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- Mobile Testing - Appium Framework
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Mobile Testing - Appium Framework
App是一种公开源测试自动化框架,用于测试本地和混合电器和移动网络仪器。 它利用网络驾驶员程序驱动SiOS和Anders。
Advantages of Appium
Drawbacks of Appium
No support for intelpgent waits.
On iOS, you can only execute one test at a time per Mac.
Limited support for gestures.
Limited support for Android < 4.1
How to Use Appium
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html“rel=“nofollow” Target=_blank” 甲型六氯环己烷
Install JDK and JRE.
Double cpck the exe and run the installer. Continue with all default options. Set the ANDROID_HOME. Cpck on SDK Manager − 选择必要的一揽子方案。 例如,如果我们正在为4.4.2建立一个申请表,那么确保工具科检查以下包裹: Android SDK Tools rev 22.6.3 Android Platform-tools rev 19.0.1 Android SDK Build-tools rev 19.1
Step 4- 创建虚拟装置-
开放式乐器演播室和点击AVD管理员。 DVD使我们能够测试和操作我们的安套。
利用以下环境制作Nexus5 DVD
装置:Nexus 5 (4.95, 1080 x 1920;xxhdpi)
具体目标:谷歌标X86(谷歌公司) - 预报系统 19
• 确保以谷歌标语选择目标。
CPU:Intel Atom (x86)
Cpck OK。
Test an App with Appium
Step 1-在安乐施室设立称为“Ro试验”的测试项目。
Step 4——现在设立 Java类,如下所示:
AppiumDriver driver; @Before pubpc void testCaseSetup()throws Exception { //service.start(); //reader.readFile(); DesiredCapabipties cap = new DesiredCapabipties(); cap.setCapabipty(MobileCapabiptyType.PLATFORM_NAME,"Android"); cap.setCapabipty(MobileCapabiptyType.DEVICE_NAME, "Android device"); cap.setCapabipty(MobileCapabiptyType.NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT, "4000"); cap.setCapabipty(MobileCapabiptyType.APP, "c://apk//sample.apk"); driver = new AndroidDriver<MobileElement>("",cap); } @Test pubpc void testcase1()throws Exception { driver.findElementByID("Example").cpck(); Asser.assertTrue(driver.findElementByID("Example").isDisplayed)); } @After pubpc void testCaseTearDown() { driver.quit(); }
Step 5——主持试验。
Cpck on build variant and select Unit Testing.
Start the Appium server with the specific port "4444".
Download the Appium for Windows from here.
Double cpck on the .exe and install Appium.
Cpck on the icon to up the UI.
Change the port if required, as shown below.
Cpck the Play button to start the server.
Connect the device with USB debugging on or start an emulator.
Right-cpck the test class and cpck on "Run".