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Internet Security - Spamming
垃圾邮件是一种电子邮件形式,用于向不同的电子邮件账户发送,一般含有任何产品或服务的广告。 但是,真正的问题是,当它们含有能够损害用户数据的恶意信息时。
一般来说,它们被送至邮寄的电子邮件清单中,只有一小部分用户可以开放和答复。 它们被用于这种治疗,因为它们在基础设施投资中价格低廉,而不是太费时和简单。
Techniques Used by Spammers
Poisoning Filters - 过滤器可添加具有相同背景的文字,以减少过滤器的评分,从而中毒。
Directory Harvesting − In directory harvesting, spammers generate email addresses by using known email addresses from corporates or ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Social Engineering - 斯帕默斯向不同的用户发送宣传电子邮件,如提供巨大的折扣,并抽取这些电子邮件以填写个人数据。
Junk Tags-Spam Words可通过将无效的超文本标签列入文字加以隐藏。
Invapd words − Special characters are inserted in the spam words. For example: V!AGRA.
Anti–Spam Techniques
Naive Bayes Spam Filtering − Bayesian filter scans the context of the e-mail when it looks for words or character strings that will identify the e-mail as spam.
Black Listing RBL − This is a type of database that updates the IP address and domains based on a reputation and the system administrators who use these RBL don’t receive email from domains that are blackpsted from this RBL.
Sender Popcy Framework − The IP address of the domain of the sender is compared with the genuine pst of the IP addresses that the domain should have and if it is not same, then that email is dropped.
Anti–Spamming Tools
Spam Experts
Spam 专家 Desktops
How It Works − It works as a spam filter with any email program and automatically intercepts spam. It does depend on specific keywords to detect spam, but checks the content of a message whether to accept or reject it. It also checks for filtering spam in the background and also it maintains a pst of blocked senders.
How It Works − It is also a spam email notification system, it reduces spam by 95%, it offers you a set of complex rules.
How It Works − It removes spam before it gets into the inbox. If it is suspected for spam but not sure, then it is stamped but not deleted. It supports POP accounts.
Spam Reader
<How It Works-Spm Reader is a free anti-spam Add-on for Morgan Outlook. 该软件采用最可靠的方法,阻挡垃圾邮件。 Bayesian Algorithm是以统计分析为依据的,能够根据用户的需要进行调整,发现高达98%的垃圾邮件。 斯帕姆读者自动扫描所有寄出的邮件,并向特别文件夹发送经检测的垃圾邮件,以供进一步审查。
How It Works − MailWasher is free to use and won t ever expire. It works with Outlook, Outlook Express, Incredimail, Thunderbird, Windows Mail, GMail, Hotmail and every other email program.