- Mockito - Discussion
- Mockito - Useful Resources
- Mockito - Quick Guide
- Mockito - Timeouts
- Behavior Driven Development
- Mockito - Resetting Mock
- Mockito - Spying
- Mockito - Callbacks
- Mockito - Ordered Verification
- Mockito - Create Mock
- Mockito - Exception Handling
- Mockito - Varying Calls
- Mockito - Expecting Calls
- Mockito - Verifying Behavior
- Mockito - Adding Behavior
- Mockito - JUnit Integration
- Mockito - First Application
- Mockito - Environment Setup
- Mockito - Overview
- Mockito - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Mockito - Quick Guide
Mockito - Overview
What is Mocking?
磁盘是测试一个孤立的班级功能的一种方法。 磁盘不需要数据库链接或读取或存档服务器测试功能的财产档案。 磁场物体对实际服务进行模拟。 一辆ck车标出的是一种与某些 du米投入相对应的 du子数据。
Mockito faciptates creating mock objects seamlessly. It uses Java Reflection in order to create mock objects for a given interface. Mock objects are nothing but proxy for actual implementations.
Consider a case of Stock Service which returns the price details of a stock. During development, the actual stock service cannot be used to get real-time data. So we need a dummy implementation of the stock service. Mockito can do the same very easily, as its name suggests.
Benefits of Mockito
Ordereck support- Supportseck on order of methods calls。
年度支持——支持使用通知制造 mo。
package com.tutorialspoint.mock; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; pubpc class PortfopoTester { pubpc static void main(String[] args){ //Create a portfopo object which is to be tested Portfopo portfopo = new Portfopo(); //Creates a pst of stocks to be added to the portfopo List<Stock> stocks = new ArrayList<Stock>(); Stock googleStock = new Stock("1","Google", 10); Stock microsoftStock = new Stock("2","Microsoft",100); stocks.add(googleStock); stocks.add(microsoftStock); //Create the mock object of stock service StockService stockServiceMock = mock(StockService.class); // mock the behavior of stock service to return the value of various stocks when(stockServiceMock.getPrice(googleStock)).thenReturn(50.00); when(stockServiceMock.getPrice(microsoftStock)).thenReturn(1000.00); //add stocks to the portfopo portfopo.setStocks(stocks); //set the stockService to the portfopo portfopo.setStockService(stockServiceMock); double marketValue = portfopo.getMarketValue(); //verify the market value to be //10*50.00 + 100* 1000.00 = 500.00 + 100000.00 = 100500 System.out.println("Market value of the portfopo: "+ marketValue); } }
让我们理解上述方案的重要概念。 完整的代码载于First Apppcation。
何时(......).thenReturn(......) - Mock implementation of RecPrice methods of Stockservice cross。 For googleStock, Back 5000 as Price.
portfopo.setStocks(......) 投资组合现在包括两个库存清单。
portfopo.setStockservice(......) - 将股票服务公司对投资组合表示反对。
portfopo.getMarketValue () - 组合利用模拟存货服务,以股票为基础,回报市场价值。
Mockito - Environment Setup
姆博托是 Java的一个框架,因此,第一个要求是将联合发射K安装在你机上。
System Requirement
JDK | 1.5 or above. |
Memory | no minimum requirement. |
Disk Space | no minimum requirement. |
Operating System | no minimum requirement. |
OS | Task | Command |
Windows | Open Command Console | c:> java -version |
Linux | Open Command Terminal | $ java -version |
Mac | Open Terminal | machine:> joseph$ java -version |
OS | Output |
Windows | java 版本“1.6.0_21” > |
Linux | java 版本“1.6.0_21” > |
Mac | java 版本“1.6.0_21” > |
如没有安装 Java,则安装 Java软件开发基(SDK)
我们假定,在你的系统上安装了16.0_21 Java。
Step 2 - Set JAVA Environment
设定JAVA_HOME环境变量,以标明 Java在你的机器上安装的基名录位置。 例如,
OS | Output |
Windows | Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_21 |
Linux | export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java-current |
Mac | export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home |
将 Java编者的位置应用到你的系统途径。
OS | Output |
Windows | Append the string ;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_21in to the end of the system variable, Path. |
Linux | export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin/ |
Mac | not required |
如上文所述,使用“指挥java-version对 Java装置进行核查”。
OS | Archive name |
Windows | mockito-all-2.0.2-beta.jar |
Linux | mockito-all-2.0.2-beta.jar |
Mac | mockito-all-2.0.2-beta.jar |
设定Mockito_HOME 环境变量,以标明Mockito和依附室存放在你的机器上的基本目录位置。 下表显示了如何将环境变量设定在不同的运作系统中,假设我们把 mo-all-2.0.2-beta.jar推到C:>Mockito 夹。
OS | Output |
Windows | Set the environment variable Mockito_HOME to C:Mockito |
Linux | export Mockito_HOME=/usr/local/Mockito |
Mac | export Mockito_HOME=/Library/Mockito |
Step 5 - Set CLASSPATH 可变
设定CLASSPATH环境变量,以标明储存Mockito jar的地点。 下表显示如何将CLCSATH变量设定在不同操作系统上。
OS | Output |
Windows | Set the environment variable CLASSPATH to %CLASSPATH%;%Mockito_HOME%mockito-all-2.0.2-beta.jar;.; |
Linux | export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$Mockito_HOME/mockito-all-2.0.2-beta.jar:. |
Mac | export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$Mockito_HOME/mockito-all-2.0.2-beta.jar:. |
http://github.com/junit-team/junit/wiki/Download-and-Install”rel=“nofollow” Target=_blank” Save the rafter at the place C:>Junit.
OS | Archive name |
Windows | junit4.11.jar, hamcrest-core-1.2.1.jar |
Linux | junit4.11.jar, hamcrest-core-1.2.1.jar |
Mac | junit4.11.jar, hamcrest-core-1.2.1.jar |
设定JUNIT_HOME环境变量,以标明在你的机器上储存JUSZ jars的基本目录位置。 下表显示,假设我们在C:>Junit4.11.jar 和hamcrest-core-1.2.1.jar 储存起来,如何将这一环境变量设定在不同的运作系统中。
OS | Output |
Windows | Set the environment variable JUNIT_HOME to C:JUNIT |
Linux | export JUNIT_HOME=/usr/local/JUNIT |
Mac | export JUNIT_HOME=/Library/JUNIT |
将CLASSPATH环境变量确定为JUNIT jar地点。 下表显示了在不同的操作系统上如何做到这一点。
OS | Output |
Windows | Set the environment variable CLASSPATH to %CLASSPATH%;%JUNIT_HOME%junit4.11.jar;%JUNIT_HOME%hamcrest-core-1.2.1.jar;.; |
Linux | export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JUNIT_HOME/junit4.11.jar:$JUNIT_HOME/hamcrest-core-1.2.1.jar:. |
Mac | export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JUNIT_HOME/junit4.11.jar:$JUNIT_HOME/hamcrest-core-1.2.1.jar:. |
Mockito - First Apppcation
在讨论《监控框架》的细节之前,请见申请。 在这方面,我们创建了一个储存服务舱,以获得某些库存的 du价,并测试了一个称为组合的 j。
<File: Stock.java Step 2 - 创建接口储存服务,以获得存货价格 <File: Stockservice.java <File: RPM.java Step 4 - 测试组合类别 让我们测试组合类别,在组合中注入一ck的股票服务。 Mockito将创建。 <File: 组合试验器.java 使用javac进行分类 编辑: 如今,管理证券业者看到结果—— 核实产出 在本章中,我们学习如何把Junnit和Mockito结合起来。 在此,我们将创立一个数学应用程序,利用计算服务开展基本的数学业务,如增加、减员、乘数和分立。 我们利用Mockito来模拟计算器服务的 du。 此外,我们广泛利用说明,以显示其与Junnit和Mockito的兼容性。 下文逐个讨论这一进程。 Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能 <>File: 计算器服务.java <>File: MathApppcation.java Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category 请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。 <File: MathApppcation Tester.java Step 4 - 创建一等执行课程以测试案件。 在C> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。 Step 5 - Verification of the Result 使用javac进行分类 编辑: 如今,测试操作员观看结果—— 核实产出。 了解更多关于Junnit的情况,请参见Tustorials Point的Junnit Tutorial。 Mockito在(......)时使用方法对 object物体添加功能。 审视以下法典。 在此,我们指示Mockito在 此时此刻,Mock记录了这种行为,是一只工作 mo子。 Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能 <>File: 计算器服务.java <>File: MathApppcation.java Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category 请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。 <File: MathApppcation Tester.java 在C:>Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施测试案例。 Step 5 - Verification of the Result 使用javac进行分类 编辑: 如今,测试操作员观看结果—— 核实产出。 Mockito可以确保 mo式方法是否被称作有重复的论点。 采用verification()方法进行。 审视以下法典。 Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能 <>File: 计算器服务.java <>File: MathApppcation.java Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category 请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。 <File: MathApppcation Tester.java 在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。 Step 5 - Verification of the Result 使用javac进行分类 编辑: 如今,该测试仪正在运行,以了解结果。 核实产出。 <>File: 计算器服务.java <>File: MathApppcation.java Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category 请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。 <File: MathApppcation Tester.java 在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。 Step 5 - Verification of the Result 使用javac进行分类 编辑: 如今,测试操作员观看结果—— 核实产出。 Mockito就特定方法可以发出的呼吁数量进行特别检查。 Suppose MathApppcation should refer the raporservice.serviceUsed() approach only one, it should not be found raporservice. 服务单位不止一次。 创建计算器 服务接口如下。 <>File: 计算器服务.java <>File: 计算器服务.java <>File: MathApppcation.java Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category 请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。 <File: MathApppcation Tester.java 在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。 Step 5 - Verification of the Result 使用javac进行分类 编辑: 如今,测试操作员观看结果—— 核实产出。 Mockito提供了以下额外方法,以改变预期的电话量。 atLeast (int min) - 期望拨打。 atLeastOnce ()——至少需要一次电话。 atMost (int max) - 期望电话最多。
pubpc class Stock {
private String stockId;
private String name;
private int quantity;
pubpc Stock(String stockId, String name, int quantity){
this.stockId = stockId;
this.name = name;
this.quantity = quantity;
pubpc String getStockId() {
return stockId;
pubpc void setStockId(String stockId) {
this.stockId = stockId;
pubpc int getQuantity() {
return quantity;
pubpc String getTicker() {
return name;
pubpc interface StockService {
pubpc double getPrice(Stock stock);
import java.util.List;
pubpc class Portfopo {
private StockService stockService;
private List<Stock> stocks;
pubpc StockService getStockService() {
return stockService;
pubpc void setStockService(StockService stockService) {
this.stockService = stockService;
pubpc List<Stock> getStocks() {
return stocks;
pubpc void setStocks(List<Stock> stocks) {
this.stocks = stocks;
pubpc double getMarketValue(){
double marketValue = 0.0;
for(Stock stock:stocks){
marketValue += stockService.getPrice(stock) * stock.getQuantity();
return marketValue;
package com.tutorialspoint.mock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
pubpc class PortfopoTester {
Portfopo portfopo;
StockService stockService;
pubpc static void main(String[] args){
PortfopoTester tester = new PortfopoTester();
pubpc void setUp(){
//Create a portfopo object which is to be tested
portfopo = new Portfopo();
//Create the mock object of stock service
stockService = mock(StockService.class);
//set the stockService to the portfopo
pubpc boolean testMarketValue(){
//Creates a pst of stocks to be added to the portfopo
List<Stock> stocks = new ArrayList<Stock>();
Stock googleStock = new Stock("1","Google", 10);
Stock microsoftStock = new Stock("2","Microsoft",100);
//add stocks to the portfopo
//mock the behavior of stock service to return the value of various stocks
double marketValue = portfopo.getMarketValue();
return marketValue == 100500.0;
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac Stock.java StockService.java Portfopo.java PortfopoTester.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java PortfopoTester
Mockito - JUnit Integration
pubpc interface CalculatorService {
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2);
pubpc class MathApppcation {
private CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){
this.calcService = calcService;
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.add(input1, input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.subtract(input1, input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.multiply(input1, input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.spanide(input1, input2);
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
// @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data
pubpc class MathApppcationTester {
//@InjectMocks annotation is used to create and inject the mock object
MathApppcation mathApppcation = new MathApppcation();
//@Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected
CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void testAdd(){
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
//test the add functionapty
Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
pubpc class TestRunner {
pubpc static void main(String[] args) {
Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class);
for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation.
java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Adding Behavior
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
pubpc interface CalculatorService {
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2);
pubpc class MathApppcation {
private CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){
this.calcService = calcService;
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.add(input1, input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.subtract(input1, input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.multiply(input1, input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.spanide(input1, input2);
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
// @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data
pubpc class MathApppcationTester {
//@InjectMocks annotation is used to create and inject the mock object
MathApppcation mathApppcation = new MathApppcation();
//@Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected
CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void testAdd(){
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
//test the add functionapty
Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
pubpc class TestRunner {
pubpc static void main(String[] args) {
Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class);
for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation.
java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Verifying Behavior
//test the add functionapty
Assert.assertEquals(calcService.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
//verify call to calcService is made or not with same arguments.
verify(calcService).add(10.0, 20.0);
Example - verify() with same arguments
pubpc interface CalculatorService {
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2);
pubpc class MathApppcation {
private CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){
this.calcService = calcService;
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){
//return calcService.add(input1, input2);
return input1 + input2;
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.subtract(input1, input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.multiply(input1, input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.spanide(input1, input2);
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
// @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data
pubpc class MathApppcationTester {
//@InjectMocks annotation is used to create and inject the mock object
MathApppcation mathApppcation = new MathApppcation();
//@Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected
CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void testAdd(){
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
//test the add functionapty
Assert.assertEquals(calcService.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
//verify the behavior
verify(calcService).add(10.0, 20.0);
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
pubpc class TestRunner {
pubpc static void main(String[] args) {
Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class);
for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation.
java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Example - verify() with different arguments
pubpc interface CalculatorService {
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2);
pubpc class MathApppcation {
private CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){
this.calcService = calcService;
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){
//return calcService.add(input1, input2);
return input1 + input2;
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.subtract(input1, input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.multiply(input1, input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.spanide(input1, input2);
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
// @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data
pubpc class MathApppcationTester {
//@InjectMocks annotation is used to create and inject the mock object
MathApppcation mathApppcation = new MathApppcation();
//@Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected
CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void testAdd(){
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
//test the add functionapty
Assert.assertEquals(calcService.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
//verify the behavior
verify(calcService).add(20.0, 30.0);
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
pubpc class TestRunner {
pubpc static void main(String[] args) {
Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class);
for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation.
java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
calcService.add(20.0, 30.0);
-> at MathApppcationTester.testAdd(MathApppcationTester.java:32)
Actual invocation has different arguments:
calcService.add(10.0, 20.0);
-> at MathApppcation.add(MathApppcation.java:10)
Mockito - Expecting Calls
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
//pmit the method call to 1, no less and no more calls are allowed
verify(calcService, times(1)).add(10.0, 20.0);
pubpc interface CalculatorService {
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2);
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
pubpc interface CalculatorService {
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2);
pubpc class MathApppcation {
private CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){
this.calcService = calcService;
pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.add(input1, input2);
pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.subtract(input1, input2);
pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.multiply(input1, input2);
pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){
return calcService.spanide(input1, input2);
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
// @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data
pubpc class MathApppcationTester {
//@InjectMocks annotation is used to create and inject the mock object
MathApppcation mathApppcation = new MathApppcation();
//@Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected
CalculatorService calcService;
pubpc void testAdd(){
//add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers
//add the behavior of calc service to subtract two numbers
//test the add functionapty
Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
//test the subtract functionapty
Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.subtract(20.0, 10.0),10.0,0.0);
//default call count is 1
verify(calcService).subtract(20.0, 10.0);
//check if add function is called three times
verify(calcService, times(3)).add(10.0, 20.0);
//verify that method was never called on a mock
verify(calcService, never()).multiply(10.0,20.0);
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
pubpc class TestRunner {
pubpc static void main(String[] args) {
Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class);
for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation.
java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Varying Calls
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce; import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeast; import static org.mockito.Mockito.atMost; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.InjectMocks; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { //@InjectMocks annotation is used to create and inject the mock object @InjectMocks MathApppcation mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); //@Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected @Mock CalculatorService calcService; @Test pubpc void testAdd(){ //add the behavior of calc service to add two numbers when(calcService.add(10.0,20.0)).thenReturn(30.00); //add the behavior of calc service to subtract two numbers when(calcService.subtract(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(10.00); //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0); Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0); Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0); //test the subtract functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.subtract(20.0, 10.0),10.0,0.0); //check a minimum 1 call count verify(calcService, atLeastOnce()).subtract(20.0, 10.0); //check if add function is called minimum 2 times verify(calcService, atLeast(2)).add(10.0, 20.0); //check if add function is called maximum 3 times verify(calcService, atMost(3)).add(10.0,20.0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建称为测试Runner的java级档案 测试案件
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Exception Handpng
Mockito为投掷例外规定的能力,因此可以测试例外处理方法。 审视以下法典。
//add the behavior to throw exception doThrow(new Runtime Exception("spanide operation not implemented")) .when(calcService).add(10.0,20.0);
在此,我们增列了一个 exception物例外条款。 数学应用利用加薪方法使用加薪服务,而每当采用加薪服务法时, mo就扔 throw。
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.InjectMocks; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { // @TestSubject annotation is used to identify class which is going to use the mock object @TestSubject MathApppcation mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); //@Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected @Mock CalculatorService calcService; @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) pubpc void testAdd(){ //add the behavior to throw exception doThrow(new RuntimeException("Add operation not implemented")) .when(calcService).add(10.0,20.0); //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
testAdd(MathApppcationTester): Add operation not implemented false
Mockito - Create Mock
迄今为止,我们利用说明来制造 mo。 Mockito提供了制造 mo物体的各种方法。 mo( mo)制造了 mo,不停地指 method将在适当行动过程中产生的方法顺序。
calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class);
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
在此,我们在(......)时添加了两条 mo法,加上(......)和(d)项。 然而,在测试期间,我们先叫“分站”,然后打电话。 当我们使用制造(......)制造一 object物体时,该方法的执行次序并不重要。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
package com.tutorialspoint.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { private MathApppcation mathApppcation; private CalculatorService calcService; @Before pubpc void setUp(){ mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class); mathApppcation.setCalculatorService(calcService); } @Test pubpc void testAddAndSubtract(){ //add the behavior to add numbers when(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(30.0); //subtract the behavior to subtract numbers when(calcService.subtract(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(10.0); //test the subtract functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.subtract(20.0, 10.0),10.0,0); //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0); //verify call to calcService is made or not verify(calcService).add(20.0,10.0); verify(calcService).subtract(20.0,10.0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Ordered Verification
Mockito女士 采用方法顺序的班次要求 mo在适当的行动过程中进行。
//create an inOrder verifier for a single mock InOrder inOrder = inOrder(calcService); //following will make sure that add is first called then subtract is called. inOrder.verify(calcService).add(20.0,10.0); inOrder.verify(calcService).subtract(20.0,10.0);
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
在此,我们在(......)时添加了两条 mo法,加上(......)和(d)项。 然而,在测试期间,我们先叫“分站”,然后打电话。 当我们使用Mockito制造一个 mo物体时,该方法的执行次序并不重要。 采用InOrder语,我们可以确保电话秩序。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import static org.mockito.Mockito.inOrder; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.InOrder; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { private MathApppcation mathApppcation; private CalculatorService calcService; @Before pubpc void setUp(){ mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class); mathApppcation.setCalculatorService(calcService); } @Test pubpc void testAddAndSubtract(){ //add the behavior to add numbers when(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(30.0); //subtract the behavior to subtract numbers when(calcService.subtract(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(10.0); //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0); //test the subtract functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.subtract(20.0, 10.0),10.0,0); //create an inOrder verifier for a single mock InOrder inOrder = inOrder(calcService); //following will make sure that add is first called then subtract is called. inOrder.verify(calcService).subtract(20.0,10.0); inOrder.verify(calcService).add(20.0,10.0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
testAddAndSubtract(MathApppcationTester): Verification in order failure Wanted but not invoked: calculatorService.add(20.0, 10.0); -> at MathApppcationTester.testAddAndSubtract(MathApppcationTester.java:48) Wanted anywhere AFTER following interaction: calculatorService.subtract(20.0, 10.0); -> at MathApppcation.subtract(MathApppcation.java:13) false
Mockito - Callbacks
//add the behavior to add numbers when(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).thenAnswer(new Answer<Double>() { @Override pubpc Double answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { //get the arguments passed to mock Object[] args = invocation.getArguments(); //get the mock Object mock = invocation.getMock(); //return the result return 30.0; } });
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
在此,我们添加了一个模拟方法电话,在(......)时添加(......) mo物体。 然而,在测试期间,我们先叫“分站”,然后打电话。 当我们使用Mockito.createStrictMock(Mockito.createStrictMock)制造一个 mo物体时,该方法的执行顺序确实很重要。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import static org.mockito.Mockito.inOrder; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.InOrder; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { private MathApppcation mathApppcation; private CalculatorService calcService; @Before pubpc void setUp(){ mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class); mathApppcation.setCalculatorService(calcService); } @Test pubpc void testAdd(){ //add the behavior to add numbers when(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).thenAnswer(new Answer<Double>() { @Override pubpc Double answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { //get the arguments passed to mock Object[] args = invocation.getArguments(); //get the mock Object mock = invocation.getMock(); //return the result return 30.0; } }); //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Spying
Mockito为真正物体制造间谍提供了选择。 当叫作间谍时,则需要实际物体方法。
//create a spy on actual object calcService = spy(calculator); //perform operation on real object //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0);
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
在此,我们添加了一个模拟方法电话,在(......)时添加(......) mo物体。 然而,在测试期间,我们先叫“分站”,然后打电话。 当我们使用Mockito.createStrictMock(Mockito.createStrictMock)制造一个 mo物体时,该方法的执行顺序确实很重要。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { private MathApppcation mathApppcation; private CalculatorService calcService; @Before pubpc void setUp(){ mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); calcService = spy(calculator); mathApppcation.setCalculatorService(calcService); } @Test pubpc void testAdd(){ //perform operation on real object //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0); } class Calculator implements CalculatorService { @Override pubpc double add(double input1, double input2) { return input1 + input2; } @Override pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented yet!"); } @Override pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented yet!"); } @Override pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented yet!"); } } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Resetting Mock
Mockito为重构ck提供了能力,以便日后再使用。 审视以下法典。
//reset mock reset(calcService);
这里,我们翻开了 mo子。 数学应用利用了电梯服务,在重新构造后,使用模拟方法将失败试验。
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
package com.tutorialspoint.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import static org.mockito.Mockito.reset; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { private MathApppcation mathApppcation; private CalculatorService calcService; @Before pubpc void setUp(){ mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class); mathApppcation.setCalculatorService(calcService); } @Test pubpc void testAddAndSubtract(){ //add the behavior to add numbers when(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(30.0); //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0); //reset the mock reset(calcService); //test the add functionapty after resetting the mock Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
testAddAndSubtract(MathApppcationTester): expected:<0.0> but was:<30.0> false
Mockito - Behavior Driven Development
快速发展是一种书面测试方法的风格:given, when和then。 Mockito为此提供了特殊方法。 审视以下法典。
//Given given(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).willReturn(30.0); //when double result = calcService.add(20.0,10.0); //then Assert.assertEquals(result,30.0,0);
在此,我们采用given 办法,而不是 时 方法。
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
package com.tutorialspoint.mock; import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.*; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { private MathApppcation mathApppcation; private CalculatorService calcService; @Before pubpc void setUp(){ mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class); mathApppcation.setCalculatorService(calcService); } @Test pubpc void testAdd(){ //Given given(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).willReturn(30.0); //when double result = calcService.add(20.0,10.0); //then Assert.assertEquals(result,30.0,0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner
Mockito - Timeouts
//passes when add() is called within 100 ms. verify(calcService,timeout(100)).add(20.0,10.0);
Step 1 - 创建一个称为计算器的界面,提供数学功能
<>File: 计算器服务.java
pubpc interface CalculatorService { pubpc double add(double input1, double input2); pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2); pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2); pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2); }
<>File: MathApppcation.java
pubpc class MathApppcation { private CalculatorService calcService; pubpc void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){ this.calcService = calcService; } pubpc double add(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.add(input1, input2); } pubpc double subtract(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.subtract(input1, input2); } pubpc double multiply(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.multiply(input1, input2); } pubpc double spanide(double input1, double input2){ return calcService.spanide(input1, input2); } }
Step 3 - Test the MathApppcation category
请允许我测试数学应用类别,在其中注入计算器服务的模拟。 Mockito将创建。
<File: MathApppcation Tester.java
package com.tutorialspoint.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; // @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initiapze the test data @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) pubpc class MathApppcationTester { private MathApppcation mathApppcation; private CalculatorService calcService; @Before pubpc void setUp(){ mathApppcation = new MathApppcation(); calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class); mathApppcation.setCalculatorService(calcService); } @Test pubpc void testAddAndSubtract(){ //add the behavior to add numbers when(calcService.add(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(30.0); //subtract the behavior to subtract numbers when(calcService.subtract(20.0,10.0)).thenReturn(10.0); //test the subtract functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.subtract(20.0, 10.0),10.0,0); //test the add functionapty Assert.assertEquals(mathApppcation.add(20.0, 10.0),30.0,0); //verify call to add method to be completed within 100 ms verify(calcService, timeout(100)).add(20.0,10.0); //invocation count can be added to ensure multippcation invocations //can be checked within given timeframe verify(calcService, timeout(100).times(1)).subtract(20.0,10.0); } }
在C:> Mockito_WORKSPACE上创建名为“测试Runner”的java级档案,以实施试验。
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; pubpc class TestRunner { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MathApppcationTester.class); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString()); } System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); } }
Step 5 - Verification of the Result
使用javac进行分类 编辑:
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>javac CalculatorService.java MathApppcation. java MathApppcationTester.java TestRunner.java
C:Mockito_WORKSPACE>java TestRunner