错误或差距,对任何艺术品进行正式或非正式的技术审查。 根据ISO94,检查是一种正式评价技术,在这种评估中,软件要求、设计或编码由作者以外的个人或团体详细审查,以发现错误、违反发展标准和其他问题。


Testing and Debugging

它涉及在软件中识别 b/error/defect而不加以纠正。 通常具有质量保证背景的专业人员都参与鉴定假肢。 测试阶段进行。

它涉及查明、孤立和确定问题/难题。 软件编码的开发商在代码出现错误时进行分解。 偷窃是白箱测试或单位测试的一部分。 在发展阶段,在进行单位测试时或分阶段进行,同时确定所报的包裹。
