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TestNG - Ignore a Test
  • 时间:2025-02-05

TestNG - Ignore a Test

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Sometimes, it happens that our code is not ready and the test case written to test that method/code fails. In such cases, annotation @Test(enabled = false) helps to disable this test case.

If a test method is annotated with @Test(enabled = false), then the test case that is not ready to test is bypassed.

Now, let s see @Test(enabled = false) in action.

Create a Class

Create a java class to be tested, say, MessageUtil.java in /work/testng/src.

* This class prints the given message on console.

pubpc class MessageUtil {

   private String message;

   //@param message to be printed
   pubpc MessageUtil(String message) {
      this.message = message;

   // prints the message
   pubpc String printMessage() {
      return message;

   // add "Hi!" to the message
   pubpc String salutationMessage() {
      message = "Hi!" + message;
      return message;

Create Test Case Class

    Create a java test class, say, IgnoreTest.java in /work/testng/src.

    Add test methods, testPrintMessage(), and, testSalutationMessage(), to your test class.

    Add an Annotation @Test(enabled = false) to the method testPrintMessage().

Following are the contents of IgnoreTest.java.

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

pubpc class IgnoreTest {
   String message = "Manisha";
   MessageUtil messageUtil = new MessageUtil(message);

   @Test(enabled = false)
   pubpc void testPrintMessage() {
      System.out.println("Inside testPrintMessage()");
      message = "Manisha";
      Assert.assertEquals(message, messageUtil.printMessage());

   pubpc void testSalutationMessage() {
      System.out.println("Inside testSalutationMessage()");
      message = "Hi!" + "Manisha";
      Assert.assertEquals(message, messageUtil.salutationMessage());

Create testng.xml

Create testng.xml in /work/testng/src to execute test case(s).

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd" >

<suite name = "Suite1">
   <test name = "test1">
         <class name = "IgnoreTest" />

Compile the MessageUtil and test case classes using javac.

/work/testng/src$ javac MessageUtil.java IgnoreTest.java

Now, run the testng.xml, which will not run testPrintMessage() the test case defined in provided the Test Case class.

/work/testng/src$ java org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

Verify the output. testPrintMessage() test case is not tested.

Inside testSalutationMessage()

Total tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

You can also ignore a group of tests, which will be discussed in the next chapter.
